The suitors

My moon!!!!

Suddenly Tang Wei Sheng's handsome face flashed in Li Juan's mind.

He was the one who addresses her as "the moon,"

No, not him-His alter ago-Tang Wei Lang, he is the one who calls her by the name "moon."

Wei Lang, the great wolf,

Whenever his alternate ego appears, he addresses himself as the wolf, is there any reason behind it?

"If Yu Clan exists, does that means that there will be a human who is manifested, with a wolf god?" Li Juan hesitantly asked Bai Qi.

"It is an enigmatic question, princess. The existence of Wolf God is something difficult to interpret." Bai Qi said with uncertainty.

"Nobody worships him or there aren't mythical stories about him. Just like the way goddess Yue, got erased from the mythology, wolf God has also vanished or replaced by canine or fox deities." Bai Qi explained.

"What if someone exists? Li Juan repeated her question.