Come and seek me.

For a moment, Lu Juan's mind couldn't comprehend what she just heard. It almost felt like her brain just revoked all the questions she tried to bury deep down in her mind in a glimpse. 

"What?" Her voice cracked in shock.

"Hey easy!!!!" Zhang Zhi Jun tried to pacify her when he realised that Li Juan was indeed startled by his words. 

"In simple terms, the reincarnated souls. Some individuals who died without fulfilling the purpose of their creation or simply their desires will reincarnate as chosen ones." 

"Then I should say 99% of the people in this world will be chosen ones." Li Juan shrugged her shoulders as if she heard some joke. "There is no one in this world who has fulfilled their… -" 

"Hey, hey, let me complete it first." Zhang Zhi Jun interrupted her when he thought that there was a high chance that Li Juan might refuse to believe him without proper explanation.