The date

When Li Juan came back to palace, Liang and his cousin were preparing to leave, 

"Oh there you are, I thought we have to leave without a word, "Guan Tian Long strode towards Li Juan with a smile,

"Grandpa Guan sends his apology, he was caught up with some last-minute work otherwise, he would have come and attended the ceremony in person,"

" Please convey my regards to your family, I hope I can meet them one day," Li Juan replied,

"Sure, if you ever come to S city, let me host you,"

"Do you live in S city? Li Juan asked him and shot a glance at the man whose eyes were fixed on her,

If they are from S city does that mean these two men met her before? Is that why he acted casually with her? A quick thought flashed on her mind.

"Right now, yes...I live in S city for my work, however, our ancestral home is in H city," he explained,

"I see," Li Juan nodded in agreement and swept a quick glance at Liang, "Have a safe journey,"