Behold the Emperor!

In the evening, Li Juan reached the shooting location where the appointment with Ning Jing was arranged. Since Ning Jing was acting in a historical drama, the shooting location was in the ancient palace situated in the outskirts of the Jing city.

It was Ning Jing's first-ever historical drama. Due to her cute angelic appearance, she was always typecasted in rom-com dramas and movies which gave importance to her looks. It was the first time, she got an opportunity to try something new,

Ning Jing was selected to play the role of a cunning antagonist.

When Li Juan called Ning Jing's manager to notify her arrival, she was asked to wait till Ning Jing finish her practice.

Since today's shooting schedule contained a war scene, Ning Jing was busy practising the action sequence with the fellow artists.

It was the first time Li Juan visiting a film set. Even though she was interested in exploring everything, Li Juan stood in a quiet corner of the filming location.

Her mind got packed with unknown fear and anxiety.

Even though Tang Wei Sheng repeated that he does not have any relationship with Ning Jing, she already got entrusted with the title of Tang Family's daughter-in-law, by the rest of the world.

A title Li Juan couldn't even dare to dream.

While Li Juan got lost in thoughts, A matte black idol van slowly entered into the shooting set creating a commotion across the crew.

Almost everyone in the filming crew ran towards the entrance halting their work. Suddenly few bodyguards present in the shooting location moved towards the van and tried to block the raging crowd. After three minutes, the back door slid opened and one of the supreme creations of God swiftly got down from the van.

"Zhang Zhi Jun!"

The people surrounding the van let out a cheer.

Li Juan couldn't believe her eyes- It is Zhang Zhi Jun, her idol.

Li Juan wanted to go and take a closer look at the renowned Nation's husband "The Zhang Zhi Jun".

Just like most of the women in the mainland, Li Juan was also a diehard fan of Zhang Zhi Jun.

Even though Zhang Zhi Jun was dressed casually with black jeans paired with a turtle neck sweater and a beige long woollen coat, he appeared breathtakingly handsome.

In the middle of swarming fans, his tall stature appeared like a King who is visiting his citizens.

His sharp physical features oozed out, an equal amount of charisma and charm.

Zhang Zhi Jun debuted five years ago and rose into stardom with his hard work and incredible acting skills. His exquisite looks were cherry on the top of the talent he showcased.

Like a wine which aged perfectly, Zhang Zhi Jun also finely aged into his late twenties.

Li Juan gaped at him with widened eyes.

Damn! She has seen a lot of men in university and outside, but Zhang Zhi Jun held a special place in her heart. In front of Zhang Zhi Jun, Li Juan was nothing but a fangirl.

Just a moment ago, she was anxious and restless about her future, the moment Li Juan saw her idol's glimpse, she forgot everything.

Why didn't anyone informed her that Zhang Zhi Jun is part of this drama?

Zhang Zhi Jun walked towards the technical crew and greeted the director and the rest.

After two minutes, Li Juan's phone rang. It was from Ning Jing's manager. She asked Li Juan to come to the waiting area.

Li Juan went inside the set and walked towards the waiting room. It was a short break between the shots and instead of getting back to their waiting rooms, all the actors were waiting in the common waiting area arranged in a quiet corner of the palace.

Li Juan could recognize a lot of familiar faces among them.

She saw Ning Jing in the middle of a few 'A' list celebrities.

Li Juan slowly walked towards her.

"Jing Jing, this is the student who is sent by the professor Han to discuss the details of the expedition." Ning Jing's manager, Mei Lin introduced Li Juan.

"Good evening Miss Ning!" Li Juan greeted her with a pleasant smile." I am Professor Han Guang's assistant, Li Juan."

"Good evening Miss Li." Ning Jing smiled and greeted back. "Please sit."

"No, it is okay, I am sorry for disturbing your work." Li Juan declined to sit together with other actors. After all, she is an outsider.

"Its okay, pretty girl, we won't mind, a man who sat two seats apart," told Li Juan with smiling eyes.

It was Ye Ling, one of the main leads in the drama.

"Thank you, Senior Ye," Ning Jing thanked him.

"Please take a seat, Miss Li,"

Li Juan thanked her and sat on the nearby chair.

"I came to inform Miss Ning about the site expedition." Chairman has mentioned your interest in joining the team.

"Yes, Miss Li, is it feasible for you guys to bring me together?" Ning Jing curiously asked.

"Our team is okay with it but", suddenly Li Juan stopped her words and froze like an ice statue.

Ning Jing who was curious to listen to Li Juan noticed the sudden interruption and looked at her.

Li Juan was looking at something with widened eyes, Ning Jing traced her gaze and turned back.

"Behold the emperor!"

Like a Demon King adorned in red and black traditional clothes, a mysterious yet devilishly charming Zhang Zhi Jun appeared from the waiting room in elegant strides.

Not only Li Juan, everyone present in the crew had a similar astonished expression on the arrival of the Zhang Zhi Jun.

Zhang Zhi Jun acted in a wide variety of roles, but whenever he played a historical character with traditional looks, he overshadowed everyone with his screen presence.

Especially, when he plays characters of Kings and warriors, nobody can match his aura and vibes- as if he is born to be a King.

He slowly walked towards the celebrity circle and took a vacant seat near Ye Ling.

"Senior Zhang, you look fantastic," Ning Jing complimented him.

"Thanks, Junior Ning." Zhang Zhi Jun replied in his alluring voice with a smile.

Li Juan felt like she has slipped into a dream. Her idol is sitting in front of her. She is breathing the same air he breaths.

Calm down Li Juan, Li Juan tried to calm her heart which acted like it is going to jump out of the rib cage.

"Shot ready," suddenly assistant director came and informed everyone.

"Miss Li," Ning Jing called Li Juan who was completely zoned out.

"Miss Li," Ning Jing shook Li Juan's arm.


"My shot is ready, I will be back in a few minutes and we will continue it later. Can you please wait here?" Ning Jing asked her.


"Yes, get her something to drink." Ning Jing ordered her personal assistant and walked towards shooting spot with her manager.

The moment Ning Jing left the vicinity Ye Ling started to talk about her.

"Did you hear that she is getting married?"

"Yeah." Zhang Zhi Jun casually replied.

"Her fans are heartbroken but can't help to become Jealous." Ye Ling laughed out like a child.

"Is she getting married to the director of Tang Zi entertainment?" Zhang Zhi Jun asked in doubt.

"Aye, that was two years ago, now he is the CEO of Tang corporations." Ye Ling clarified.

"When her scandal got viral, I didn't believe it, but later, when I give it a thought, The whole dating scandal seemed real." Ye Ling started gossiping.

"Even from her debut itself, Ning Jing always made it clear that she has a man.

Both of them even studied together in abroad.

She even said it in many interviews that her dream agency was Tang Zi, its obvious that they were in a relationship."

"Where did you get these bits of information?" Zhang Zhi Jun asked Ye Ling with dubious eyes.

"I got my ways," Ye Ling proudly declared.

"No truth can remain hidden forever.

Someday it will get released into the world."

Ye Ling said like a philosopher.

"Anyway, the person who is going to get affected by Ning Jing's marriage will be you." Ye Ling teased him.

"Fans used to ship you together and now they got another a couple and you became single again."

"Ah Bro Ling, It was you who started that ghost ship, I've always considered Ning Jing as a fellow artist." Zhang Zhi Jun said in an annoyed voice. He was not in favour of associating his name with any actress.

"Thank God, Ning Jing and that CEO are perfect for each other. You will stop gossiping for a while."

Li Juan was trying to act like she wasn't bothered about Ning Jing, who is the fiancée of her boyfriend.

But somehow she got reminded by this gossipmonger Ye ling.

Since Ning Jing is no longer present, Li Juan felt it was inappropriate to sit down there. She stood up with her coat in hand and suddenly her mobile phone slipped down.

The mobile fell near Ye Ling's chair.

"I am sorry sir," Li Juan immediately apologized to him and bent down to get her phone.


Suddenly something heavy bumped into her head.

It was Ye Ling who pick up her phone from the ground.

"I am sorry sir," Li Juan gave a 90-degree bow.

"Aye, it's okay pretty girl." Ye ling gently massaged his head and accidentally looked at the wallpaper on Li Juan's mobile phone.

Ye Ling's eyes widened in surprise.

"Zhi Jun, she is your fan." Ye Ling showed the wallpaper to Zhang Zhi Jun.

"Oh please, don't look," Li Juan tried to snatch the phone from him.

"Oooh!!!" Ye Ling perfectly dodged Li Juan and looked at her with cold eyes.

God, what did she do? He is a celebrity.

"I am sorry Sir," Li Juan immediately apologized.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize." He smiled and continued, "That picture looks too good, look it properly; it looks an original poster."

Ye Ling passed the phone to this man sitting next to him.

Zhang Zhi Jun looked at the picture and stood silent for a moment.

It was standee of Zhang Zhi Jun in a pure white costume and long hair. Li Juan was standing next to it, wearing a red Hanfu. Her whole appearance looked elegant and graceful. Both of them looked like a royal couple.

He examined the girl in front of him and the photo as if he is comparing them.

"Miss Li," Ning Jing's assistant came with a glass of juice.

"What is your name again?" Zhang Zhi Jun asked her straight away.

"Li Juan." She replied, "May I leave now?"


Li Juan bowed and walked outside. Zhang Zhi Jun's gaze followed her until she left the place.

Ye Ling noticed that and chuckled.

"It seems like someone is interested in a pretty girl."

"She looks familiar." Zhang Zhi Jun casually replied.

"Eh? That girl," Ye Ling asked him for clarification. "She looks like a foreign model."

"Hmm, she reminds of someone I met before."

"If you are interested, we can ask Ning Jing for her contact details." Ye Ling suggested. He knows Zhang Zhi Jun from the debutant days and he clearly knew that there are only a few women in the world who can leave impressions on Zhang Zhi Jun's heart.

"No, it is okay."

"As you wish, Majesty." Ye Ling agreed with Zhang Zhi Jun silently examined the man sitting before him.

Did he see a sparkle in Zhang Zhi Jun's eyes?

Did she leave any impressions on his friend?

Zhang Zhi Jun's mind tried to find similarities between the girl in his memories and the girl whom he just met.

"Is that you, Li Juan, the ace of the Archaeology department?"