Axel went mad when he started to hear a "grrrr" sound beneath the floor. He looked hither and tither and whispered "things are going weird these days". He heard someone saying "Hello Axel" behind him. He was astonished for a moment as he saw Carl standing on his back when he turned back to see where that voice came. "What! Carl, how did you managed to come here" shouted Axel with his mouth wide open. Carl explained everything in a jiffy and asked him to assist him to fight with aliens. Axel refused to fight against the aliens and instead of a fight he asked him to trick the aliens. Carl asked "How can we trick an intelligent group of aliens". "Everything is a creation of God and he would have surely left a loophole to outrun them in the competition called survival" replied Axel. "Maybe it is our destiny Axel, I will fight until I die" replied Carl. "We should somehow find a way Carl" said Axel. "What about the other 5 people?" asked Carl. "Better not talk about them Carl, it was all done by Fred and now all others are under alien control". "What the f***k" replied Carl in astonishment. "He has a pact with the devil, that's why he's like this". Axel took a few minutes to explain what all had happened before. After hearing everything Carl said "If at least a little bit of humanity is left in Fred, he will definitely come back from this evil mind-set.