Under the same roof

Lee Tae Yang collapsed on to the couch, chocked by Li Juan's words. 

"Are you saying that we should live together... like together?" He repeated the question to the woman who sat opposite, with an aloof face.

Li Juan's choices always has been straight forward and brazen. However, moving in together with a grown-up man, isn't it bit risky? 

They are no longer teenagers who would cherish a playful love. Both of them were adults, who are brimming with lust and desire.

"Only if you are willing to accommodate me..."Li Juan emphasized on it.

"It's your house, your private space. No matter how close we are..I cannot barge into your privacy." She crossed her arms over her chest and diplomatically spoke.

"No..no.. that's not what I meant,"  Lee Tae Yang immediately denied. He was checking whether he didn't misheard anything.