chapter 24

Karan didn't come back at home since he left in morning.

The following day, I left his home with my family. His family didn't stop me and say anything. I knew karan talked to them about it but I didn't know what's going on into his mind. He warned me but didn't try to stop me. I was confused his behaviour.

Even, Sameera didn't say anything to me. I was suspicious but I couldn't figure out exactly what they were thinking.

I returned bangles to aunty. She was hestitated to take it back but at last she took. They were expensive. If they were normal, I didn't hestitate to keep it as her blessings. But I didn't want they thought I am greedy. I am greedy only for one person. If he wasn't so much rich, I haven't hestitate to marry him. But after coming here in party with my family, I understood one thing. There is big difference between us.

I and my family reached at my home. They didn't ask me anything. I thought they were giving me space. After reaching at home,I excused myself, "I am tired. I am going to my room for rest."

They didn't reply that's why I came to my room with my luggage. I put bag aside and I changed my clothes into some comfortable pajama and climbed on my bed.

As I laid,Richa came into my room and said sincerely, "Mita,let's talk."

I asked without looking at her, "Is it necessary now?"

She nodded and crossed her arms into her chest, "Yeah, why didn't you tell us you are his mysterious girlfriend?"

I sighed deeply and sat on bed. I looked at her and asked, "if I told you, did you believe me?"

Richa opened and closed her mouth many times to say but there was no words came into her mouth. She knew very well about it.

She sat on bed beside me and said helplessly, "It's true we wouldnt never believe it if karan didn't say it himself?" She looked at me with examination eyes. I was suspicious because of her judging gaze on me. Before I could ask, She said with disdainful, "I don't know what karan looks into you. I was really confusion his taste is so bad."

My cheeks were flaming with anger. I almost shouted, "Richa, I am your sister."

She said with sincerity, "Why are you angry? I was just kidding." Before I felt she was really my sister, I heard her voice again which boiled my blood, "Seriously, Mita, why does he like you? When there are a lot of rich and beautiful women around him. Do you know his any secret?"

I rubbed my forehead helplessly, "Then why don't you ask me?" Then something clicked into my mind, "By the way, how did you get know about it?"

Richa thought for few seconds and asked hestitately, "Mita, did you and he share the room?"

I gulped my saliva to hear it. I looked at her horror. She understood and explained everything, "Actually, I came back again to your room but I looked he came out from your room and he was not happy. He explained that you are his girlfriend. Even at dining table, his parents talked about your marriage with him." I bit my lips with my teeth after hearing it. I asked with trembling voice, "Did others know about it?"

Richa shook her head, "No, I didn't tell anyone else. You know very well if mom and dad knew about it, what will be happen?" I nodded and she took my hands into her hands, "Did he force you?"

After hearing it, I looked at her with stunned. What did she say? Did I hear it right? When I noticed what's going on into her mind, I shook my head, "Richa, it's not like it what you are thinking. Actually, it's mutual." She didn't convince it that's why I took deep breath and explained, "actually, when I lost my memory, as all of you Sameera took me to their home. They were very caring for me. They tired to search my family but they couldn't. I was upset that's why they tried everything to cheer me up. That time, Karan and I came to close each other. He is really loving, caring and understanding. He always understood my feelings and knows when to give space. I don't know exactly when it happened but our feelings for each other are mutual." I can't tell truth to her that's why it's a serious and right way to tell her as she didn't misunderstand anything.

Richa took deep relax breath and asked with raising her eyebrows, "Then why don't you want to marry him?"

I signed deeply, "When I fell in love with him, that time, I didn't know who I was." I lied because I knew and I did mistake after knowing everything but I couldn't say. "Richa, you already know there are huge difference between our families. He and his family never showed it but it's harsh reality. Our one year income is nothing for them. I knew mom and dad didn't say anything because they want my happiness but they are not happy with this marriage. Can't you say by looking at their face? I don't want anybody belittle my family because of me.

I know Karan is stubborn but I hope soon he will give up about our future."

There were silent between us. Richa asked with hestitation, "don't you want to marry him?"

I took deep breath, "I think it's not necessary to give the answer."

Richa tried to say, "But...." I cut off her, "please, don't make hard for me. If my family doesn't understand me, who will understand?"

Richa hugged me out of course. I was startled in starting but soon I was relieved. She patted my head like big sister, "When did you be mature?"

I wanted to smile but I couldn't because of tears into my eyes. I knew someone will get hurt by this decision. I was guilty for karan.

The one month passed and I was confused. Nobody trued to contact me. Even Sameera and kavish. Sameera usually called me two or three times in a week but this time, she didn't try to contact me whole one month.

Did karan deny her to contact me? Did he want me to feel guilty for my decision?

My family also didn't talk about it. I knew Richa told everyone why I rejected to marry him. It seemed my family supported me silently. I was happy but sad same time. I was missing him. There was no interview and any news about him. I didn't know what's he was doing. I wanted to know but I was hestitated to call and ask to Sameera and kavish.

What if karan misunderstood about it? I was frustrated and confused. I was scared that what if he really forgot me? Even, I wanted he forgot me but I wanted him to remember me. I was desperate to know about him. Why was not any news about him in newspapers or tv or internet? I searched about him many times on internet but they were only past news which I knew very well. Why was not any new news about him? I knew I was talking like stalker but I don't care about it. For him, I was ready to be stalker. But I had no guts to confess my feelings to him.