I went to pokecenter to treat my pokemons from that hard battle with storm. Nurse joy treated my pokemons and returned after 1 hr and said "Your pokemon are perfectly fine now, take care". I thanked her than went to battle field and I called out all 4 and thanked them, They were very happy after seeing the coral badge, I was gently patting raichu for which he cooed, I told them that we will go out for the treat and they were happy, I called out my other 4 pokemons as well, than I along with Raichu, Lucario, Gengar, Grovyle, Gardevoir, Ursaring, Tyranitar and Pidgeot marched towards the nearest ice-cream parlor, there was a park near to that where i sat in between my pokemons and raichu was sitting on my lap, raichu was fond of me since I first caught him but as others also needed training so he use to train himself along with others in the professor's lab. I was there with my pokemons only as I asked Ankita and aniket to give us some bonding time.
We all were enjoying our ice-cream than i started the talk, "Guys you demonstrated true bonding today, you all were outstanding. I would like to thank you all for this badge and even others who were not participant in battle, thanks to them for supporting me and each other" They all just smiled.
'Master thanks for the treat, we all support you because you understand us every time' Lucario was the first to talk.
"No but today I forced Gengar to battle with Gyarados even though he was tired with his battle with Golduck, i am sorry for that Gengar" I said.
'Master you allowed me to battle because i asked you to do so and I am sorry that I was not able to beat gyarados' Gengar said.
"Nah, You did best there, this was all because of you and raichu that made it easy for lucario later. You both did quite some damage to that beast" I said and patted Gengar.
'Rai Rai Chu' raichu said.
'Yes Raichu is right, we were able to battle more efficiently because you guided us more properly while training us and that is the reason we give our best' Said Lucario.
Ursaring, Pidgeot and Gardevoir were female around and they both were caring towards me and also protective. I was like a kid for them and gardevoir always treated me like that. So she came close to me and hugged me which gave me little comfort.
'Master, you are really caring towards us but we need to be best if we want to beat the regional tournament' Said Gardevoir.
'Yes master, as if we recall our battle today, than that was really tough and we were barely able to win. So we all have to work together and more intensely now' Said Gengar.
All were nodding with this reply by gengar and I also agreed but to comfort them I said, "Storm was a member of elite four previously, so it was obvious that beating him was not like eating candy"
They nodded, than Grovyle said something but lucario helped me in understanding, 'Master yes as grovyle is saying, if storm was this much strong and he got beaten by current elite fours than the current elite fours must be so powerful. And champion of the region will be the strongest, so now we have to train to beat these, all others we can beat and we have you to train us so if we train to the level of champion than we can beat anyone'.
"Yes you are right Lucario and also I heard champion has certain Legendary in his possession, also if he is unable to beat Team Mind and Team Dark than think how powerful leaders of those two are. If i am entrusted by that legendary to help in removing chaos in this region than something big is going to happen, my suggestion will be to train more higher so that we can be able to beat champions legendary with more ease" I said.
'Yes, as we battled admin and grunts of the team mind and also team dark that day I felt powerful aura from them not as powerful as that I felt today while battling Gyarados of storm, so if the aura of pokemons of lower ranked admin is so powerful than other admins will be tough to beat' Said Lucario.
"Yes, Gengar and Gardevoir here must be knowing something about power level of their leaders as they were working with them" I said.
'I don't know much but my previous trainer was lowest ranked person and he was leader of small group, he says himself admin but admins under Team Mind are much powerful and aura emitting from there pokemons are too high. I have never seen the leader though but he must be more powerful as they all together fear him' Said Gengar.
"That proves that we are going to battle against someone whose pokemons must be atleast at Max Mater Level or Legendary Level, So for that we need to train ourself as soon as possible as we don't have much time left, this is what my instinct is showing. That was the reason I was training you all so hard so that you can reach to higher level soon" I said.
'Yes Master and also we need to train weak points in our team as well, that we can help you with when we are around them and that will also help in getting stronger if we battle with that many pokemon at a time' Said Gengar.
"Yes I know, thats why my planning is that I will entrust Gengar, Gardevoir, Pidgeot, Ursaring, Raichu and Tyranitar with training those pokemons in Lab for next 2-3 months, I will not disturb you at all in upcoming gym battles as I plan to focus on training our new pokemons who can be very powerful in future, Metang, Kirlia M, Gible, Grovyle. They can be helpful asset in future and I will keep Lucario and Charizard along with me so that they will help me if anyone from those team attack us. My plan is to eliminate all of those attacking us and keep powerful pokemons in our team for future to protect region." I said.
They all nodded and as I took name of grovyle he became proud, that made us all laugh.
"So guys now its decided, those whom I choosed to stay in Lab will train all pokemons in Lab atleast upto Champion level and themselves to Master Level or Legendary level in 2-3 months, I will ask professor to allow you guys to train in jungle nearby in her observation. That will help in increasing your speed in such terrains and professors lab have different in build terrains which can help in battling those terrains in future." I said.
"So who all are with me in this big task" I asked. They all nodded except for raichu who was said by my decision of keeping him in lab.
"Buddy, you are a big asset of team, you all are good when you work as team so you will have to help others in training new pokemons in ranch. I know you want to stay with me but I want to add more pokemon in team and I promise infuture when I will make team of 15, I will keep you with me and we will walk along side" I said, which made him happy and he agreed with that. "So now its decided that next 3 months will be hardest training for you all and than we will make a big team to destroy those bastards". they all agreed in one tone.
I was happy with our days discussion as that made our bonding more strong and they all can train others for benefit of world. We continued our normal happy chat for next 2 hours and than in evening at 6 we returned to pokecenter from there I contacted Professor and she transferred pokemons as I asked, I took Lucario, Charizard, Grovyle, Metang, Gible and Kirlia M in team for next journey and in next 3 months I also planned that I will keep next 9 pokemons with me to train and others if I catch any will be sent to professor to be trained by my pokemons and as per my calculations they all can be champion level or master level by 3 months.
I went to my room and than chatted with ankita and aniket about plan than we all went to sleep as next day we were leaving for Creselia Town where Ankita was going to challenge for her next ribbon and as there is no gym in that town so I will use that time in training my pokemons.