A surprise Indeed

So next morning I woke up early, I knew that as mew promised she will be coming today in night, and she also told me that she will help me training my pokemon. So, I thought if I can add few more pokemons in team as I had 6 pokemons with me and limit to have pokemon with me was 15 now, so i thought of adding few water types and other types to team.

I went downstairs to lobby where Ankita and aniket were waiting for me, I went to them and then we finished our breakfast. Ankita was excited as today was her contest.

"Ujjawal and aniket you will see today, i will prove that I am destined to be best coordinator in the world" Ankita said.

"Yeah yeah we know that" Said Aniket.

"Ankita all the best for your contest, don't mind but I will join you later, I have some works to do" I said.

"What do you mean by you have some works to do" Said Ankita shouting at me, that made others in pantry stare at us. But she continued in same tone, "Mr. Rai do you think there is anything else more important than watching your girlfriend in contest. You better explain".

"Ankita it's really important, you know what you are most understanding girl I ever met and I only got courage to say you it because I know you will understand my situation. You know babe there is nothing more important than you for me in this world, but this work really is very important and need to be resolved or it will cause us problems" I said very calmly.

That made her sit back to her chair, then she said, "Is it really that important ?"

I nodded in reply, then she said, "Ok you can but you better come as soon as its done". I thanked her and than waved good bye and left place, I knew this place has beach where I can catch some good water types and if I am lucky enough I can also catch one Mantine.

I went outside of Pokecenter and then went directly to Creselia Beach, I thought of looking for pokemon in area where very less people are there. So I walked on beach untill I reached a place which looked like a deserted place and I didn't feel anyone's aura nearby. I called out my grovyle, lucario, metang and gible. I knew if we will train then some pokemons from sea might come out to see what going on, so I started training. I was right about that and I saw a Corphish and Krabby coming on the shore, I caught those two then recalled them out and with their help I caught many pokemons in sea which included Tentacool, horsea, staryu, corsola, remoraid, carvanha. I wanted to catch one mantine, but nothing so far. Suddenly I felt someone's aura, no it felt like few people running towards me.

After around 3-4 minutes I saw 5-6 people running and one of them bumped into me. I helped him into standing back to his feet and asked what happened.

That guy was breathing heavily and said trembling "That, that lapras is so strong. We all together were also not able to defeat that pokemon." He ran away from there. Then I looked towards the direction where that guy was pointing, I saw an opening there which I didn't saw when i reached there. 'A Lapras this tron will really be a good addition to team' I thought than asked Lucario to come along and we went towards the opening, I asked my other pokemons to stay and train till the time we are back.

I entered the cave, I was cautious as 6 trainers together were not able to defeat that pokemons, that meant Lapras was really so strong. I walked in the cave and after walking around 15 minutes I heard a cry, which felt like cry of some angry pokemon. I walked towards the direction of cry and reached in front of a pond in around 5 minutes. I saw a pokemon which looked like a pokemon which has a blue hide with darker blue spots and a cream-colored underside. It has large brown eyes, a short horn on its forehead, and tightly curled ears. It has a long neck and four flippers. The foremost flippers are larger than the hind. On its back is a heavy, gray shell covered in blunt knobs. I was sure that this was lapras and my pokedex also show me the same but it was almost 3 times the average size of Lapras pokedex showed me.

'It's really huge, If I be able to catch it than this pokemon can be my another front pokemon' I thought and walked a little closer towards the pond, I was walking silently so that pokemon couldn't hear me but I was wrong and that pokemon turned towards me and gave me a cry which was so loud that I also flinched. I was regaining my consciousness but then I felt Lucario picking me up and taking me to other side. When I saw the position where I was standing, I saw that place was frozen solid.

"We are not here to hurt you, we are just here to help you" I said, but that didn't calm her and she again sent another ice beam towards me, which I dodged again with help of lucario.

"Ok, Lucario, we will need to beat it if we want to calm her" I said looking at lucario for which he nodded and came in front of me in attacking position, that angered that lapras more and she gave another loud cry.

"Ok Lucario, show her speed and use brick break" I said. Lucario followed my order and it was a direct hit, by that hit lapras again cried but this time in pain and anger both. She attacked with hydro pump which was dodged by lucario.

"Lucario aura sphere" I said.

Lapras blocked the move in air by a shadow ball. 'She know a shadow ball as well, impressive' I thought.

"Lucario extreme speed and go behind her then use aura sphere" Which Lapras dodged by diving in the pond. 'Quick reflexes as well' I thought.

"Ok Lucario Aura time, close your eyes" I said. Lucario closed his eyes and started feeling Lapras's aura, lapras tried to attack from other end but lucario dodged it and gave her a hit by aura sphere.

Lapras was damaged and before it heal itself I ordered Lucario to attack with another aura sphere followed by brick break. And both attacks were direct hit, then I threw my pokeball on her, it beeped and shook for three times than beeping stopped, I waited for a while then went to collect pokeball. I turned to Lucario and said "Good work Lucario, we have got one new friend and she is powerful indeed". Lucario nodded and smiled. Then we returned back to beach where my pokemons were training.

I called out Lapras, she was enraged by being captured, I went near to her patting her neck and said, "I am sorry buddy, but we knew you were feeling lonely there and if we hadn't captured you than some poachers might have came and hurted you badly for money" She growled on that. I took out potion from my bag and sprayed on her body, for which she cried a little, I patted her again and said don't worry it will make you feel better.

I knew she is not trusting me yet but yeah atleast we are starting to bond each other. I asked lapras for a ride in sea to check her speed on water and she agreed for that, me with lucario went to sea, I wanted to capture mantine and I knew if we go far in sea then we might be able to capture one and I was correct, after riding for 20 minutes we saw a mantine and we followed that pokemon and finally after chasing for 30 minutes we were able to corner it near an island and then I captured it. We returned to shore where we were training then I recalled my pokemon and checked data of my newly caught Lapras and Mantine, as for others I already checked. So, my pokedex showed me,

Species- Lapras

Gander- Female

Type- Water/Ice

Ability- Hydration

Moves- Tackle, Body Slam, Growl, Rain Dance, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Hydro Pump, Surf, Shadow Ball, Sing, Perish Song, Confuse Ray, Ice shard and Hyper beam.

Egg Moves- Shadow Ball, Freeze Dry

(*Egg move shadow ball unlocked, freeze dry yet to be unlocked)

For mantine

Species- Mantine

Gender- Male

Type- Water/Flying

Ability- Water Veil

Moves- Psybeam, Bullet Seed, Roost, Water Gun, Wing Attack, Water pulse, Agility, Wide Guard, Bubble Beam, Bounce, Head Butt, Hydro Pump and Hyper Beam.

Egg Moves- Psybeam, Hyper Beam

(*Both egg moves unlocked)

So I got total 9 pokemons and I was ready for the training with mew tonight. I checked time and I was 1 pm and as per contest time 3rd round was going to start now, so if ankita was still in the challenge then I could be able to see her performance, so I hurried towards stadium and then after looking for a while I found Aniket sitting on one of the seats in front row, I saw on one seat his newly caught pikachu was sitting so I went there and said Hi to him.

"Thank god you are back on time, I held this seat in case you come" He said.

I thanked him and get myself comfortable on seat and asked him "So what's current position".

"Ankita is in semifinals and her battle is going to start now" He replied still focusing on the battleground below.

I also waited and after a while I saw Ankita coming out from the left entrance of battleground, she was looking so beautiful in that outfit. She was looking a bit nervous then she looked towards us, when she saw me she smiled and happiness could be seen on her face.

"She was waiting for you, she barely won 2nd round. Next time don't go if she is performing as she is not able to concentrate when you are not around" Said aniket.

I nodded and then started looking back on ground, Ankita again looked back to us and I responded back with thumbs up and smile, for which she smiled back.

They both were battling very beautifully, I was nervous and so 5 minutes were over and result showed ankita winning the semi final. 'Now she is just one step away from her first ribbon' I thought.

'Don't worry master she will win' Lucario said though his aura. Lucario was standing beside me. i nodded in response. Then we saw another semi-final in which a boy lost to a girl named shruti.

'This girl is really good in performing' I thought.

Final round was going to start now and both competitors ankita and shruti came our of their respective entrances and stood at their position. That battle was fabulous, it was my 2nd contest and I was sure that I won't be able to see such performance in future. Finally ankita won just by small difference in points.

Ankita received her ribbon, she was happy, very happy. After event I went to her, she hugged me saying "I won, I won". I was happy seeing her so excited as last contest was really hard for her and she almost broke down by her defeat in finals.

"You did really great ankita" Someone said from behind.

we both turned around to see a beautiful girl of our age standing infront of us, that girl was the other competitor in final.

"Thanks Shruti, you were also great there" Ankita replied.

"yeah not as good as you though" She said sighing.

"Don't worry you will win next" A boy said from behind shruti.

"Yeah, ashvin, I will for sure" Shruti said.

"Hey so guys, this is ashvin my companion in travel and my boyfriend. He is competing for regional championship." Shruti said.

"Hey ashvin, and these are Ujjawal and Aniket. Ujjawal is also competing in regional championship and Aniket is dreaming to be best pokemon breeder" Ankita said introducing us.

I said hi in reply and aniket also did the same.

"So you are also competing in regional championship ? How many badges you have till now ?" Asked Ashvin.

"I have 3 till date, and how many you have" I said showing him my badges.

"I have collected all of my badges and missed my chance to join this championship by just one day" He said sighing.

"No need to feel bad, you can challenge in next championship and till that you can train for championship" I said.

"yeah, but wait is that coral badge ?" He said looking at badge which I received from Storm. I nodded in reply.

"Wait, you mean you defeated Storm, the gym leader who was never defeated till date ?" He said almost falling on me.

"Yes, I barely won though, it was 4-3 and his gyarados was really very powerful" I replied.

"Wait you said you have beaten his Swampert, Blastoise and Golduck" He said.

"No he only used, Swampert, Golduck, Starmie and gyarados. he didn't used his blastoise" I said.

"Do you know, none of the trainer who challenged him were even able to beat his swampert or golduck or blastoise and Gyarados is said to be of different level. And you are saying you beat his 3 best pokemons and one of those being most powerful in the region" He said again in big surprise. I just nodded in response.

"You are for sure a hell of a trainer. I need to train hard if I want to beat you in championship" he said.

I laughed in response and said "I don't think I am that much powerful".

"You are too powerful, you beat storm, you can easily beat other gym leaders in the region. You know even elite fours barely win against storm" He said. I was blushing in this much big praises.

"Let's go for treat and we will talk alot on this" Ashvin said and agreed.

We went to nearest restaurant and had our meal and also I and ashvin discussed about out trip till now and he seemed to be impressed by my power. After that we said good bye to each other and I returned back to poke center with aniket and ankita. I knew my day is not over yet and I have to train with mew in night, so I was waiting for her to come in my room. Others were sleeping in separate room as I asked ankita to sleep in other room by giving excuse that I will be reading and preparing for next battle till late in night.

What will be in training with mew tonight... Will share in next chapter.