Are you leaving?

Li Juan stood in front of the dinner table with her eyes widened in surprise.

Every kind of protein was present on the table. It was just a meal, but why did they make so many varieties of dishes?

"I know your favourite is seafood, but I hope you enjoy freshwater fish too." Zhang Zi Zhong said with my smile.

"Ah, you make me overwhelmed Mr and Mrs Zhang with your hospitality. Thank you so much for the food,"

Li Juan took her chopsticks and started to eat.

"It is delicious, Mrs Zhang. You are a fantastic cook. How did you know that I like seafood?" Li Juan was surprised. 

"CEO Tang told me that you like seafood." Zhang Zi Zhong said without any second thoughts.

Upon hearing Tang Wei Sheng's name, the glow on Li Juan's face faded.

"Did he know that I am coming here?"