The Battle Begins

"Its a boy!...Its a healthy baby boy!!"

An average aged woman came rushing outside the bedroom door. Her leather brown cloak and her braided long hair, following her body like a perfect maiden. Her hazel eyes twinkling, happiness and signs of relief prominent on her elegant smiling lips as she parted them,

"Come!! Have a look at your first born master. Oh!! The little lad looks just like his mother."

Joy filled the entire room. The stillness of the air held a unique fragrance of excitement. The light breaking in from behind the tore up curtain reflected from the shattered pieces of glass at the window ceil, dimly lighting up the small drawing room. The buildup of the house was rough and old, with only a few things to be spotted that could be of any use. Three very old and dusty one-sitter couches were placed in the middle and a small kitchen at the dark corner of the room. There were scratches and cracks on the bare wooden walls. The whole house creaked just by the air touching it from outside in.

Loomati who was pacing back and forth impatiently, came to an abrupt halt. His fierce eyes turned wet and gentle. His frown took on the colors of contentment and surprise. Slowly, he made his way to the bedroom door. He gently placed his hand on the already opened door, making the door creak as it opened inwards.

His silver armor gleamed as the sunlight from the bedroom window touched it. His armor rattled as he moved towards the woman lying on a small grandma bed, small dark circles at the bottom of her purple crystal eyes. Her pink glossy lips parted, her breathing steady and low but rapid. Her brown open hair spread all over the pillow. She held a baby in her arms who was covered with the long sleeves of the simple white gown. She looked tired but beautiful, more beautiful than any woman one could ever lay eyes on.

He looked down at his new born son, sleeping a peaceful sleep. His eyes got soaked. Placing his manly finger on the side of the baby's cheek, it felt soo little, soo fragile, soo pure.

Loomati moved his gaze from the child to its mother, his lips following his actions. He gentle placed a light kiss on her lips. A kiss that conveyed a thousand words of gratitude. A small, elegant and heart filled kiss, that could sway even the most stoned of hearts. He placed his nose on top hers, connecting their forehead, "Thank you my lady. Thank you for this priceless gift. Thank you for bearing me a child. Thank you for completing my world. Thank you for making me a father and the luckiest person to live. Thank you for continuing my bloodline. I can not thank you enough for what you have given me today," he spoke in a deep manly voice. His eyes shut. Tears falling down his eyes.

The lady place her small soft hand onto her husband's shabby checks, caressing it. "Oh Loomati, you need not thank me, for you have done soo much for me and I returned you with very less. This is the least I can give you. You completed my life, and I am obliged to complete yours. This.." She slowly shifted her head towards the child, breaking face contact, "...our child, is a symbol of our love. I too feel the same way like you do, both thankfully and gratefully. I wish this moment could last forever.." She said, as silent tears fell from the side of her eyes down into her hair. Love could be felt in the darkest corners of the room. Everything was peaceful and felt right.

Her wish was a small and genuine one, but faith had planned it otherwise...

There was a sharp knock on the bedroom door, and a pair of frightful eyes entered the room. "Loomati!! We have been summoned!!"

There was a sudden swing in the moods. In two minutes the main room was filled with warriors, both men and women. There was shouting, arguments, anger, confusion. Loud voices echoed though the entire room.

"Volmae is weak. She cannot go to the front lines!!!" protested Loomati.

"We don't have any other choice!!" said a man from amongst the crowd.

"We don't have a choice. But still, Looma is right. Volmae just gave birth, it is both pointless and..." Emphasizing his point, ".... You'll be asking too much from her." said a teenage boy from the corner of the room.

"Thanks lad."

"I've seen more generations than you could ever imagine!! Who're you calling lad here Looma!?!?" ranted the boy.

Paying no attention to him, Loomati continued, "I know it might be a little difficult..."


"....But I have a plan B. We just have to stay focu-"

"There is no plan B!! Its always been this plan.. or-"

"Let Looma spit the plan out first, will ya!!" said a woman leaning against the wall. She threw her blade aimlessly at the ground, and walked towards the center of the debating crowd. "so....?" she gestured Loomati to continue as she shifted her weight from her left leg to her right, placing her right hand on her hip. Her red hair slipping down to her back.

"Yes.. as I was saying.." he paused, to ensure all the people were listening, "...we will not be expecting to see Gimiulique at the front lines where the main troops are fighting. But instead, I'm certain its somewhere north of Ohara...." he took a map from one of the men and bent down to place the map on the floor. He pointed to a thin line of land called Ohara connecting two large pieces named Shangata and Tifne. "....if we reach this coast by two days time, we will be able to set up an ambush attack behind the walls of Shangata. Attacking head on will be pointless and foolish, so lets hit them with a complex strategic attack. Cepat and Kaowadko will go in to infiltrate the enemy from the inside. Ravib, Alche, Gofod and Wallgof will stay behind conjuring up a barrier. Meeles and otake.. will be the backbone to the attack, so stay safe near the coast. Assist anyone and everyone needing help. Noore, Hingli, Ravib and I will face Gimiulique head on."

A few of the men mumbled at the thought.

"Going out there altogether will be a wiser choice"

"I say, we go to the front lines. There is a chance Gimiulique is there."

"Its a plan alright but what are the chances that it might succeed?"

"Volmae is really the key part but she cant fight in her state"

"Its been a while since we teamed up like this. Will we be able to pull it off?"

There was a lot of chattering and discussions. Some of the men were fixated on aborting Loomati's idea. The rest were silent, accepting that this was by far the best plan at hand.

"Man up weaklings!" the red headed woman yelled. "got a better, more safer plan!?"


"Come on.. we all are in, Looma. These chickens believe in you. You led us to where we are, don't be a cry baby now." she shook her head. "Though I do agree that we don't have a lot of time to plan it precisely... Otake you up for that?"

"No problem with that. It-"

"Good" the red headed interrupted, "we'll be leaving in 30 minutes then" she announced as she detached her sword from the ground and headed outside, placing her bare sword over her shoulder.

"Alright..." Wallgof said, "lets get the supplies ready shall we?"