Doomed love affair

Friday evening, on the way to the airport in Jing City,

Yang Xiong repeatedly looked at Tang Wei Sheng who sat in the passenger seat with his eyes closed. He remained curled against the seat like a cat. It was the day when the expedition team leaves to Xi city. For the last one week, Tang Wei Sheng worked hard and pushed himself to finish his work as early as possible in Tang Corporations for this expedition.

"Assistant Yang, do I look weird?" Tang Wei Sheng asked without opening his eyes.

" Ah, no. Are you okay, boss, you look tired?" Yang Xiong sounded worried.

" I am going on a trip, assistant Yang" Tang Wei Sheng opened his eyes and sat properly in the seat.

"Look, I am good," Tang Wei Sheng smiled at Yang Xiong.

Upon seeing his radiant smile the concerns in Yang Xiong's mind vanished in a glimpse.

When was the last time he saw Tang Wei Sheng smiling? The recent events happened in his life, made him a tougher person day by day.

Everything in Tang Wei Sheng's life was smoothly going until he met Li Juan on his birthday.

"Young master, I have something-" Yang Xiong tried to start a conversation.

"Did you investigate the matter which I mentioned that day... about Li Juan?" Tang Wei Sheng's smile gradually faded away.

"Yes, young master, I have searched about Miss Li's accident."

Tang Wei Sheng looked at Yang Xiong with curious eyes.

"Miss Li got hit by a car driven by a car thief named Cao Rui. He stole the car from a valet parking and was trying to run away with it. Miss Li just came across with him while trying to rescue a blind person. Cao Rui's wife divorced him and he got no family to request an investigation. So there wasn't any further investigation."

"What about the accident happened in the school?"

"There is nothing suspicious about it." Yang Xiong glanced at Tang Wei Sheng for a moment and focused on driving. " Miss Li used to be an outcast at school and she always prefered to stay alone, even during lunch break. She used to eat her lunch in the rooftop to avoid bullying."

"She said that it was raining on the day and she might've slipped." Tang Wei Sheng tried to remember Li Juan's words.

"Hmm, it was raining on the day."

"But, why did she go to the rooftop when it was raining?" Tang Wei Sheng shared his doubt.

"I checked the security camera visuals in the stairs leading to the rooftop and found nothing." Yang Xiong noticed the worry in Tang Wei Sheng's face. "I am still trying to get the security cam recordings from buildings next to the school."

"Hmm, keep looking,"

"Boss, there is something else...Yang Xiong pointed out suddenly, " I don't know whether it is worth mentioning"

"What is it?"

"When miss Li was in the coma, she had a heart attack due to the lack of oxygen supply. Luckily some resident doctor rescued her at the right time. She might've died but instead of that miraculously she woke up from the coma." Yang Xiong reported and looked at Tang Wei Sheng for his opinion.

"What do you think assistant Yang, do you find anything unusual?"

"I am finding each and everything about her unusual. But there is no evidence to prove it." Yang Xiong said bitterly.

"But one thing which surprises me is Miss Li's aloof attitude towards her life.

She lost both of her parents, almost escaped from death three times, she is trying to live with the help of medicines, and yet she appears warm and nice to everyone.

If someone else was in her place, they would've ended their life."

"Do you sympathize with her brother Yang?"

Yang Xiong looked at Tang Wei Sheng, amazed. Does his boss still harbour feelings for someone who cheated him?

"I should've felt bad for her, but not after knowing what she has done to you," Yang said with a resentful face.

"It is not her fault Bro Yang,"

" I know it is hard for you to forget her, but young master, she deceived you," Yang Xiong said to his face. "there is no point in thinking about someone like that."

"The Li Juan I knew is not like that," Tang Wei Sheng tried to argue.

"People change, Wei Sheng."

"Hmm, I agree with you, but Bro Yang, she remains the same about one thing, even after these years," Tang Wei Sheng said with a dispirited voice.

"She still fears him,"

"Yeah, that's why she ran away like how she ran away seven years ago. If she can't accept you just like the way you are, then you don't need her either. Yang Xiong reminded him.

"Wei Sheng, just promise me that, you will forget that woman and start everything afresh. Just stay away from her, that's good for both of you, did you understand?" Yang Xiong asked in a firm tone like an elder brother.

"Hmm, I understood," Tang Wei Sheng replied in a low voice.

A new start, yes, that's what he needs now.

Han Guang and his team were already in the airport waiting for Tang Wei Sheng and Ning Jing. Apart from researchers team, an excavation team of five men under the supervision of Wang Shiwei was also present there. Wang Shiwei was a famous excavation expert who worked for the national archaeological association.

Li Juan was busy talking with supervisor Wang Shiwei. While searching for the whereabouts of the lost city, Li Juan always visited Wang Shiwei for any informations that could help her research.

"Xiao Li, finally your dream of finding lost city is coming to true."

It is not just my dream. It is our dream, supervisor Wang, Li Juan smiled as her reply.

" I am happy for you," Wang Shiwei patted Li Juan's shoulder and smiled.

"Supervisor Wang, CEO Tang is here," Cheng Tao notified them.

"Oh! he is here, I am meeting him for the first time," Wang Shiwei stood up from his seat and looked at Li Juan.

"Are you not coming, Xiao Li?"

"Huh, yes" Li Juan stood up and followed Wang Shiwei.

"There he is, Cheng Tao pointed to towards the entrance.

"Are you sure this boy is the renowned CEO of Tang Corporation?" Wang Shiwei exclaimed. " If you dare to pull pranks on me, Cheng Tao," he made a fist at Cheng Tao. Wang Shiwei was known for his strict and upright behaviour. He was respected by everyone, so no one dared to joke around him. Well, Li Juan was an exception.

" Okay don't believe me, ask your Xiao Li, she is his junior from high school." Cheng Tao pouted.

"Xiao Li, is this boy is CEO Tang?" Li Juan looked at Wang Shiwei and followed his gaze towards the entrance.

"What the-" Li Juan left flabbergasted, on the view of two men walking towards them.

It was Tang Wei Sheng and Yang Xiong, but instead of CEO Tang and assistant Yang, they appeared like two brothers.

Tang Wei Sheng appeared like nerd chic with a pair of round spectacles, double-layered shirts, and a shearling collar jacket. If he had a backpack or a headphone he would've mistaken as a university student.

Whereas Yang Xiong, in his black suit appeared mature and radiated the vibe of a protective elder brother.

"Jeez, CEO Tang looks so cool and young in casuals, don't you think?" Cheng Tao asked Li Juan.

"Hmm" Li Juan replied involuntarily, this version of Tang Wei Sheng was new for her. Did he follow this style while he was a university student? Li Juan thought. She always saw him in formal wears or uniform, seeing him in his cool and geek avatar felt refreshing. Especially the thin black-rimmed spectacles added innocence to his look.

"Good evening professor Han, I hope we are not late."

"No, we are just early," Han Guang replied with a smile, "Where is Miss Ning, I thought both of you would come together,"

"Professor, there she is" Lee Tae Min notified them.

Ning Jing came with her manager Mei Lin.

Since the last member also arrived, the expedition team got ready to check-in and board.

" I hope you remember what I've said," Yang Xiong reminded Tang Wei Sheng. "She got another man and you are also an engaged man."

"Ah Bro Yang, have some trust in me. As long as I am in my conscious state, I will make sure to stay away from her." Tang Wei Sheng promised him and hugged Yang Xiong.

"Thank you for being with me always,"

Yang Xiong smiled and patted Tang Wei Sheng's shoulder.

" Please take care of yourself,"

"You too,"

Tang Wei Sheng bid adieu to Yang Xiong walked towards the boarding area.

By Ten pm, the expedition team reached Xi city. Though Tang Wei Sheng invited the expedition team to stay at his villa, Han Guang politely refused his offer and stayed at the hotel in the city. However, Ning Jing and her assistant went with Tang Wei Sheng to his villa. Since they are already engaged, nobody wanted to interfere with their privacy.

Next morning itself, the excavation workers from Xi city joined the team. Since the journey is supposed to start from Monday, they had few more last-minute works to do. Professor Han gave a briefing about the journey to the newly joined workers. Tang Wei Sheng went to the regional office due to some emergency and he didn't come to meet the team who stayed at the hotel.

Because of that, Li Juan appeared lively and happily interacted with the whole team, Even with Ning Jing.

Though Ning Jing is a celebrity, she appeared like a down to earth person. She was kind towards the team members and helped them in work.

Since there are only three women in the group and being the prettiest among them helped Ning Jing to gain popularity among the men in the group.

"Ning Jing is so pretty and she looks like an angel. Since she is a celebrity,I thought she will have some attitude issues, but she is so down to earth."

"I agree with you, but Miss Li looks prettier than Ning Jing. She is no lesser than the foreign model," Men in the team argued among themselves.

During the lunch break, Tang Wei Sheng paid a visit to the hotel and met the team.

The moment Tang Wei Sheng showed up, Li Juan slowly moved away from the team and waited outside the restaurant.

Ning Jing who was about to have a meal with the team noticed that Li Juan was missing from the table. She looked around and found Li Juan standing in front of the restaurant and she walked towards the entrance.

Li Juan was waiting for Lee Tae Min who went to meet the medical team who was in charge of the checkup of the teammates.

"Miss Li, what a pleasant surprise."

Li Juan looked at the man who called her name.

It was manager Zhang Zi Zhong, Tang Corporation's Xi city regional manager.

"Good afternoon manager Zhang," Li Juan's face lit with happiness. She clearly remembered the man who talked about treasure hunts and tomb raids like an excited child. "How are you?"

"I am very well Miss Li, How are you? I came to drop CEO Tang, I didn't expect that I will meet you here."

"I feel the same, manager Zhang. I didn't expect that we will meet again."

"I didn't get to say goodbye when you visited last time. You returned to Jing city without any notice." Zhang Zi Zhong said with a disappointed face. "My wife wanted to invite you for a meal."

"I am sorry for leaving without a word, manager Zhang. I had some emergencies in the capital. " Li Juan apologized to him.

"Oh, it is totally fine. I heard about it," Zhang Zi Zhong stopped for a moment and flashed "knowing-at-all" smile. "CEO Tang is getting married."

Li Juan faintly smiled at him.

Well, nothing else she can do in this situation.

"I had an intuition when CEO Tang purchased that Jade ring." Zhang Zi Zhong gaze shifted to the ring on Li Juan's finger.

"He called me in the middle of the night and asked me to come to H town first thing in the morning. When I reached there in a hurry, he said that his girlfriend likes jade a lot, so he is planning to propose her with a jade ring."

Zhang Zi Zhong smiled in content at Li Juan who appeared surprised.

"You have no idea how many designs we looked before getting this ring. I am just happy that both of you are getting married. Congratulations Miss Li,"

Both of you are getting married? What is he saying? Who is getting married? Li Juan looked at him in disbelief.

"Manager Zhang, I think there is some misunderstanding. Me and CEO Tang-"

"Li Juan," Before Li Juan could finish her words, someone called her name.

Li Juan and Zhang Zi Zhong turned back and saw Ning Jing walking towards them with an angelic smile.

Did she hear what they said? A chill went down Li Juan's spine.

"Did Ning Jing heard the moving story of her doomed love affair with Tang Wei Sheng?"