"mrs grey,I did it can I have my money now"
"yes darling,come over to my house"
Annie felt joyful and accomplished she finally gotten rid of the one thing that could stand in her way of combining Grey Inc and Sativa Corp,she turned her phone back on and sent a quick text to Stacie
Stacie get your ass here,I did it Ryan is all yours now and when he arrives he's going to need a shoulder to cry on,so hurry.
Just as she sent the text the doorbell rang,she hurried to get the door thinking it was her son,instead it was the last person she expected to see, Asterin
She shrieked and took a step back ward "umm, Mrs Grey,I'm sorry if I Disturbed you but Renee asked me to fetch her bag"
Her eyes widened in realization,Jamie Killed Renee instead of Asterin she fell to her knees and began to weep "are you okay Mrs Grey" she asked getting worried "yes I'm fine,come with me I have to show you this vase I got it when I went for a trip in Venice,it's lovely don't you think,it's on the table over there,get if for me will you?"as Asterin walked towards the Vase,it gave Annie Time to smash the bottle she'd drank from earlier on the side of Asterin's head,she immediately blanked out with blood seeping through the cut in that side of her head,she began Pacing around as she awaited Jamie unaware of what to do,her daughter died because of her thirst for power but she was this close to achieving everything,not even the death of her daughter could Quench her thirst
"Mrs Grey, we're Here"Stacie announced her presence and that of Jamie's "Mrs Grey,I killed the girl,can I have my money"
"You killed my daughter you fool"
"It's none of my business you should have sent a picture when I asked ya to"
"What's Asterin" Stacie asked and Annie gestured to an unconscious Asterin.
"Enough bickering both of you,we need to do something about her Ryan will be here any minute"she said feeling a little guilty
"Yeah you're right,let's just end this once and for all Jamie do you have your gun"
"No!" Stacie yelled holding up her hand "haven't you done enough,your daughter is laying dead God knows where and you don't even care, you're disgusting,to what end?" She demanded angrily.
"Shut up you foolish child, I'm doing this for you "
She smiled bitterly "no you're not,you're doing this for you I've been so foolish,I'm just a pawn in your little game aren't I?"
She yelled
"I'm done with this,I'm taking Asterin to the hospital like it or not"
Annie snatched Jamie's Gun and pointed it at Stacie "you are going to do exactly as I say"she said "okay...what do you want..."she asking stuttering,"well I want you to wait here for Ryan while me and Jamie will try to scare Asterin away from town"
"Don't kill her please"Stacie plead "I thought you wanted Ryan,why are you getting emotional now?"
"Because all of this isn't worth it"she stroked her chin pretending to consider"Hmmm....what you said made me realize how dumb and stupid you really are,if you tell Ryan where we are taking Asterin"she shot a bullet through the Flat screen "this will be your head"
Asterin woke up feeling like her head was going to explode,she tried to move her hands but she was chained to a chair she looked around trying to identify her environment but it was no use, everything was a complete blur "look she's awake" she heard Annie's voice "hello who's there come into the light so I can see you"she demanded politely,Jamie and Annie decided to walk out of the dark "well Sleeping beauty,you're awake" she said with a Smirk "what do you want Annie, how did I get here"she demanded still unable to recognize her location."well long story short I brought you here"
"I want you to stay away from my son"
"I can't" Annie walked over to her quickly and Slapped her across the face "what do you mean you can't,hey Jamie give me the iron pipe" she said "stop this, please I didn't do anything"
"You' did,my daughter is dead because of you" she said striking Asterin's head with the pipe causing blood to spill from her already injured head "you mean Renee is dead?"she asked Immediately tearing up "yes and it's your fault,where did you even come from can't you see that your not wanted here!!" She said hitting her again with the pipe "you're a selfish girl who doesn't care about others, Ryan needed to marry Stacie because of his future but you didn't care"
She said hitting her head with the pipe once again,and this time all she saw was darkness"
"Annie that's enough"Jamie said,but she was far from being done
"Asterin you need to get up!,fight back" a voice said to her "who are you" she asked curious and confused "I'm your real mother Asterin,I've watched over you since you were taken from me"she looked around Everything was white and glowing "where are we"she asked "we're in the passage between life and death,you don't get to die now you have to fight"
..."but I don't have my powers..."
"I know,you lost them because of your relationship with the human".."but I'm going to give you a chance to choose one of your three powers to fight this battle
When you are done ,the power will fade away and you'll continue life as a mere human" she nodded and said "okay,I choose strength"
"Strength it is then,be careful Asterin,this is your most powerful gift,it may be too powerful for you if you over do things..
"I've got this.."