It took hell breaking reasoning to get out of that club. Like why the hell do I have to do this for this rude woman. Her friends almost strangled me on the spot when they heard I'm taking her away for the rest of the night. Cynthia almost lost in on me if not for Mark stopping her.
Trust me, she's a cool girl but we really can't be in the same room for long. It's not possible. Same for Viviana's annoying friend called Nick or whatever. My blood boils everytime I remember his face. In the end he kept glaring at me till we left. I don't know what she told him when they talked but he definitely did not like me and it was mutual.
Not to forget my amazing brother who mocked me the whole time I was there. Honestly, if he wasn't my brother, I'd have punched him by now. I just wished Luc was here to put a leash on him. And I can't get why he was here too. Like I get everyone else in this party, but why was he here. When did they get so close. And trust me, the way they all spoke, it was obvious how easy they were around him. Leo was older than them, then how the hell.
Now that I remember, he went to NYU seperate from Luc. Did he meet her there? But they didn't give off that kinda vibe. It was more like, I don't know, having fun type of vibe. And not to make me start on that frined of her's. The way they were all over her, her looking like the way she did. It made me wanna rip her apart from them.
Not to forget all the men in the club. The bastards almost shallowed her whole when she started to singing in such a seductive voice. I felt every hit on me by all eyes on her like they were mocking me. Before I knew it I was downstairs.
Rimela almost ate me alive but I was more worried her being found by Viviana and going head to head with her. Worst case, Viviana finally lose it and do something ruining eveything for me. It almost feels like she has a leash on me and I don't like it.
And who am I kidding. Her lyrics hit me like punches on my groin. I wasn't kidding when I told her I lost my shit, completely. I'm told to be one of the most mannered men around. And I lost my mind over a girl singing just a simple sensual song. Like what the hell? And the way her body moved with her violin to her medoly made me think of Sirens. I had chuckled to myself thinking how my company's name is Sirens. She really is worse than a Siren.
By the time I realized she has stopped singing I was standing in front of her. Luring me like a Siren that she is. And to be honest, I felt embarrassed what she did to me. I lost control over myself. And that was not a good sign. But when I remember her moving on that stage singing like she did. I still deep down feel like I didn't care for whatever control she has over me anymore. I'll let her have it if she sang like that again. Maybe even let her do whatever she wants as she sang in the song. And that shit scares the shit out of me.
But what of the other songs? It got me curious, now that I think carefully. I remember her once mentioning her love for lyrics in a music. She listens to songs that connects with her. The way she sang them, the way her expression from sorror to despair to anger, it was enchanting and upsetting at the same time. It almost made me reconsider whatever I planned. I felt the urge to give in and ask what she is feeling.
To be honest, her last words at the party made me stuck on them. The way she was so confident I knew nothing about her made me question everything I knew. She is definately hiding a lot and I want to know. One way or another. I have to if that's the last thing I do.
"You're awfully quiet. What are you thinking?" I came back to realizing she was right beside me. She was foccused on checking something on her phone, which seemed to be emails.
"Nothing, just some work. So, a wish is in order, huh?" I looked on the road driving but my concentration was on her.
"Huh?" She stopped looking at her phone and probably turned to me as I felt her eyes on me.
"Happy birthday. Sorry I'm late though." I replied looking at her once we stopped at a signal.
She seemed a bit surprised but nodding she shrugged.
"Thanks. You didn't know, so no harms done. Plus, I didn't remember them myself." She made a small chuckle.
"So, what do you like?" I asked curiously which seem to have confused her as she stared at me completely oblivious.
"Like, what do you like, you know things?" I tried again as she blankly stared at me as if I was making no sense but when I sighed.
"Forget it. What's your favourite colour?" I started with the simplest one.
"Black and white. Yours?" She simply replied nonchalantly. Stright line answer alright.
But I smiled at her curiosity to know me a little too.
I had to think for a while since I like many but them I remember something beautiful I liked.
"Gold." I let out unconsciously then realized what I said surprised her. It even surprised me. I didn't even realize I said it meaning her eyes. Did she realize it too?
"Um and silver." I let out making it seem an obvious choice. And thankful she bought it. She smiled and nodded.
"Nice, I was surpised cause I like gold too. Rarely though compared to white and black. But I love matt gold and with black they look so perfect." She replied thinking to herself.
"True," I smiled. They do, don't they?
"Um, so faviorite book?" I shoot at random when we quieted down again.
"Hmm, that's hard. Havn't read much recently." She thought to herself for a while as I smiled at her bitting the inside of her mouth twisting her face.
She looked adorable.
"Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen." She burted out suddenly as it took me by surprise.
"A classic?" I asked curiously. And this book of all the one's she could choose?
"I love Jane Austen portraytion of lives and emotions. It's only her books I've read so much." She smiled genuinely. So, she's a nerd for nothing after all, and a cute one at that.
"You don't read classic?" She asked as I laughed.
"I'm more in poetry or philosophic books. Not the romance kinda guy." I honestly replied.
"Hang on, poetry but no romance. Weird." She smirked turning to me.
"Yea, I've heard that before." It's one of the reasons I listened to her song's lyrics so carefully.
"Okay, any book or part you remember by heart?" She asked looking directly as I drove thinking seriously.
"Hmm, there are many to be honest and I don't remember all of them. Don't laugh but back in college, I had every collection of Willam Blake's poetry. So maybe I'd consider him." I replied turning to her who let out a small laugh as I frowned.
"I told you not to laugh." I mumbled.
"Not, sorry, it's not that. I'm just surprised you'd like simplicity in poem. His are very stright forward and simple. I thought of your a Shakespeare kinda guy, not William Blake." She replied in an amused tone.
"You've read his works?" I asked curiously.
"I have two of his poetry books. I'm not a nerd for nothing." She shrugged. I know, right?
"So you do like poetry. Which one's your faviorite?" I asked slowly.
"I asked first." She pointed out pouting making me almost want to kiss her.
Hang on, she doesn't pout like that. Is she drunk?
"Stop going to your wonder-thinking-land, tell me your faviorite first?" She propped her legs on the seat and turned to me stretching her seatbelt.
The posh, always stright faced, smart replying girl is acting childish. This is surprisingly new and I love it. Now I'm sure of it. She's definitely drunk.
"Okay, um, The poison tree." I looked at her smirking.
"Aw, that's a sad yet angry one. It's also a bit funny." Her reply shocked me.
"You know it? Like remember it?" I asked surprised.
"I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end."
She suddenly rhyming making me almost halt my car. She held a childish smile as I automatically smiled back.
"I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow."
I replied remembering. I still remember every line. But how does she remember it is surprising to me.
"And I watered it in fears,
Night and morning with my tears;"
She closed her eyes as I continued after her.
"And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles."
I smiled driving through the streets praying this to never end.
"And it grew both day and night,
Till it bore an apple bright,
And my foe beheld it shine."
She laughed which seemed like music to my ears.
"And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veiled the pole;"
I winked at her who let another chuckle out. I'd kill to keep hearing them.
"In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree."
She finished with a sluggish grin.
"Now, I'm convinced you're a genius." I replied letting out a laugh.
"Just the usual nerd. My life circled with my book, my violin and my computer. Everyone had their fun, but I stayed glued to them. Even in parties and nightouts." She giggled. How can she make me smile like this. Why?
"So which one's your faviorite? Your reciting is amazing. Go on." I drove into an open road just to keep driving. I'm starting to think, being in this car is good luck or something. She opens up in this car more than in real life.
"Hmm, there are many but two clicked with me most." She replied looking away in the window.
"Which on, I might know if it's classic." I replied honestly.
"One is. Do not stand at my grave and weep by Mary Fry and another is recent, Still I rise by Maya Angelou." I was a bit surprised by her answer. I didn't think she'd pick these two. I know the first one and remember it too much for my own good or bad, I'm not sure.
"I know the first one, it's a beautiful poem." I replied thinking back. I once cried to that one. Once only because I could not again.
"Yea, that's a hit in the heart kinda thing." She smiled but it didn't held the joy in them anymore.
"Go on, if you remember it that is." I replied hoping she would recite since her voice really does sound beautiful.
"Now?" She asked looking back at me. I simply nodded smiling at her to proceed.
"Um okay,
Do not stand at my grave and weep
I am not there. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glints on snow."
She stopped to remember as I decided to help her. I know these lines because I recited them for the last 10 years. I know them my heart.
"I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning's hush
I am the swift uplifting rush
Of quiet birds in circled flight."
I felt a tug in my heart I haven't felt in years. Surpressed between years, I have not felt this in so long.
"I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die."
She completed looking outside but her mind was somewhere else.
Did she lose someone dear to her? I heard she doesn't have a father but did she knew him in her childhood. As far as I know, there was nobody but her and her mother since she was very small. Maybe she misses her mother.
When she seemed to be too deep in thoughts, I decided to cut in just to lighten up the mood.
"What about the other one. I've heard of it but I don't remember it." I said as I notice her flinch back to attention.
"Um, I know that too. I have that framed in my room." She smiled slowly.
"Go on, I'm curious." I said nodding. She smiled back but it held so much pain, it almost made me want to pull her close.
"You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may tread me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise." She took a deep breath before continuing.
"Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise."
She closed her eyes and I noticed her clenched hands.
"Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries."
I slowed my car by the road when I saw her intake another harsh breath. I almost got worried if she is feeling unwell but something told me it's more than that.
"Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise."
Then in an instant I jerk up as a single drop of tear tore from her closed eyes. But she let out a painful laugh.
"Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?"
She opened her eyes and blinked noticing her tears which I slowly wipe off without even realising.
"Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise"
She didn't stop for some reason like she was trying to tell me something. Something too deep for anyone else to understand.
"I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise."
Her voice cracked at the last bit when I couldn't resist and automatically pulled her into my arms. I felt her body relax and she let out exactly what she felt. Her emotions were running wild as her tears pouring out. I didn't say anything except hold her close and hard. I don't think I can say anything. I don't think I should. Or even have the right to.
In the back of my head, I remembered Leo words which I almost didn't care to take notice off. Now they seem too vivid for me.
"I don't know what grudges you hold Rafe. But the question is, should you mend it or let it go. Because once a broken trust, cannot be mended. Trust me, I know. Just be careful. Once the regret starts, it can eat a man alive from the inside."
I woke up feeling sluggish. I always hated the sun and still do. But when that shit hits my face head on, I'm ready to strangle anyone who put me through this.
"Cynthia, if I f*cking don't murder you now, I will when I see you. Why'd you open the curtains, you shit!" I yelled under the black satin duvet, happy to block out all the lights.
Hang on, I have no black duvet, let alone a satin one.
With that my sleep was long gone and I jerked up on the bed, well not my bed that is.
I looked around blinking the sleep out of them as huge amount of light hit me making me close them again. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I realized in front of me was a huge balcony. I do not need to tinker my brain to remember I don't have a balcony in any house, let alone my bedroom.
Where the hell am I?
Surrounding me was a large room, turning I realised how big the windows were and it covered most of the my front view with New York city. In short, I was definitely in a top building, in the city, in one of the top floors with a perfect city view and this is not my room.
Who's room is this? Oh, god.
Normally I'd panic but somehow I didn't, surprising even myself. I slowly got off and it didnt take me long to find a mirror. Getting a proper view of myself, I realised I was still in my last night's clothes. Thankfully. The last I remember I was in the car with Rafael reciting poetry.
Did I fall asleep in the car?
It took me a moment to find the washroom, walking in, I washed my face to clear both my head and my mind, out from the drowsiness. I don't think I was exactly drunk, maybe a bit drowsy but definately not drunk since I clearly remember talking with Rafael.
I definitely did not do something stupid but is this Rafael's room?
Coming out, I noticed my phone beside the bed sand and checked it. It was almost afternoon.
Looking up, I finally noticed the huge framed photo of the man I have been staying around too much for my own good.
Does he have to look so handsome everywhere?
Walking out of the room, I came into a hallway to my right. Following it, I saw a stairs leading downstairs. Closing in, there were huge bookshelves filled with books around the stairs. When I starting step down, I heard some noises coming from below.
I just pray it's just Rafael and no one else. I'd wanna grave myself if I meet anyone else like this.
And my prayers were heard, thank god. He was moving in the kitchen, doing something I guess.
His hair was uneven and he was in a casual shirt with folded sleeves where I could see his muscles clearly almost curious to touch them. He was in an apron which almost made a giggle escape from me. His being handsome is something I'm already used to but him looking adorable is another thing.
Since, I couldn't find my shoes, I was bare feeted and thus made no sound. It was actually interesting watching him move in the kitchen so swiftly. He was so engrossed that I had to announce my presence to him.
"Hey Rafael." I said walking into the amazingly furnished kitchen.
"Ah, your awake. I was actually about to wake you up." Why. The. Hell. Does. He. Look. So. Good. In. The. Morning.
He said to me smiling as I gawked at him drooling, almost, just almost.
Get a grip on your hormones, you idiot.
"Yes, you should've done it earlier. I almost had a heart attack waking up in another room. Although why was I in your room? Infact, in your house?" I asked curiously confused.
He was smirking now and it was not a nice one, trust me. It screamed mischief to me and I knew he was thinking something I was not goong to be comfortable with. Or maybe I will, who knows.
"I thought maybe you will like my room better and might as well check this place out. You will be living here, after all." He replied tilting his head innocently while he was anything but.
"Not so fast, hot shot. I thought you said it was benefited deal from both sides. No strings attached, remember?" I pondered it myself throwing in.
"Yea, but I also said we can enjoy ourselves. And trust me as much as I like my free living style, I'd rather not bring another woman while my so called wife is home. It's weird and creepy and doesn't go with my character." He shrugged.
What am I getting into?
"So, you simply adjust and enjoy it with your so called wife. Isn't it?" I completed for him raising an eyebrow.
"Why not. Plus, it's not like you wouldn't like it. Who wouldn't like to sleep with a handsome guy like me?" He ginned as I scoffed.
"Confident much?" I replied as he passed me a glass and juice.
"Trust me, that's one thing I am. And also that I can satisfy a woman perfectly. Your old enough to get these things. You should enjoy it while you can." He winked as I let out a laugh shaking my head. His man has no shame.
"Yea, no. No promises like that. Spear me of your reckless life. I admit your handsome but I need my grounds strong to step on a mine like you." I swisftly said.
"Honey, trust me you'll come around. We both may not have met on good grounds, but we both know how much we click. We'll be fine. And enjoying life is the perks of being alive. You missed on it for years." He replied passing me a plate of food.
Well, I'm yet to bed peopel like you. Probably won't ever either.
"Only you have to tone down your arrogancy." I twirled my fork motioning on him.
"And your stubborness." He said making a serious face.
"Sure, hot shot." I laughed.
"Is that a nickname now?" He smirked as I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever you think." I replied putting foodnin my mouth.
"By the way, I wanted to ask you something." He put his fork down catching my attention.
"Emhm." I let him continue.
"Are you busy today?" He asked curiously.
"Not really, I'm also done with the projects we got last month. Why?" I replied thinking.
"I wanted to ask you, if you'd like to come to our company's show." He asked slowly as I bit the inside of my mouth.
"Yea, I know. I'm already invited." I let out slowly not looking at him.
"Huh? How?" He asked surprised.
"Leo told me yesterday." I replied honestly.
"Why am I not surprised." He mumbled to himself.
"Uh, but hey, I don't have someone to go with. Cynthia won't be available since she has to finish the project by today along with meeting some clients and Sam won't be in the office today. She took the day off." I replied trying to make him ease up.
"So, you're saying you can go with me?" He asked raisimg an eyes.
"Why not." I replied putting on a smile to make him stop scrowling.
"Cool, get ready, we're going out." He clapped his hands making me blink.
"Huh? Why? Suddenly? Now?" I asked confused as he started cleaning up the plates quickly.
"Aw, love, you're about to go there as my partner. You have to look better than any human there. I mean obviously you good amazing anyway but you know the touch ups are important. What do you think we're going to do?" His smirked said it all.
"I'm not going on a shopping spree and definitely not altering with anything. I don't exactly have lowsy sense of fashion and I'm more than confident in looking good." I replied trying to pull in convincing logic.
"You wear black and formal like it's a uniform. I'm about to change that. We're going shopping and you have no say, because I technically kidnapped you." He smiled professionally.
"So now I'm a prisoner foced on a makeover." I asked smirking.
"So much more than that." He said peaking my lips before whistling away.
I was standing there, shell shocked, frozen. I did not see that coming and he just did not ask permission. Although does anyoen ask permission to kiss? Shaking in I realized what happened and I felt my cheeks burn up.
"Aw, you blush like a teenager." I heard from above the stairs.
I looked up looking still surprised as I frowned at him.
"RAFAEL!" I yelled as he instantly ran away.