Journey to the beginning

I woke up at 9 in morning, I was tired by last night's battle and then discussion with ankita. When I woke up I saw ankita was not there, so I went to bathroom and had bath, than I went straight to downstairs, there I saw Aniket and Ankita waiting for me on table and all of our pokemon were having their food as well (My pokemon love ankita and respect her so they follow her orders as well). I went to them and we greeted each other than had our breakfast, then I checked in my pokenav and I saw that Kesnand Town was on the western end of the region, so nearest town from there was Coral Town, to reach there we had to cross Sunbloom city. So, we will be going from the lab and there I can meet my pokemons in Lab and check their progress. I felt something shaking in my bag, I took out egg incubator and found that the incubator was shaking, so I opened it and put the egg on nearest sofa, it started glowing, we all three were waiting for it to hatch.

After a while the egg hatched and a cute little pokemon was standing infront of us, His whole body was like his mouth, I checked my Pokedex and it showed newly hatched pokemon as Gible.

Pokedex says,

Species- Gible

Gender- Male

Type- Dragon/Ground

Ability- Rough Skin

Moves- Tackle, Sand Attack.

Egg Moves- Outrage, Iron Tail

(*Egg moves yet to be unlocked)

We all surrounded him and he was looking at us in surprise, I picked him up and said welcome to world my friend. Charizard, Pidgeot and Hydreigon were there near to me as they were female members of the team, and Lucario, Tyranitar and Gengar were looking from little distance. I asked nurse joy for bottle of milk for newborn gible and she gave me one, I fed gible milk and then he slept in my lap. Team asked whether we can start the journey or we should wait for a day, but I said to start and took out a pokeball and captured newly born Gible and then called it back, he was still sleeping, so I made a Sleeping Space for this pokemon in the bag and we started our journey to sunbloom town.

We crossed route A and returned to Shikrapur Town by night, we stayed there for that day and in night I went to battle ground where my pokemon were training and I asked Gible to watch, as he was a baby and he was really mischievous one in nature, he was trying to copy Hydreigon in her moves practice, though he was yet not able to use it so he started crying. Charizard went to him and picked him up, I asked her to feed milk which was there in bottle till that we continued our intense speed and power training and this time were trying to increase defense power as well. Charizard returned after 15 minutes and gible was sleeping nearby, I asked them to continue training and I gently picked up gible and took him to my room where ankita was getting ready to sleep, I asked her to lay beside gible and sleep there so he won't wake up, as we were doing training so by sound we were creating his sleep was going to get disturbed and he could start tantrum, he was still baby born today only.

I went back and completed our training, I returned at 12:30 to my room and saw ankita sleeping with her hand on gible, so I let them sleep on bed and I laid on sofa. Next morning, I woke up when i felt something on my chest, when I woke up, I saw gible lying on my chest. I woke him up and I took my bath than I went downstairs where we had our breakfast and then went to cross route 3 and route 2 so we could reach erectus town. We stopped there and made a camp and told ankita and aniket to do their training as well, we stayed there for next 5 days and My gible by copying Hydreigon Learned Dragon Breath, Headbutt, Crunch, Bite and Tyranitar taught him Dig, Earth Power, Lucario taught him Aura power and Metal Claw, Charizard Taught him Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace and From Gengar he learned Toxic and Pidgeot was training him in using sand attack.

My all pokemon were doing their training and also, they were taking care of newly born baby in team. Gible was being trained by me and 6 Champion Level Pokemons, who had learned almost all attacks they could learn and mastered many moves to highest level. So gible was able to learn many things easily and even my lucario through his aura and with help of others already shared some of their powers, which they regained later by training but that 10% power from all 6 made gible to Initial Ultra Level. Hydreigon and me were bonded more and she learned Draco Meteor, Dragon Claw, Night Slash as well. After watching Hydreigon using Draco Meteor our small competitor was also trying to use that which was too much for his small body and using one shot was exhausting maximum of his power.

In those 5 days I focused on training Gible more and he improved significantly, He learned more quickly than I expected. He was born with talent, I guess.

Then we started our journey again and We directly went to sunbloom town by 9 pm of the same day and went to professor's Lab. I wanted to see my pokemon but professor told me to take rest for day as that long trek to Lab had already exhausted all of us, I agreed with her as you cannot argue the lady who taught you everything.

Next morning I woke up at 7 and after finishing my breakfast I went directly to the ground behind the lab where I saw my pokemons training together, Blastoise and Gardevoir along with Ursaring, Pikachu were training all the pokemons and other pokemons of Ultra level were helping rookie level of pokemons, They all were training with each other to increase their power and strength. When I reached there, Gardevoir Sensed my presence and she turned around and when she saw me, she ran towards me and so did all others, everyone surrounded me. I greeted all and said "Thanks to you all that you are training with each other which will increase your power, I am happy with the progress, We all have to be ready for battles ahead", Than I turned to my pokemons and said "Now for next 15 days I won't be going anywhere as still I have 24 months as this tournament is ongoing this month, so I can get my remaining 8 badges in 24 months for sure. These 15 days will help you all to train with each other again and eventually you all will bond with each other."

Then I turned to all others and said "Lucario, Tyranitar and Charizard will lead training now and all other senior pokemons will assist them and follow their orders. And gible, Pikachu, Sneasel and scyther I want you 4 to train with me" They all agreed.

We started our training and I also received one Thunder stone and Metal Coat from professor, I continued my training with these 4 and my all other pokemons were training with each other. On 14th day I evolved Pikachu to Riachu and Scyther to Scizor, Sneasel evolved to Weavile. Gible learned many attacks but he wasn't able to evolve yet.

Now I checked level of my pokemons and all of my pokemons in terms of levels were,

Max Champion- Lucario, Charizard

Max Mid Champion- Tyranitar, Pidgeot, Gengar, Hydreigon, Gardevoir, Alakazam

Mid Champion- Blastoise, Ursaring, Scizor, Riachu, Weavile 1, Weavile 2, Gyarados, Heracross

Initial Champion- Sableye, Grumpig, Mightyena, Kirlia M, Kadabra, Absol

Max Ultra Level- Honchkrow, Houndoom, Bisharp, Malamar

Mid Ultra Level- Gible, Slowbro.

Initial Ultra Level- Beldum, Pinsir, Slowpoke (Caught in Seabloom while visiting nearest forest)

Now 15 days were over and none of pokemon were on Rookie Level, and to reach initial master level a max champion level pokemons need training of atleast 15 days but if they train with many pokemon at a time than they can reach initial level master by 5 days only. So, when I was about to leave, I choosed 5 pokemons to go with me till the travel through Route 4 and to reach Coral Town, Those 5 pokemon were, Hydreigon, Beldum, Pidgeot, Ursaring and Kirlia M. I Left my best pokemons around so that they can max out their all moves by I reach coral town and also if they are around others will learn many best moves and my all pokemon can reach Champion level atleast. Gible was crying but I asked him to listen to charizard and Lucario and asked them to look after all pokemons and train them and train themselves as well in term of all stats.

We started our journey towards Coral Town next day, I had to cross a cave on route 4 and as per pokedex data, I can capture, Geodude, Onix, aron, Machop, Zubat, Rockruff and other rock and ground types. Professor also gave me a device which increased my pokemon keeping from 8 to 15. That will help me to train many pokemons when I catch some new. I said goodbyes to all of my pokemon and then we three left for our journey.