Island in Middle of Sea

Next morning I went and called professor, "hey, Good Morning ujjawal" Professor Said.

"Good Morning Professor, How are you ?" I said.

"I am good, you are looking energetic and I guess I know the reason" Said professor.

I smiled back as response and then said "Professor I would like to switch my team, can you help me with that".

"Sure why not" Replied Professor.

I switched my team and kept Tyranitar, Sceptile, Garchomp, Raichu, Metagross, Crobat and Heracross in the team, I was planning to keep scizor but heracross is fighting and bug so keeping a fighting type will help me later.

I went to Pantry and joined my friend in breakfast then we left for port to catch our ship to florida island where I will be challenging for my gym badge and Ankita will take part in Contest tomorrow.

We arrived at Florida Island in evening around 6:15. That Island was so beautiful with so many hotels big buildings and many amusement parks. I was just looking around and seeing the place. I had never been to a place like this in my whole 5 months journey.

"This is beautiful, isn't it" Said Ashvin.

"Yes, it's so beautiful. I thought Coral Town was beautiful but this is more awesome than that" I said in excitement.

"Welcome to my homeland" Said Ashvin.

"I am getting jealous now." I said.

"Don't get jealous, you can come here anytime to visit us" Said Shruti.

"I will sure, I mean we will come together" I said looking as Ankita who blushed by my reply and I also blushed a little.

"So let's go I will take you to my house and my parents will be happy meeting you" Said Ashvin and I nodded than we moved towards the way to Ashvin's house.

His house was really big, It was not any ordinary house it was a big mansion.

"Is this where you live" I asked ashvin.

"Yes, we own many amusement parks here and this place is big tourist spot in region and even tourist from other regions come here as well so we get alot of income" Ashvin Said.

"Wow that's cool" I said.

"Yes and moreover My grandfather was the one who made this place a big tourist destination, he even loves pokemons so this place is also secured for water pokemons" Said Ashvin.

I was listening to everything he said carefully and was really surprised that I have a friend who owns half of an island. Shruti left us to go her home and I with Ashvin, ankita and aniket was going to stay at Ashvin's mansion.

We entered his mansion and a man in his mid 40's came to greet us, "Hello Ashvin, welcome home son".

"Hey Dad, meet my friends Ujjawal, Ankita and Aniket" Ashvin introduced us.

We all greeted his dad, and his dad came to me and said "So you are Ujjawal about whom Ashvin was telling us, he was telling how powerful you are and your Lucario and Mewtwo are at peak level".

I just smiled from that compliment and he continued "We would like to meet your Lucario and Mewtwo if you don't mind"

I remembered that I gave those to mew for training for next 10 days so I said "Sorry Sir, Mewtwo and Lucario were sent to one of my friend for training as I wanted them to train under some better guidance"

"What where are those two" Said Ankita and Ashvin together.

"With a friend though I have recollected my other pokemons with me and they will be happy to meet you" I said.

"Wow, so we will be meeting some other powerful pokemons of yours" Said Ashvin's Dad.

"I want to meet them now let's go" Said Ashvin.

"Wait Wait Ashvin, you all can do meeting when you all will be doing dinner with your pokemons, I will arrange dinner in the ground behind so you can eat with your pokemons" Said Ashvin's Dad.

"Thank you sir" I said bowing.

"Don't be formal, you are friend of my son and he really admires you so why don't you call me uncle" he said.

"Ok sure, thankyou Uncle" I said in gentle voice.

We all went inside and I met Ashvin's mother, she was really very nice lady. Ashvin's Parents were really nice. We all went to the ground after getting fresh. There was plenty of food for all of us and also for our pokemon. We all called out our pokemons.

"Wow cool, you never told me that you had a Tyranitar" Said Ashvin.

"Yes he was his first pokemon" Said Ankita.

"Wow, you have Garchomp, Metagross, Crobat, Sceptile, Raichu and Heracross. These all are looking so powerful." Ashvin said in excitement.

"Yes, they all were trained very hard, we were apart from each other for 10 days" I said.

My Garchomp came to me and sat near me, I was patting his head.

"You love you garchomp very much" Said Ashvin.

"Yes I raised it from an egg" I replied.

Ankita was shocked by seeing garchomp as she last saw him as gible. But she knew my way of training, so she didn't ask anything and that was really good for me.

We all finished our dinner and then we sat there with our pokemons, my pokemons were happy meeting everyone's pokemons as well. My garchomp and Raichu were sitting beside me and Tyranitar was standing with Metagross and Sceptile. Heracross was lying near a tree and crobat was flying around us. I was happy meeting my pokemons and today I was spending time with them.

"I want to battle with your Garchomp now" Ashvin Said.

"Now ?" I asked.

"yes now and your Garchomp vs my Scizor" He said.

I agreed, I wanted to test new power level of Garchomp. I asked Garchomp to show half power as of now as I didn't know exact power he hold as I saw Ash's Charizard who was also Initial Legendary level. Aniket became our referee and battle started.

"Scizor Agility and then use X scizor" Ashvin said.

"Dodge it and use Dragon Rush" I said.

That dragon rush was direct hit and his scizor fell down unconscious.

"What ? How ?" Ashvin said.

I was also amused with the power of garchomp who returned and stood beside me.

"You have become really powerful garchomp" I said for which he bowed his had and I patted him.

"Your Garchomp is more powerful than your lucario and mewtwo together" Ashvin said.

"Yes, I know" I said. I knew if I battle Lucario and Mewtwo together against current level Garchomp than he will beat them with ease by getting very less damage.

"Now you are impossible to beat in League" Said Ashvin.

"Don't worry, I am sure you will train hard and give me tough battle" I said.

"Yes, I will train harder now and I will give my best in battle against you" Ashvin said. We all sat there and had some chat for a while, than we left to sleep in our rooms.

Next day is going to be a challenge day for Shruti and Ankita. Shruti already have 5 Ribbons and need only two and where as Ankita have only 1, so she will battle hard to win here. What will happen tomorrow ? Will update in next chapter.