Dear diary,
Tyler is a nice boy, no word of a lie about that. Being on that date made me feel like I WASN'T Joline for a while - I felt like I was a normal girl meeting up with her (possible!) boyfriend. However, I just… I don't know. I thought to myself "Joline, you're destined for something more than just being some hot boy's therapist". One of my vast utopias - or my fantasy islands where I was free to be truly myself - was calling me during that date and normally that is a bad sign. If I can't even stop my brain switching off then HOW am I supposed to undertake a new person in my life. But you know – at least I do feel important now and that's all that matters right?
"JOLINE. Come down here this second!" a distant voice I knew all too well bellowed.
Jumping off my bed; I immediately rushed to be of service just like a meek little maid.
"Who's this Tyler you've been talking to? What have I SAID about you talking to boys? It's a waste of time since no one will ever like you…"
And the torment goes on. Immediately I know where my happy place is and I enter there… Now I am in this vast and glorious beach and the world is my oyster. As I take a long stroll along the way – the cool breeze taking all my pains away. But, a hot, quick burning pain instantly brings me back to reality.
"THAT'LL teach you for never listening you lunatic!" my dad thundered.
Each day is slowly getting harder to live, will no one hear my call?