chapter 15

I asked kavish, "did you think?

He said with hesitation, "I am sure. He won't hurt you...." But I spoke in between, "I told you I am not worried about myself. I am worried for my family."

"We have to convince him first. He listens you. May be, he won't. Actually, I am also confused. He always does without expectations. Sometimes, I feel I don't know him." 

"I want asurement, Kavish. I can't take any risk." I told him with frustration.

"First, it's depend on his mood. We have a find right time." As he said, I nodded. Because I was also scared to him. I didn't know what he would do after hearing it. Even I didn't know how to tell him.

I received a call from sameera. After that day, we started to spend time together. I was only avoiding him. He was busy that's why I don't think so he noticed it.

I attended the call and asked with cheerful voice, "hello sameera."

"Natasha, come fast as soon as possible. I have something to tell you." I could tell from her voice that she was glad.

I smiled, "ok. See you evening."

She denied, "now otherwise I am coming office."

"Fine... I am coming."

I cut the call and told him, "I have to go. She is so excited. I don't know why. So we will discuss about it later." He nodded.

It's afternoon time. But I was doing overtime work that's why I could go whenever I need.

When I reached home, she was waiting for me in hall as usual. She saw me, ran towards me, hugged me, jumped up and down and said, "I am so happy today."

I asked with excitement, "what happened? Did you get lottery?"

She left me and told, "you can say that." She put her hand on my arm and pulled me towards sofa. When we sat, she opened her mouth, "I have good news for you."

I raised my eyebrows, "what?"

She told with gladly, "he found your family."

A smile came on my lips. It means I could go my home. My parents never allowed me to live here without marriage. I would have time to think what to do.

But as I heard her another words, my smile gone, "our parents are also coming. They will talk to your parents about your marriage. I asked Karan. He also wants it. Now, you will be my legal sister in law." I forgot to take breath for seconds. I came into sense when I heard my name, "Natasha." She was shaking me.

She asked, "what happened?" I murmured, "nothing" I am sure she heard it. She asked, "are you not happy?"

I tried to smile, "I am happy." She hugged me and I hugged her back.

After an hour, I was in my room and walking here and there. I was tensed that what to do. I decided and dialled his number. With every ring, my heart was racing fastly.

I heard his voice, "hello"

I took a deep breath and said, "Are you busy?"

"No?" It was a question than answer.

"I want to meet you." I told him.

"Ok... Where are you right now?"

"At home"

"I am coming home."

"Not here... Somewhere else?" I told him.

"I am sending you guesthouse location. I will be there in one hour."

"Ok.... Fine.... See you there." I cut the call.

I called him but I didn't know how to say him.

I heard my mobile ringtone. When I saw screen, I picked up immediately. I heard Kavish voice from other side, "hello"


"What did sameera say you?" He asked. He understood from my voice.

I told him everything even I am going to meet Karan.

"Why didn't you tell me before calling?"

I sighed, "Kavish, I can't handle it more. I already hurt sameera feeling. If their parents involve in it, it will hard to handle. I will never forgive myself. And if my parents agree, then I can't do anything. It's better to stop now. I know I am taking risk. But it's the right time."

"Okay... Where are you going?"

"He will send me location of his guesthouse." I told him.

"Send me the location. Because I can't let you go alone." He said with concern.

I told him, "I can handle it. Your relation are not good with him. What will happen if it gets worse because of me? I think you should not come."

I heard his chuckle, "it's better if we go together. I hope I can help you."

"Okay. .... "

Karan send me location and I send to kavish. I lied to sameera that I am going to office. I took taxi and told driver the address.

The taxi was riding and I tired to think that's why I thought I should take some rest. But how could my body relax when my mind was running fastly. A lot of possibility was on my mind. A lot of idea how to start to tell him. One moment was looking like ages.

At last, the taxi stopped and driver told me, "madam, we are here."

I came out and paid him. I entered the metal gate. When I reached the main door, it was opened. It means he already was there.

I took many deep breath and tried to clam myself. At last, I decided to go inside. I was going slowly. I looked karan. He was sitting on the chair.

He looked at me and asked with cold tone, "why do you want me to meet?" I looked at him with shocked. But I deserve it because what I was doing from last days. I felt guilty but I couldn't help it. When someone behaves rudely, even you don't know what you do wrong, it's hurt. I can understand but I can't help it.

I gulped, "I want to talk you."

He hummed. I opened my mouth, "I can't marry to you."

"So sameera told you everything." He chuckled. "Can you tell me why?" He asked with cold tone like he didn't care.

"I will tell you everything. But promise me you won't hurt my family." I almost pleaded.

"What your family? He was confused for some moment but he covered it, "it seems you get to know. I was thinking how to tell you. But it's good that you know. Now it's easy for me. So tell me what do you wanna tell."

"First promise me you won't hurt my family." I repeated it again. I hoped that if he promised me, he won't hurt them.

"Fine..." Before he could say more. We heard kavish voice.

"Natasha..." I turned back to look at him.

He came to me and said, "I told you wait for me. But you will never listen."

Before I could say anything, I heard Karan voice, "so you are also here. Do you know she was going to tell me why can't she marry me? But you are also here you will hear it."

I gulped, "promise me..." Before I finish my sentence, he spoke, "ok, I promise you but if I will kill him." He took out the gun from his pocket.

I scared and took step back from fear. The gun point was on kavish. Kavish yelled, "first listen to her what she is saying. You are scaring her."

"She is my girlfriend. Why are you caring?" Karan asked with smirking.

He came to close me and put his both hands on my shoulders, "forget it what happened? I will pretend that it never happened. Let's get married. I promise you will be happy with me." I was shaking with fear but I told him with crying, "I can't forget. When I closed my eyes, I saw it. Even, every moment I think about it. How can I marry to you after it? You kill me but please spare my family."

He laughed, "tell me what if I kill him."

"Why would you kill him? It's my fault. What did he do wrong? I deserve to die." I said with pleaded voice.

Kavish spoke, "ok..  kill me but let her go."

I scolded him, "why do you want die? Why did you come here? I told you I will handle it."

Karan spoke, "wow.... Both of you want to die behalf of each other. It seems interesting. So tell me who wants to die?"

"Karan, come to your sense. What are you saying?" Kavish scolded him.

Karan ignored him and asked me, "he wants to die. Why do you care? Does he better than me?"

Did I hear wrong? I looked at kavish with confusion. He also looked at me with confusion. It seemed we heard right.

"What do you mean by it?" I almost yelled at Karan.

Kavish scolded him, "Are you out of your mind? How can you think about it? I know you love her, even both of you love to each other. She is like my sister. We are close. It doesn't mean we have something between us. You can't trust me. Atleast, trust her, trust your love."

Karan looked at me with guilty but I looked other side, "then why don't you want to marry me? You suddenly went from party with him without saying anything. Even you started to avoid me after that. And spend time with him. Do you think what I should understand then? I promise that I won't hurt anyone. Tell me atleast what did I do wrong?"

I opened my mouth, "because I saw someone in the party. Because I lied to you. I was scared. I didn't know what to do. How to handle situation. Even I don't know how to face you. It happened so suddenly that I was so confused. It's him who handle me and give me support. I trust him because he is your cousin, your family. Actually, I never lost my memory. I remember everything. I lied to you.... To everyone." And I told him everything. I was sitting on the ground and crying. The tears were flowing without efforts.

He sat in front of me and took me into his arms, "I already know you are witness. Even my car hit you not by chance. It's me. But when I saw your face, my heart stopped. I wanted to save you at any cost. My feelings for your is natural. I decided when you woke up. I would warn you and let you go. Because I can't hurt you. I know you love your family that's why it's not hard to handle you. But when you said you lost your memory, I was relieved. I know police will search your family and you went. But sameera took you into our home. I became greedy and I couldn't stay away from you. It was my mistake but I can't help it now. I can't stay away from you. Let's get married. everything would be fine. I will protect you from everything."

I told him, "I am sorry but I can't marry you. That time I didn't know it's you. How can I marry you after knowing it?"

He smiled, "you are so stubborn. What do you expect me to do?"

"Let me go to my home." I told him with assurement.

After two days, sameera, Karan and I sat on the dinning table. We decided that only kavish, karan and I knew the reality. We didn't tell anyone else about it. After finishing breakfast, Karan told her, "She is going back to her home today. And I have to go out of India because of business."

"But Karan... " sameera wanted to say but Karan stopped her, "It already decided."

Sameera looked at me and asked, "what happened to both of you? Why are you behaving like it? I am sure it can be solved."

I told her with looking down, "I am sorry Sameera. I can't marry him." Karan left the table after hearing it. I wanted to add, 'I need some time to think.' but I couldn't say.

And I was sleeping with sameera from last two days. I knew I hurt her. She was disappointed with me. But I couldn't do anything about it. I need time to think alone without any pressure otherwise I can never give him happiness what he deserves.  Karan left home for going to airport. I couldn't say him goodbye. Because I knew I couldn't control myself anymore and he will misunderstand it. He agreed to let me go with efforts. And I couldn't waste it.

Now I had to go for my city. Sameera wanted me to take everything. But I refused. I was taking which was necessary. After that, sameera packed two suitcase for me. Karan told me he already informed my family. I had to pretend that I recalled some memory from past but not fully. As anyone didn't suspect me. Sameera wanted to come with me and who could stop her? It was the time to go. Kavish also came to meet me. I looked at him and smiled, "hey"

"It means finally, you are going." He sighed with smile.

I chuckled, "it's necessary."

"Actually, I am confused what should I call you Natasha or mita?"

I smiled, "You can call me any name. I will be who I am."

He smiled, "fine... Mita"

She hugged me and said, "but you are Natasha for me."

I nodded with smiled.

She complained to him, "Kavish, please say something to her. He went without doing anything. Now you are my hope."

He chuckled, "when she is not listening you, how will she listen me?. After all, she is stubborn like him. We can't do anything about it."

She said with disappointment, "you are also useless." We laughed.