I could see how uncomfortable she was sitting in my car. After all it took one hell of a fight to get her into this.
The moment I said I will be picking her up today from her company, the conversation went like this,
"Mr. Sinclair, I came here with my car, I cannot just leave it here. And go with you." She said standing in front of the parking lot like she would rather break than walk any further.
"Your friends or secretary can take your car back. I can drop you off to your apartment." I replied urging again.
"And make a scandal out of it. Please, spear me. I'd rather bring my car along." She said pulling a hand on me to stop. She was extremely on edge.
What is with her and her love for her car though. We've been having this conversation for more than 5 or 6 minutes. I called her an hour ago that I'll be picking her up and since then she's been ranting. Not that I heard her but when I arrived she's been on it for some time now.
"Can you imagine how awkward it will be to have us both arrive in our own car and come out together?" I said getting frustrated.
"Why does it matter plus, why do I have to have dinner with you alone?" She started again.
"Are you afraid of me?" I cannot help but smirk at her fidgeting there.
"You wish." I hear her mumble loud enough for me to hear. I'll drop pushing her since she's getting too uncomfortable.
"Then do you want reveal what's actually been up just like that to others? I do expect you to be smarter." I replied putting my hands in my pocket.
"Is there a problem Miss Vivia?" Samantha, her secretary asked clueless to everything probably following her here.
I could see she was fighting a war inside her head debating what she should do. As far as I knew her and nature, she was a very concerned boss. She never did anything to upset her employees or friends for that matter.
"Sam, can you and Cyn drive my car back to my apartment?" She asked as I immediately realized I won. She kept glaring at me when I smiled at her.
"Huh? But won't you need it to get back home?" She asked surprised.
"Yea, well," she turned to me with a glare that could kill and back at her secretary.
"Mr. Sinclair have some business with me. He insisted we do it over dinner." She replied sighing.
Does she hate the idea of eating with me so much? Somehow that didn't sit well with me.
"Are you sure?" She asked and then slowly she added whispering thinking I wouldn't hear but being in the quiet parking lot I caught it.
"Miss Cynthia will kill me if I go back up alone. She have been calling me like a maniac for you." She looked like she was terrified. This annoying Cynthia woman have been stuck with Viviana like glue from the beginning. What's up with that?
"I'll be fine, Sam. Go on, tell her I will get home in time, not to worry." She said handing her car keys and turned to me as I immediately opened the door to my passenger seat.
"I do not appropriate being forced into situations, Mr. Sinclair." She warned getting in.
Oh, you have no idea.
I just smiled without replying since agitating her would only ruin my plan.
Now that I think about it, she didn't utter a single word since she got in. We've been driving for 10 minutes and she's still as quiet as a mute, deep in thoughts. I don't blame her though she must feel very uptight with me now.
"What did you do to the guy who tried to break into your system?" I asked breaking in the silence.
"Lets just say, Cynthia went lose on him for the sake of being a good example to her team. He won't be hacking into a system anytime soon." She replied with a small laugh.
It sounded somehow cute and surprisingly nice as to how I never heard her even smile genuinely. It brought a unnoticeable smile up my lips.
"Don't hackers normally hold grudge in cases like these? He didn't seem like a simple hacker either." I asked curiously.
"Trust me, I know Cynthia. He's lucky she wasn't the one hacking into his system. She'd have wiped him clean for good and destroyed all his links too. I've seen her victims, they all come back to her begging." She concluded which actually confused me since I had no idea about things like this.
Surprisingly she noticed my confusion instantly. I never understood how she was so sharp being a woman who always seemed to never actually pay attention.
"Professional hackers need certain links and programs to hack. And they need hardcore security so that other hackers can't hack into their system. Cynthia's specialty is she can create extraordinary bugs that can travel online and destroy people's documents but not before getting their information first. She makes it so difficult to get rid of it that by the time they put in the anti program, they're done over completely. It's like a slow poisoning." She explained as she held out a small smirk.
"Can you do the same?" I was actually curious about her talents. She seemed to know a lot but said nothing.
"I'm more of a software programmer. I do know how to hack or create bugs but I don't prefer to break in and create things and destroy them." She shrugged slowly opening up. She enjoyed talking about these things I guess.
"Anything you ever created? I've also heard you're an amazing web designer." I really did hear a lot about a certain designer in TRIPLE C who was a killer designer and known to have amazing programming capabilities. I just didn't know who it was till now. Although who would expect someone like her to end up being a nerd when she looked anything but to me.
"Web designing is my work. I'm supposed to be good at it. But I learned game programming back in college. I used to do that a lot. I made many online free playing, multiplayer, role playing games. It was addicting back then. I was the usual nerd who was always dead set on her laptop with dark circles and glasses on." She said with a small chuckle. God, her voice changes so much when she is happy. It's so sweet, it's addicting.
"You play games?" I asked trying to bring out more.
"Oh, you have no idea." She smiled genuinely. Yea, maybe she really did have a side she never showed.
"What type?" I asked curiously.
"Many but since I couldn't really own Xbox or PlayStation type things. I'd mostly stick to online programmed RPG games. I did play few stationed games with friends. Once time, I went over to a friend's house and his brother poured juice over his Xbox. I cried like a baby over it since I dreamed of owning one. It broke my heart to watch it die out on us. It was hilarious how my friend was so shocked with how upset I was, he had to console me for his Xbox. It was the talk of the class for a few days." She said giggling out without realizing how she's letting out. I was so focused on her, I didn't even notice the fun part to laugh.
"Wasn't Cynthia like you?" I asked glancing at her who had a soft smile on her watching out the windows.
It's always as if when she opens up without realizing, she's not even focused here but somewhere else. Like she is talking to someone else. And it somehow made me a little upset to why she does that.
"Cynthia was more of a rebellious girl. Joining into my class was only cause her mother forced her to but when she learned what she could do by this. She went nuts. She made many people cry with her pranks." She shook her head in disbelief.
"Where did you meet her?" I asked as she smiled again which told me she had good memories.
"In middle-school." She said nonchalantly.
"Where did you study?" I asked finally trying to know if she would tell the truth.
"Flo-" She was going to say but then she stopped, her entire expression changed into that of terror as if she stepped on a mine. And maybe she did, I wonder.
"Why are you asking so much about me?" She asked turning directly at me, her voice in her old cold and deep just as her face.
"Just wanted to know you more, other than what I found." I replied turning away from her.
And surprising she didn't even push it. How much did she fear talking about her past? Although unfortunately for her, I need information only she has.
"We're here." I said pulling up in front of a familiar restaurant.
Walking in we sat down at the end of hall since it was less crowded there.
"Please have a seat." I replied as she sat down opposite of me.
"Go on, what's your reason for buying into us? We're both aware that buying into our stocks would give you no profit. Then why are you involving yourself with us? All this for getting back at me for rejecting or for Sally Pierre?" She immediately shoots the same question for the 10th time today.
"I'll add in more to that list too. If your aware of me buying in then I'm sure you know about that too." I said knowing it was no use playing oblivious with her anymore.
"As I said, I have no problem with anyone buying our shares but buying in such massive amount and in secret along with our debts. That's a little upsetting on both behalf. It doesn't suit a renowned man like you. What do you need from us and what's this about things hidden from us?" She replied in frustration but holding in her voice.
"Well, it's not exactly us that is your concern but you." I replied as the waiter poured our drink.
"Excuse me?" Now she is confused.
"I'll explain it precisely but before that, lets order." I ask taking the menu. She didn't argue this time.
But I'm about to bring that back. I miss hearing her argue with everything she got, like a wild cat.
I looked up from washing my face to reveal the I've been staying in a slum face. My skin is dried up, my eyes have circles in them. Makeup could only hide so much. In few days span, my life's been turned hectic. I wonder what have I done to deserve this.
Realizing that my step father whom I haven't met since 11 years, would now come into my apartment is a horrifying thought. But then Cynthia was right. It would be impossible for him to come here. He doesn't know where I live and I've changed my name. I'm not that famous that he'd find me in papers or magazines, let alone know where I live. Maybe my keys fell off and someone took it and found this place. The keys set did have the building's name and my company's name on them. They probably slipped in through the exit and went trashing around thinking I might have something on me since my room had a bigger closet or just cause it was locked. I mean I do have some money missing, so it's reasonable. Because other than this explanation, I found nothing reasonable. My step father is in jail, he couldn't be here. Maybe some professional thief got in. I'll have to believe that to keep myself sane.
I pull myself from my depressive thoughts and got ready. I need to look presentable at least if I'm going to meet that bastard. I'd rather die than let him see how troubled I am.
After being done freshening up, I pull up my jacket over my black top with clipping in my usual pair of black heels. I darken my eyes with liner to hide my tired eyes and wear a dark red lipstick to go with the outfit and at least look human going on a dinner. I felt too tired to style up my hair, so similar to morning I just put it back into a bun and pulled out two set of hair locks as bangs as I do always when I'm too tired to do anything. Once done, I left.
Cynthia was excited when she learned I was going out and wanted to torture me. But her sister invited her for dinner. Thankfully so to be honest, because if she learned what the real deal of me meeting up with that Rafael Sinclair is, she might actually call a hitman on him.
I went back to office to take care of few things including the pending cases that I needed to review. I checked my e-mails which seemed to have collected in a while I've been busy with other things. Busy in rechecking the security at the building and our floor and even had to ask to change every lock on the apartment. Even the coded lock needed to be changed too since it was damaged.
"Miss Viviana," I immediately perked up knowing exactly who it is as I walked in my parking lot.
I turned to find his perfect posture standing in my company's parking lot. His eyes meet mine and my breath stopped. He didn't leave mine as didn't I. I was lost in him. It always confused me how he'd always capture me in his eyes. As much as I hated it, I couldn't deny the attraction between us. From just a glimpse, I noticed how good he looked. He also polished himself in a more casual looks. He had a white shirt underneath his blue blazer and black jeans. His hair was perfectly set as always. I always wondered how some men could do that. Do they use hair spray like us or gel to set it right. It isn't shiny enough to be get though. Does gel even shine?
I shake my thoughts away and greet him. He seems to shake away from his thoughts and looked away from me. But then he starts about how I need to go in his car like that's ever going to happen.
After a 10 to 15 minutes of argument, I gave in since he was partly right. It would be awkward to go there in two separate cars and also how letting anyone else tag along would end up with letting them know the matter he seems to make it so important. Although I felt I might regret this decision.
On the ride, for a while conversing with him seemed normal, too normal in fact. He was being casual and I almost forgot the drama that unfolded in his office today. I got lost when he asked about things I rarely ever talk about, it's been a while I remembered about my hobbies. It's been years since I even touched any games. Back then I never thought that I'd end up being a ceo of a online public relations company. My only dream was to do game programming like a simple nerd in my own cocoon. But life had other plans for me.
"So, what is your preference, Miss Viviana?" He asked pulling back my thoughts. I blink away to take in what he meant.
"Please, after all trouble you've made me go through, just call me Vivia. Everyone does." I answered honestly hating his proper voice now.
He let out a laugh and said, "I think we might end up in a more better nick name someday." His reply surprised me but also got me confused to what he meant.
"And what does that mean?" I asked immediately.
"Something that might help us both. Well, me more than you. But we can ignore that fact." He said with a disturbing laugh.
"I'm not appreciating your games with words, Mr. Sinclair." I answer him honestly annoyed.
"Get used to it then, you'll need to deal with it a lot." He let out calling a waiter.
"And what the hell does that mean? I didn't come here to play with you. I asked you what you wanted from me." I told him straight to the point.
"I already did." He answered in a obvious tone. And I instantly remembered what he asked me about today. I cannot answer him and he doesn't get it. I don't know how to make him understand that.
"I cannot tell you anything about Sally Pierre because I don't know them myself. Even when I lived with her, she never stayed home and when she did, all she did was sleep. I never bothered her because she gave me enough money to feed myself and go to school. I didn't want to lose that too by bothering her. After she left, I never met her once. In fact, I don't even know where she is. It's been 11 years. Do you really expect to find her through someone who haven't met her for 11 years?" I replied again for I don't know how many time, reasoning with him, hoping he'd leave me alone.
"How may I help you?" A waiter came interrupting us.
"Ah, for appetizer get me two Acciughe, for main course two Rosemary crusted Salmon and Gnocchetti pasta and for desert I'll order later. Oh and wine, red wine, give me the best you got." He ordered as I stared at him in awe.
"Aye, sir." He said and left. He left?
"Did you just order for me?" I asked shocked. He's joking, right?
"You should learn what I like and don't." He said arrogantly. If his words ever made sense by the first try, I might actually think I got lucky.
"And why should I?" My brain has stopped processing his words.
"You'll know. Now, lets talk about the important topic. Do you know how I can help you?" He asked surprising me. He always does what he wishes ignoring anything I ask, what is wrong with him?
Hang on, help me? What?
"How?" I ask despite not understanding his meaning as usual.
"Do you know why your company have failed to cover up such small debts so far?" He said which immediately got my attention.
"It's not a small amount but yes, I've been worried how we still haven't been able to pull off the debts even though we're not behind in our profit target." I reply back honestly.
Click Consult Create Ltd is anything but a weak company. It's not big but it isn't small either. Most of our work are online dependent, so many of our employees don't even come to office and work from home. We even have part-timer to cover shifts. We're not even behind in the expected incoming profits but then still it's never enough. Projects keeps filling in and our debt never seems to end.
"Have you tried to go through your previous records before you took over?" He asked amused. Where is he getting at?
"I have but I only was able to find just two years before I took over." Some of the records were missing and others were properly arranged. My guess is when Mr. Smyth was planning of retiring, many of the management were in a jumble and were not properly recorded. So I made a separate department of the Secretary section to keep a lookout for that.
"Then let me break it to you. When I bought off your debts, I noticed the numbers missing. I was surprised since I've check your incoming rise in profit in the company since you took over. It didn't match with the pay ups. I thought at first that maybe you weren't planning on paying up to begin with. But then it was irrelevant because it will only hamper your work flow by holding onto it. So I got a all over background check done on your company which you should've done ages ago." He said shrugging.
"It's not easy to get background checks done when your the insider with all eyes on you and also a sudden young CEO of a company. You need exceptional connection for that which I lacked then. Mr. Smyth may have trusted me with his company but he also expected me to fix a divided company with broken accords. It was absolute chaos when I took over. I was too busy in fixing the workflow to check who or what was happening behind my back." I sigh remembering those hectic days.
No one believed I'll ever be good enough for the company, many even left the job thinking I would drown the company, the reason was mostly opinions by the elder group of employees in the company. Somehow I never seem to live in peace. It's never a easy simply sleep, wake up, work and repeat kind a life. It's more like work, die, sleep, work, die, sleep, kinda life.
"Well, I don't know about that. I got moles in you company and guess what I found." He laughed which made me upset internally. I could guess what he was pointing at but I didn't want to believe it until I hear him say it. And he got moles in my company? Isn't that against morals?
"And that is?" I asked slowly.
"More than few years now, money have been going missing from your company. In another few years, if this keeps up, you'd go bankrupt. Now it doesn't seem to be a big deal but the way the money is going right under your feet without you even realizing, you'd be under before you know it. Exactly how you failed to pick up when I bought off shares and debts in your company before they were gone." He informed me like it's funny.
My head was ringing from hearing all these. It's not like I hadn't guessed things going astray right behind my back but I didn't think how bad it was. Am I actually failing to keep things balanced? Were they right? Was I actually letting the company drown?
"And you suggest?" I finally let out after settling his words in my head. I can't just sit and be depressed, that's not me. I'll take whatever chance I have and fix things up. Even if it means being involved with him.
"I can help you. Pull you up from the situation your in. The main reason you guys accepted our project was solely based on your hope of being saved. And I'll do it. It's easy for me since I know those inflicting the company to ruin itself." He explained. I don't like where this is going.
"You wouldn't do anything without a payment." I spit back knowing this man well.
"True, you'd not as dumb as people expect you to be, I guess. I will help you but for that you have to help me. In fact, you have do a lot more than just help me." He said sitting forward. I have a bad feeling about this.
"How?" I asked nervously.
"You'll know, ah, the food's here." The waiters surrounded us and severs our food as I curse inside my head. If he says you'll know another time, I might actually lose it and do something. I hate being played mind games on me. It's frustrating. I've got enough frustration as it is. I don't need more.
He ignored me through out the dinner. The pasta was amazing which made me realize he might not have the worst taste in food but the salmon I wasn't a fan off. I'm not good with rear fried fish. The smell gets me too much. So I avoided that. He noticed it but just grinned at my annoyance. I wonder if I'll ever get used to how annoying he is.
When we were almost done, he ordered some desert but I refused it before he could order for me.
"Don't you like sweets?" He asked right in front of the waiter.
I still had food in my mouth as he did it so manner-lessly. I swallowed it hard and replied as soon as possible.
"Not tonight, thanks."
"We have an assorted nuts gelato tonight, ma'am." The waited offered as my mind immediately perked up. I've had my suspicion but I wasn't sure so I pulled up my courage and turned to my left food.
"Um, no, it's okay. Can I ask you something?" I asked smiling at the waiter who grinned at me and nodded. Rafael didn't seem to like that as he stared, no, glared at me to shut up. I'm not sure why. I guess he liked always ordering before me.
"Does any of the food here have, um, nuts?" I asked carefully, trying not to panic.
"Ah, yes, ma'am." He said pointing at them as my heart started beating up. This not a good sign. And I'm not sure if its because of the food or just me being nervous.
"W-which one and what nut?" I asked slowly feeling a very odd kind of sensation inside.
"The pasta had cashew in them, bitly chopped and the Salmon has walnuts mashed and fried in them and the mayonnaise with it also have walnut butter for intensifying the taste." At his incredible description of the food, my eyes popped up as I immediately stood up surprising everyone.
"Where's the nearest washroom?" I asked immediately startling everyone, but I could care less.
"Is everything okay, Viviana?" Rafael asked but I didn't have time to answer him before my breath hitched up.
"Washroom?!" I asked the waiter again who finally pointed it out and I literally ran toward it like a wet cat.
By the time I reached the nearest toilet, I was itchy all over and let out everything I ate. Especially the salmon which I touched last and eat only little, thankfully. But I realized I was too late. Looking up at the mirror by the sink, I cursed. I was completely covered in rash. I guess I can understand why I liked the mayonnaise so much. Do you have to like what you can't handle, Vivia?
Bloody allergy!
I got out immediately still dying from itchy feeling all over and inside me. I took my purse, hoping to find meds that I always keep in my purse case but then realized I wasn't using the usual purse tonight.
I finally turned to the man whose childish acts victim I am tonight.
"I need to get out of here." I said picking up my phone.
He got up as well following me and picked up his phone.
"Are you okay? You look a bit-"
"Do I look okay to you? I'm leaving. You can play mind games all on your own."
I turned to the waiter who was still standing there shocked and just asked me if I was fine.
"Thanks for the food, I'm fine. Please excuse me." I stated smiling as nicely as I could to not scare him. I probably look horrifying since his reaction to my words made sure of that with how fast he moved out of the way.
"Are you going to say what happened?" Rafael asked again following me in an annoying tone.
I made my final sharp turn toward him and glared back.
"Do I look like I have the time to explain your foolish answer? Get off my back before you actually kill me." I shouted stepping out of the restaurant and moving toward the parking lot.
My eyes were getting blurry. Not from anger or sadness but from a damn allergy I never seem to keep notice of. Unfortunately my pride of driving to a nearest pharmacy or clinic crushed to pieces once I realized I didn't bring my car. I was starting to shake like crazy and before I could even get out of there, my legs gave out.
Someone caught me before my knees hit the pavement and I immediately leaned in for support.
"-Ana, what's wro-" I heard a man's voice ask something in a familiar annoying nickname but my ringing in my ears were too loud to get anything right.
But I noticed the shape of a man I am familiar with. But before I can argue why he just called me that or ask him anything, my eyes turned black.