I was now clutching onto my coffee mug for dear life as if it will salvage me from the headache signaling me to rest.
They say always go with your guts. I recalled it for like a million times in the last two days. My fear of accepting the Sirens deal was a fair and reasonable one. The so called meeting with S.S or Sirens had to be rescheduled since my office was under a literal panic attack, mainly caused by those people not giving us proper information.
Being a web oriented company, people always try to break in. Sometime to get information, sometime to learn things, sometime to find details, sometime just to learn what we do or sometime just to mess with us. But because we're aware of the online risk involved in dealings like these, we take precautions such as online and software security very serious. Never in a million years I or any one in this office members had thought that TRIPLE C would have to face a break in. It's almost like an insult to our profession.
"You oath to take a nap if not full hour sleep." I looked up to see my secretary with a upset face and just as tired.
"And leave you all to deal with it alone?" I replied scoffing.
"Miss Vivia, we at least slept a little at home. You've been in and out of office for just shower and new cloths. We're over the critical period. They'd need another few years to try and break into our system again. I can bet on that." Sam replied with confidence.
"How's Cynthia?" I asked dismissing her concern.
"She passed out on her couch after the final thorough check." She shrugged smiling.
"Once she wakes up, get her for me." I replied getting up to simply stretch my bones that have become sore from sitting too long.
"I'm already awake. I'm may not be like a blood sucking night-owler vampire like you. But I can stay up when need be and still be fine with minimal sleep." She came in looking fresh but there was exhaustion in them.
"How's your team?" I asked while Sam passed her a separate mug of coffee.
"Exhausted but extremely satisfied." She grinned.
"Satisfied? How?" I asked curiously.
She smirked at me and got up from the chair. Her expression had that of an evil goddess.
"What do you think we did to the stuck up annoying young fella who had the guts to actually break into my software?" She turned to me.
"Well, knowing you he won't be fine anytime soon." I shrugged knowing full well about those unfortunate victims of hers.
Although even I'm not sorry for this guy. He had it coming.
"He's lucky I wasn't hacking into his system but my team was. If not he'd have pissed his damn pants, scared. But he won't be hacking anytime soon. Trust me." She replied confidently with a chuckle.
"Then why do you look like an evil goddess who's still not over her revenge?" I asked her who didn't exactly look all satisfied to me.
"Because I'm not done with those bitchy Sirens Talents yet." If expression could kill, they'd be dead now. She looked like a predator up for redemption and that's not a good sign regarding both party involved.
"Cyn, maybe they didn't know either, before us. It wasn't exactly public news and even we had to do a thorough check before realizing the matter." I replied walking up to her.
"Yea, right." She huffed.
"Miss Cynthia, even if they did hide it, it'd only be their loss. They need our help and hiding from us would bring them no profit." Sam reasoned as well.
"I don't believe that crap knowing how Mark is." She replied finally meeting our eyes. She looked more upset than furious.
"Did he say anything?" I asked slowly.
"No, but that's the point. He didn't say anything. Trust me Vi, I know that guy. He isn't exactly all saint like he looks. He's head of Sinclair's info department for no reason. I'm upset why he hid something like this he knew might cause us trouble." She said looking away.
So, my guess is this isn't just about the company but personal. She didn't like that he didn't help her.
"Maybe he didn't know before us either, Cyn. He may be the head of the info department but he's also one of the directors working in S.S. He manages a big branch like SINs. He can't see through everything. Maybe by the time he learned, it was too late. He did apologize, didn't he?" I tried to reason but she doesn't seem to get it.
We heard a knock on the door as we all turned curiously wondering who it might be. Everyone left already for lunch or should've by now.
"Come in." I replied loud enough for the other party to hear.
One of the employee working in secretarial department came in.
"Excuse me, Miss." He said slowly nodding at Sam who came close to him as he explained something to her as she dismissed him.
"What's up?" Cynthia cleared her throat and asked when Sam seemed shocked.
"Few companies have bought a big portion of our shares in just three days. The stats didn't match, they thought you might want to check." She replied looking confused.
She handed me the file as it immediately shocked me. When Cynthia noticed, she took the file from and instantly cursed.
"Aw hell no! They just did not dare to do this. If I don't drill into them to never mess with us, my name is not Cyn-"
"You won't do anything." I cut in on her revenge vow.
"What!" She shouted ringing into my ears. But I ignore it.
"I don't need new trouble caused by your revenge spree. Sam will accompany me but-" I turned to Sam who looked pleased as I broke it immediately.
"You won't be present when I have a talk with them. You will just be accompanying me." I informed clearly.
"Wha- why?" Cynthia argued.
"Because both of you have been way more pissed off than me and have swore to strangle them at view. I'm a much more patient one between all of us." I replied confidently putting my empty coffee mug down.
"Ma'am, no offense but your more of a cold killer than any of us." Sam stated the obvious.
"That's more fun, isn't it?" I replied smirking.
"Vi, you're aware right? That they've been doing much more than just getting involve in our projects." Cynthia said seriously.
"I'm not sitting in this position for fun, Cyn. Their annoying involvement recently in our affairs have been noticed. And I am curious as to why they are suddenly interested and there's so much secrecy." I stated annoyed myself.
"Miss Vivia, they're very clever and much more experienced in these things than us since they own a larger company. We have to be careful approaching that matter since technically there's no fault in it." Sam said looking worried.
"Them trying to slowly involve into our company is not something they should do in secret like a thief. If it was before meeting them in person or without a project as big as this involved, then maybe I'd have never cared. But they are buying into us without informing us directly and that's also right after meeting us. That's not normal." Cynthia concluded looking annoyed herself.
"If they thought just because I'm young and inexperienced means they can try and infiltrate into my company. They've made a big mistake." I stated very much grim in my response.
"Maybe you're right, I shouldn't go. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. I don't know how you don't even get angry or blame them for any of the trouble we had to go through for the past three days." She said in frustration.
"I don't because this is business, Cyn. People push and pull in business and buy into deals and shares. It's not their involvement that's bothering me. But them doing it in secrecy is what is making me worried. No one does this without a motive. And they set their's after meeting us. That's what I'm worried about." I replied confused.
"Ugh, lets just go home. My brain's about to explode from so much worrying. And your coming too. If you want to crash those bitches, you better be rested and ready to kill." She said pulling my bag for me.
I didn't argue since she was right in this case. They have stepped their boundaries trying to act all nice up front but hiding behind their true motive. I'm said to be patient but never been called a fool. If they think they fooled me, they're very wrong.
But unfortunately late at night the ground crushing news came in and I finally lost it. The rest that I needed never got it's chance. What patience, if it was possible I might actually have killed someone.
Vivia didn't realize that while she was so focused on fixing her projects at hand, her company's small shares were being sold and bought without her even knowing. Rafe slowly infiltrated into her own world like slipping sand and she didn't even notice it. In between three days about 25% of her company was under his belt and by the time she noticed, it was too late. Even her debts she owned others were bought off by them. She was in their clutches all together from every side.
"I need to know, how, just how HELL did S.S. Enterprise bought my company's shares and I didn't even get informed! HOW?" She shouted at every member of her company's team leaders that all sit silent before her like mutes.
"I believe she asked you a question?" Cynthia said slowly with pure rage inside.
"Ma'am, we didn't realize they were buying our shares like that. They never touched by a bigger portion, they slowly bought off part by part by different members of their branch companies without even letting us notice that they are the one buying it." Head of the shareholding department explained.
"What does she pay you people for then? Your job is to keep a look out who sells and buys our shares. A company just doesn't work on project improvements but also the power and money it holds should be smooth. That's what you guys are for. There is no need for a shareholding department if not for this." Cynthia replied after Vivia sat down tired.
She haven't had a proper sleep in days. Tired, frustrated, her mind has stopped working. That man did warn her how he'll interfere with her life. She hadn't expect how while he did in the worst way possible. Her company that she was barely holding onto, trying to bring it into a better ground, prospering it as she promised she would. He touched her last bits of confidence she fears most. If she loses ground here, she'll never be able to forgive herself. She cursed herself night and day that it was her fault for accepting their project. Maybe she shouldn't have met him or insulted him the way she did. Maybe she should've just played it cool rather than being upfront. But cursing herself wouldn't fix anything and she knew it.
Now all she worried about was Sidney Advertisement who held another big portion of her company. If they sell their's to him, she's finished.
"Miss!" Sam barged into the conference room with a shocked and worried expression and Vivia knew there's no good news for her.
"S.S bought off the last of 10% shares of the branches who worked with us and all the small debt we had are under him too." She let out as Vivia finally sat down into a crowd of whispering room. Her head was ringing from tiredness and worry.
"GOD! That's about 35%." She put her head down is despair she didn't know how to fix anymore.
"Vi, if you want, I can pull off their records for you. This is clearly cheating. They tricked us into believing different companies were buying our shares when they were doing it themselves." Cynthia said adamantly.
"No, he knows we're capable of that and that's why he bought off our debt too. If we crush him, they'll crush us. In this fight we'd lose despite holding more evidence of fault on them. We're not as big of a company as them. And they're using that against us." Vivia let out slowly.
"But,-" Cynthia tried reason but she stopped her.
"Sam, set for a meeting with them. I need to solve this before things get any more muddy. And call in Sidney and tell them I need to speak with Gloria." Vivia replied straight to her who instantly nodded and left.
"The lot of you, get back to work. Whatever happens, I don't need any hamper come to our working procedures. No regular employees should learn of this. And the shareholding department would keep shut and find the cause of this situation. Oh and also try and bring more profit in, since we need to pay debt back as soon as possible. Is that clear?" They all nodded as she left followed by Cynthia right behind.
"Vivia, go and rest. I'll handle it from here. You look awful. You haven't left the office in three days. You need to sleep. Please." She insisted.
"I'm fine, get back to work, Cyn. You're our last hope. Get your team on work and get me the profit I need to get back on feet. I'll go for a walk. I can't take any more of those files." Vivia left her for to inform Sam.
"Sam, I'm going out for a coffee. Call me if something urgent comes up." And then she left the building.
She wanted to take the car but then thought it was a bad idea for a sleep deprived woman to drive on a busy street. She needed good caffeine in her system to push her more. She was planning on cutting back on caffeine which doesn't look like it's happening anytime soon.
She realized she left her coat in her office making her feel the autumn cold wind on her skin. Her mind was racing too much and was too blur for her to consider the whether getting colder in late August. She thought maybe coffee would warm her up.
Just around the 3rd corner she turned, she met her famous Coffee Inn. She liked the cozy atmosphere there and everyone knew her regular since she always ordered from here. Once putting in her order and another one for Cynthia, she waited sitting outside.
Somehow she felt someone was looking at her. She turned around and looked at her surrounding to find nobody. She felt that she was probably being delusional since she haven't had a walk in a while and was sleep deprived. Taking her orders, she left sipping into her own coffee.
Somehow she again felt someone was looking at her. But this time, she decided to not look back and just started to walk faster to her office. It's almost evenings and there were less people on the streets exactly at this hour. She said to herself that her phone was in her pocket, if anything went wrong, she can use the emergency button to call anyone she needs help from. She fastened her phase and decided to cross the last road to her reach her building.
On the crossing as usual were many people since it was an important junction point road. But then in between the crossing someone bumped into her, hitting hard which forced her coffee as well as Cynthia's to spill all over her.
At first she was more concerned about who hit her so hard and didn't even as much as said sorry or look back. But then a burning painful sensation took her eyes to land on her hands and elbow which was sizzling because of the hot coffee. She realized she probably got burned bad from that.
Without waiting around to find whoever hit her, she threw the coffee away and picked up her fallen purse and ran back into the office. Reached to the nearest washroom and put her hands under the sink. Folding her sleeves, she noticed the swelling red mark forming on her hand and realized it will leave a burning blister on them with a ultimate scar.
Walking into her floor, she obviously caught attention. One of her employee exclaimed and put a towel over her wet shirt. Thankfully she was wearing black, she thought. Reaching her office, she called Sam to get her a burn med which concerned her and Cynthia learned about what happened.
"Damn that guy! That's going to leave a bloody scar, Vi." Cynthia explained annoyed.
"Yea, I should've taken my coat with me." Vivia reasoned while Sam bandaged up her hands.
"Thankfully your palm was saved." She said laughing.
"Miraculously in fact, yea." Vivia laughed along.
The coffee being hit too hard only spilled over her shirt, hands and elbow, her wrist and palms were saved.
"You shouldn't have bought my coffee girl. Your coffee was already cold and gone by the time it spilled." Cynthia said sadly.
"Nah, it was still half full. Plus I threw off my cup because he hit me on that hand. He probably got some on him too. I just forgot I was holding your cup too." Vivia shrugged.
"It was no one's fault except that stupid manner-less guy. Forget it. I suggest, you go and rest tonight, Miss Vivia. I'll handle the rest of the matter. Oh and I fixed a meeting with the S.S. Although that annoying secretary told me that his boss said he'll meet you personally." She grimaced at that herself which Vivia didn't need to show a reaction to knowing how she felt as well.
"Vi, just think how you'll handle him. I talked with Gloria on the phone. She doesn't like that guy one bit either. She also said she'd never sell her share of our company to a guy like him for no stupid reason. Her company's been a partner of Triple C for a long time, so she isn't planning on changing that. So you can chill. Even if S.S bought in, we got more than half on us; safe and secured." Cynthia explained trying point the positive.
"But they can still ruin us with that much amount and not to forget the debt adding up." Vivia let out sighing in frustration.
"You know, I thought better of that guy. I've checked him out. He may not be much into relationship or respecting woman, but he isn't entirely bad. His grandmother was the original owner of the company. She still owns all the branches including being the bead of the organisation. She was amazing when she was the CEO too. She's very close to him too. He's pretty close to his family and makes them his top priority. And not to forget he treats his employees good except for the often temper issues." Cynthia points out slowly thinking to herself.
"Whay are you trying to get on with, Cyn?" Vivia asked confused.
"What I am saying is, he never got onto someone in such a way he did on you. True he's famous for holding grudges but I checked the records, he started buying us off before you even met him. Isn't is weird that he targeted you suddenly?" Cynthia replied as suspicion rise into Vivia too.
"But I never met him before in life, let alone know him. I didn't even say anything offensive to him. Infact, the deal we made were purely with peaceful reasoning. Then why would he target us. On the other hand our company would bring no profit to him, then why would he plan out such a way to buy us off?" Vivia's was getting more confused.
"Vi, I've noticed how he looked at you at the dinner. He was practically ogling you. I thought it was just attraction but now it might be something else. You might wanna be prepared to question why he's been onto you. Because I'm talking from experience. No man would be so over the top to buy into a company because a girl said no to sleeping with him and that's also stubbly." She said honestly worried.
Vivia told Cynthia about his so called interest in her that night while going back home. She didn't give in any details but when she asked what they were talking about in the bar. She let out on the simple fact that she was simply interested and she refused him.
"I think I need to lie down. My head is killing me. Sam, take over. And-" Vivia stopped herself from over thinking and turned to Sam but got interrupted.
"And inform you if something needed your attention. You literally live across the street. It's okay, please go and rest." She said nodding as Vivia turned to Cynthia who also nodded and she left.
But in her mind she was thinking of a different approach.
Work load have become doubled in last two days. Not that it wasn't already too much. But since learning about that Viviana Lee, I haven't had a proper sleep and it's getting to me. But I didn't ignore that fact. This deal is important for both party but I needed more to pull her. Pull her to the point where she'll be so deep she'd slip.
"Sir," I looked up when I heard two knocks.
"Come in, Maze." I replied.
"Miss Lee has arrived for the meeting and coming up right now with Lola." She informed as it immediately perked up my attention.
"Is there anyone with her?" I asked cautiously.
"Only her secretary is with her it seems." I nodded at her as I informed her we'd hold the meeting in my office since it'll just be her.
"Think of a way to hold her secretary off. I need to speak with her alone." I replied as she nodded and left.
Somehow a fire lit up inside me when I heard her name. I wasn't sure if it was just desire or rage. I was unable to pin point it. But whatever it was, it's undeniable how this woman intrigued me since the beginning. Deep down I did hope she wasn't involved with Sally Pierre. Maybe then I could've befriended her. She seems to be a good companion to those she is close to. Maybe then I could've learned what she hid under her so strict manners.
But now I think I know what she tries to hide behind her mysterious demeanor and short replies. She doesn't want her past to be revealed and ruin her success. But that's whats going to trap her finally.
I have no business with her company but it seems that company is all she cares for. Although I have to be patient.
I dialed into Mark's office. With two rings he picked it up.
"How far are we into the shares?" I asked quietly looking toward the door making sure no one has arrived yet.
"I closed in 5% today. But honestly Rafe, can you not do this. Do you realize how bad it is for both parties involved. Firstly it's no profit for us. Secondly, if they find out our real intention, we could lose our ground and worst case a lawsuit. They seem simple but they're also dangerous." He insisted as I just sighed.
"We've been through this, Mark. I don't care about profit. As long as she gets involved, that's enough for me. As for them being dangerous, they are the one in danger of going bankrupt. This might actually help them. They will thank us. Just make sure they don't find out before we buy into half of it." I replied cutting the call without giving him a chance to reply.
I don't care what it costs me but I need that woman tied down to us, me as well, in such a way that she doesn't have any options but to open up. I will pull her so much, she will lose her grounds and open up to me. The way she hides her past and doesn't utter a single word about family, I'm confident she knows whats up with that Sally Pierre. After all she was her mother. Of course she knows about her.
"Sir," A knock pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, Maze." I replied pulling my suit straight check myself once but why I'm not sure. I shouldn't be nervous meeting her. That's impossible.
"Miss Lee is here." She replied as I straighten somehow.
"Let her in." I replied pulling myself. Why am I feeling like this. I have justified reason for whatever I am doing. I am right in everyday.
As the door opened, the woman is question walked in. I almost did lose my grounds. I felt a trigger in me no woman have ever made me feel.
My first impression was she looked astounding. Wearing black turtle neck top paired with formal pants which highlighted her long legs. And a leather formal jacket gave her a powerful aura around her. Her wavy locks of auburn hair were tired in the back with letting two long lock of strands flowing out evolving her feature. In short, she didn't come here to negotiate rather battle, wearing her armor as clothes. Even then she looked sensual. I do not know how a woman covering herself from head to toe still manage to look so hot. But with one look, you could tell how guarded she is. And somehow I felt a difficult urge to let this all go and break that wall not for finding out her past but simply to know who she really is underneath.
"Hello, Mr. Sinclair." She said with a professional smile but her eyes held fire in them, quite literally with how burning gold they are.
"Miss Viviana Lee, how are you doing?" I asked smiling back. If she wasn't going to open up anytime soon, I'll have to make it.
"Surviving, thank you." She bluntly replied. Her reply made me smile automatically. She is quiet sarcastic and humorous if you notice carefully.
"Please have a seat. Would you like anything? Coffee maybe?" I asked motioning her to have a seat.
"I'm grateful but I'll have to refuse. Thanks." She said formally sitting down. Always on guard, huh?
"Maze, take care for Miss Samantha Miles for us." I replied as she nodded and left.
"So, how's TRIPLE C / C.C.C holding up?" I asked knowing she much still be pissed about that.
"We're fine, it's nothing we wouldn't expect being an online dependent company. It was just unexpected. Although I feel no sorry for that guy who dared to do it. I do sympathize with his idiocy to mess with a company like us who literally works to wipe out people like him." She shrugged.
Wait, she shrugged? She isn't worried? I thought they've been through hell because of this.
"It seems you had no trouble solving the issue." I replied curiously. I tried reading her eyes which revealed nothing. I guess she is much harder break. No less to be expected after how she has come.
"I won't say it wasn't a pain in the ass, but that's what we do. We wipe and clean disturbing people trying to harm us and our clients." She said looking directly at me.
Why do I feel like that had two different meanings to that.
"Of course, so no hard feelings between us?" I asked slowly just to make sure.
"I'm well aware you had no hand in hiding the fact regarding the threatening matter of Kylie Jill. You were simply late. But, since we're already too involved in this, we might as well clean the cause of the problem. Leaving the project now would mean trouble for everyone including us." She replied confidently.
"Well, that solved our main problem then. I'll ask them to bring us the papers." I said calling in Maze to prepare the deal and check in with her secretary.
"I'm interested to ask about something before that." She said instantly as I put the intercom down. Now, I am interested.
"Yes?" I asked slowly feeling she is not here for the deal but something else entirely. And I know why.
"Mr. Sinclair, you do realize I'm in the business of buying and selling information along with wiping and recreating them?" She asking sitting straight looking by the window. She is here for a fight.
"Everyone knows that." I replied with a straight face. I might actually end up enjoying this.
"Then I'm sure you're not foolish enough to think I wouldn't notice your company branches buying into my shares of TRIPLE C in small portions without directly informing us. I wonder why the secrecy." She said looking directly into my eyes as if she could burn me right there and then.
I won't deny she did take me by surprise. I didn't expect her to realize it so soon. I admit being suddenly asked such a question disrupted my thought of answering the questions. But I've been through worst cases than this. And I was already prepared she'd ask, so I can answer exactly how I need her to fall through.
"I didn't think it would be a bother. I have heard about my company directors buying into your company but since it wasn't anything out of ordinary, I didn't think I needed to inform you or look into it." I replied pulling in the no clue card. She simply made a slow humorous laugh which held no joy rather remorse in them.
"So you're expecting me to believe that you being one of the most successful CEO of S.S Enterprise didn't know why his small branches were buying into TRIPLE C that Sirens Talents as in your own company was working with and that's also exactly after having been involved with us." She tilted her head as if she couldn't believe herself but her face gave away nothing.
I do admire how good she can hold her expression. But I do not appreciate her mocking me.
"You're curious to know why we started buying into your company?" I was not pulling myself into her facade.
"I want to know why small branches owned by Rafael Sinclair have been buying into my shares in between just two days covering 30% of my company's stock and also sighing them to you suddenly. And that's also hidden from us." She said sitting straight finally.
"Isn't it just business?" I asked curious to her reply. Technically I'm right, but she won't be happy with my answer. Because morally she is right and she knows it.
"I'm aware what business is, Mr. Sinclair. Do not mistake me for a fool. I respect your position and your company but plotting into buying our stocks to hold us down with power and that's also in secret is almost a cheap trick in your regards. I'm just offended why you'd do it and still deny." She said crossing her legs. She seemed agitated but none the less her expression gave away nothing as usual.
"Do you really want to know the reason, Miss Viniana?" I asked slowly tired of playing word games with her. She seemed a bit surprised at my approach.
"Want? That's my company you're buying into, hiding from me. If I wanted, I'd have done lawsuit against you for plotting against us." She said seriously this time giving away to her rage.
"I'm aware but seeing you talk all high about owning the company, are you aware what's really been going on behind your back? Might I add your own people?" I asked which indeed as I guessed surprised her. She is too inexperienced to understand inner politics of the older employees at this age. She may be talented in the field but as a CEO, her experiences is not enough yet.
"What do you mean?" This time I caught her in a jumble she won't be getting out of anytime soon.
"How about having dinner with me? I have no business tonight anyway. We can talk over dinner." I offered as I called in Maze to bring in the papers.
"Do not play games with me, Mr. Sinclair. I respect you because I'm aware of your hard work to come where you are. And I do not blame you for doing business in any way you do. In fact, I'm not even bothered about you buying into us. But, your way of trying to infiltrate into my company does not sit well with me." She said with power I'm starting to feel addicted to. Her boldness always somehow manages to creep into me.
"We can discuss this over dinner, Miss Viviana." I say as Maze knocks on the door. Her expression was anything but nice now.
"Who said I was coming?" This time she brought in a laughter I couldn't resist.
"You would kill for your company. Dinner is nothing to you." I replied allowing Maze to come in. My smile was enough to shut her up.
She simply crossed her arms when both our secretaries stepped in. She was not happy about the situation but we both knew she cannot reject my offer. And I was right, pulling her company is the only thing I can pull her straight into the hole I need her to be in. Unfortunately for her, she won't even realize despite being as sharp as she is.
I noticed her hesitation signing into the deal. And I won't deny, she was right to hesitate. Because after this, it will be impossible for her to pull herself out of this. My company, my plan, my trap and me. She's going to be involved so deep, she'll forever curse this day sighing away her peaceful life, just like that.