Treating like air

Ning Jing returned to the hillside villa with a heavy heart. Her mind got shaken by Li Juan and her conversation with Zhang Zi Zhong.

Even though Mei Lin assured her that Li Juan and Lee Tae Min are in a relationship, somehow she was unable to keep her mind at peace.

Ning Jing went to her room and lied down on the bed.

Why is she getting agitated by a random girl? Ning Jing pondered for a while.

Somehow Li Juan reminded her of someone she purposefully forgot,

The woman whom Tang Wei Sheng loved with all his heart.

If it wasn't the dating scandal, Tang Wei Sheng would have married his girlfriend by now.

Ning Jing took her phone and searched for a particular photo in her gallery.

It was the photo of Ning Jing and Tang Wei Sheng which got viral on the internet.

A random picture captured by some paparazzi photographer when they met at the private kitchen for the lunch date.

She looked at Tang Wei Sheng's silhouette and smiled.

That day was special for her.

Even though it was like a business meeting, it was the first time Ning Jing had a meaning ful conversation with Tang Wei Sheng after knowing him for a decade. Tang Wei Sheng behaved as if they are meeting for the first time, but in reality, Ning Jing knew him long before that.

Ning Jing's mind slowly got lost into the whirlpool of her childhood memories.

Unlike others Ning Jing spent her childhood with her grandfather. Her parents were busy with building an overseas business enterprise and they never had time to spend with little Ning. Even though grandpa Ning showered Ning Jing with love, her cousins and classmates treated her like a child who got abandoned by her parents. Added to that, her fiery and arrogant nature made her a "problem child" at home and school.

She was always alone and refused those who tried to get closer to her, until the day she met Tang Wei Sheng at a party.

When everyone avoided Ning Jing, Tang Wei Sheng stood up for her.

That was the first time in Ning Jing's life, someone other than her grandpa took her side.

Ning Jing finally let down her guard and opened her heart for him.

She liked that boy.

She wished to see him again.

She wanted to be with him.

For getting closer to him, Ning Jing planned to transfer to his school. But unfortunately, her parents took her abroad. She believed that once she started living with her parents, her life will become lively. But to her horror, nothing changed. Even though all of them stayed under the same roof, her parents never had time for her.

In a new world, without no one to care, Ning Jing gradually became a problematic child once again. She grew up beautifully, but her rude and arrogant behaviour gained her an image of a spoilt brat before everyone.

When she was struck down with emotional burdens she always remembered Tang Wei Sheng's radiant smile and tolerated everything.

She believed that apart from him, no one tried to understand her.

Her adoration towards the boy gradually evolved into love.

When life with her parents turned miserable for Ning Jing, she decided to go back to her home country- back to her happy place where her grandpa is,

where that boy lives.

While Ning Jing was waiting for the flight to C country, in the middle of a crowd, a strikingly handsome face caught her attention.

Even though puberty had done a magnificent transformation on him, Ning Jing could recognize those kind and gentle eyes in a glance.

It was Tang Wei Sheng.

The moment she saw him, Ning Jing forgot about her flight.

She didn't care about anything and followed him till he reached the university grounds. Upon realizing that Tang Wei Sheng is going to stay there, Ning Jing cancelled her plans to return to C country.

She decided to join the same programme with Tang Wei Sheng and to start everything afresh.

Unfortunately, the admission process was already over at the university. Even with her father's money, Ning Jing couldn't obtain a seat in the same class with Tang Wei Sheng. Ning Jing was reluctant to lose the chance to get closer to Tang Wei Sheng once again, so she joined for the programme which had vacant seats.

Once the college started, Ning Jing tried to talk to Tang Wei Sheng, but he appeared cold and distant towards her.

As if they have never met.

She tried every possible way to get noticed by him. She even changed her personality and started to become more friendly with everyone on the belief that one day or another Tang Wei Sheng will understand her feelings.

But Tang Wei Sheng never paid attention to her.

She continuously kept trying for five years and but it nothing happened.

After his masters Tang Wei Sheng returned to C country.

Unable to part from him, Ning Jing also followed him to try her luck once again.

When Tang Wei Sheng started his career as the director of Tang corporation's entertainment division, Ning Jing decided to become an actress and to sign under his agency.

But to her misfortune, she never got selected in Tang Zi entertainments. The next better option was joining in Starlight entertainments run by Ye Wu Fan who is Tang Wei Sheng's close friend. While she was in starlight entertainments, Ning Jing secretly gathered information about Tang Wei Sheng's likes and dislikes and tried to become his ideal woman.

Everyone knew that Tang Wei Sheng always chooses the best. Whether it is a shoe or a car, he always chooses the best.

She decided to become "the best" for him.

Ning Jing worked hard to become an A-list celebrity on the belief that she will get noticed by Tang Wei Sheng. But when she finally became an A list celebrity, Tang Wei Sheng got promoted as the CEO of Tang corporations left Tang Zi, pouring cold water over Ning Jing's plans.

But she wasn't ready to accept the failure. At that point, Tang Wei Sheng has become an obsession for her. She wanted to have him at any cost.

As a last resort, Ning Jing approached the Tang family through her grandfather.

Tang Fei who was looking for a perfect bride for his grandson was impressed by Ning Jing. Everyone in the Tang family tried to get Tang Wei Sheng married and but he brutally rejected Ning Jing even before they mentioned her name.

At last, it was Grandpa Tang Fei helped her.

He promised that he will never allow anyone other than Ning Jing to become the Tang family's daughter in law. He came up with the plan of Jade land and made an opportunity for Ning Jing to meet Tang Wei Sheng.

They met and once again, Tang Wei Sheng failed to recognize her.

But this time Ning Jing was well prepared, she made sure that her efforts don't go vain. She purposefully set up the dating scandal and spread the picture of them hanging out together.

For the first time in her life, luck was on her side, Due to the scandal Tang Wei Sheng contacted her to have a conversation.

Ning Jing was on cloud nine, when her plan worked out.

But the moment she mentioned their potential marriage, he immediately declared that he has a girlfriend.

Though Ning Jing was startled by his words, she pulled a calm and quiet act in front of him, to make him believe that she is not affected by it.

But in reality, she was heartbroken and refused to give up on Tang Wei Sheng.

She once again played a dirty scheme to make Tang Wei Sheng hers. The picture of Tang Wei Sheng and Ning Jing hugging in front of the resort made a huge fuss on the internet and put Tang Wei Sheng in a difficult position.

This time Ning Jing was not alone. Not only grandpa Ning but also Tang Wei Sheng's grandfather helped her to achieve what she desired.

Tang Wei Sheng was trapped.

There wasn't any other option other than marrying Ning Jing was left for him.

Tang Wei Sheng agreed to marry Ning Jing, upon on one condition-the marriage will be namesake and he wants a divorce after three months.

Ning Jing agreed without any hesitation.

With Tang Fei's support, She believed that once she gets married to Tang Wei Sheng, she will not give any chance for Tang Wei Sheng to get back to his "so-called girlfriend".

Tang Wei Sheng was hers, She is not going to give up on him.

Even though Tang Wei Sheng was unaware of Ning Jing's feelings, in front of everyone, he treated her like his fiance.

Those moments made her feel like she owns the whole world.

Her dream of getting married to the man she loved for years was finally getting true.

But today she was forced to wake up from her dream, and the reason was Zhang Zi Zhong.

Ning Jing tried to recollect the conversation between Li Juan and Zhang Zi Zhong.

She was sure that she heard, Zhang Zi Zhong congratulating Li Juan on getting proposed.

"Manager Zhang, I think there is some misunderstanding. Me and CEO Tang-"

Ning Jing suddenly remembered Li Juan's words.

Did she mention Tang Wei Sheng?

Ning Jing's eyes widened in shock when she recalled Li Juan's words.

Li Juan said that there is a misunderstanding.

Did Zhang Zi Zhong mistake Li Juan as Tang Wei Sheng's fiance?

How's that possible? The whole world knew that Tang Wei Sheng is getting married to Ning Jing. He is an employee working in Tang corporation in a prominent position. How can he make a mistake?

Even when she introduced herself as Tang Wei Sheng's fiance instead of congratulating her, he looked at Li Juan with disbelief.

Does that mean there is something she is unaware of? Ning Jing tried to connect the dots.

Li Juan was a mere research scholar from Jing city, how did she know the regional manager of Tang corporations?

Ning Jing knew that Tang Wei Sheng did came to Xi city and today she got to know that Li Juan accompanied him.

Li Juan might've met Zhang Zi Zhong, but that doesn't explain why he helped Li Juan's boyfriend to pick the ring.

Does that mean Zhang Zi Zhong knew Li Juan's boyfriend too?

According to what Mei Lin has said, Lee Tae Min is Li Juan's boyfriend, then how did a foreigner like him get to know the regional manager of Tang Corporations in Xi city?

Her mind was fuming like a volcano with doubts. However, there is no solid reason to believe that Li Juan and Tang Wei Sheng have a relationship other than that of a boss and employee.

Li Juan and Tang Wei Sheng rarely talk to each other. It is like they treat each other as "Air".

An alarm tone rang on Ning Jing's mind.

Why should they treat each other like "Air?"