Pain and Tears

Sitara entered her music academy and parked her scooty in the students' parking space. She is quite popular due to her dance performances. So the time she walks in and out of the academy is like a red carpet area, which Sitara hates the most, and Rishila, her best friend, enjoys the most.

Sitara spotted Rishila near the fountain, talking to a guy who is pleading to her about something. The moment the guy saw Sitara walking towards them, he flew from there despite Rishila's plea.

"Thisak, wait. Why are you running now?"

"Rishu, why are you shouting?" Rishila, who turned to her right, whistled at Sitara, which made her hit Rishila's shoulder.

"Stop, doing these sorts of things, Rishu. It's kind of creepy."

"Then who will do this other than me, my dear Sithu. You see... more than half of the college is mad for you, but you… you are this monotonous, fire-spitting dragon who looks at every single guy who crosses your path like you are going chew and spits him out if he speaks non-sense, and the key ingredients of non-sense are: Flirting, Proposing, Asking Out, etc.," Sitara pouted hearing the way Rishila described her.

"Rishu, I am not like that with you guys. See, I am even speaking like a kid who got scolded by her mother."

"I know Sithu, but see you are like this with me, Aunty, and Dida. People get attracted to your nature from afar, and when they approach you, you suddenly transform into this stone face lady who judges the person within seconds of him saying 'Hello' to you, which is not hidden to the naked eye. Sitara, if you keep acting like this bipolar person, how will anyone ever love you for who you are?" the concern filled eyes of Rishila made Swara's heart swell in happiness.

This is what she wanted.


"Rishu, you know right why I am like this. I know there was no fault of Maa, yet this society points its finger at her for even the smallest of mistake. I have to think 1000 times before I speak or act because I am a fatherless child. If I start to act on my impulse and something goes wrong, then everyone will start to bad mouth about me, Maa, and Dida. I have been living this life for the past 16 years. Already 5 years of my life has been erased, I don't want to give any more miseries to my family Rishila," taking a deep breath, Sitara looked at Rishila with unshed tears.

"Leave about me. What were you speaking to Thisak before I came?" collecting their bags, Sitara and Rishila started to walk towards their lecture hall.

"Wait a minute, how do you know his name?"

"Well, you were screaming his name like you saw a ghost." Sitara laughed while Rishila also joined with her.

"Well, he gave me the upcoming music competition pamphlet and was about to say something, but he ran away seeing something. I think he saw you coming and ran away." both of them entered their lecture hall only to see Revathi practicing the Carnatic Notes they were given as homework last week.

"Revathi, if you practice like this, your vocal cord will be strained. Take a break. You are sounding great." Sitara said, sitting beside Revathi.

"No, Sitara. I have to win this competition. If not, Dadi will be so angry that she will do something which will destroy my life, career, and everything."

Sitara felt pity looking at Revathi. From childhood, Sitara always saw how Revathi had been deprived of her needs. All thanks to her over-strict Dadi and her silent father, Shekar. She never saw Shekar speaking against Dadi even when little Revathi pleads him.

"Sitara, can I ask you a favor?" Revathi asked with a hesitation in her tone.

"Of course, Revathi."

"Can you please not participate in this competition?" Revathi left anger coursing through her veins. The guts of this girl.

"Revathi, you can't ask her to do that. If you have the talent, you will win this competition." Rishila said her thoughts, looking at the way Revathi is asking. She doesn't know why, but somewhere she always sensed negative vibes from Revathi from the time she joined the academy. No matter what, she tried to sabotage or compete with Sitara one way or the other always.

"Rishila, I am sorry to say, but I am talking to Sitara, not to you. Sitara, you tell me. We have been neighbors for the past decade, and you know about my Dadi. Till now you have won so many competitions. For both singing and dancing, but look at me, I have to strive hard to pass the classes. Please, Sitara. I am begging you. Please!!"

Sitara's eyes softened, seeing Revathi pleading. She is a soft-spoken and sensitive girl who is doing something she doesn't like just for the happiness of her family.

"Ok, Revathi. This time I am not going to participate. Revathi, when you want something, you have to work hard for it with passion and obsession. I pray that you get the prize." Revathi nodded her head in agreement, and soon the hall filled with students, and the class commenced.

Revathi looked at Sitara, who is sitting beside Guruji as she is the class monitor.

"You are right, Sitara. From now on, I am going to work so hard. That, in the next semester, I am going to be the class monitor. You can't have everything in your life. 'To gain something, you have to lose something' Sitara, and I will make sure you will lose."

Childhood suppression and disappointments slowly started to poison Revathi's heart against Sitara, and the only way to cure her heart is LOVE. But, who knows, sometimes that very LOVE which can heal people's wounds becomes the cause of that wound.

Rishila turned her head a bit and saw Revathi looking at Sitara with some sort of emotion which she couldn't comprehend. Though Sitara doesn't do anything deliberately, due to her bold and upfront character, she attracts unwanted enmity. Rishila mentally prayed that no harm should touch Sitara.

Soon, the news of Sitara not going to participate in the competition spread like a forest fire, and students started to question her decision wherever she went.

During her dance practice, Principal Sarvesh walked in to talk her in to participate in the competition.

"Sitara, this competition can be your biggest break for your career. I know you always decide after a lot of thinking and all I am saying is think about it once more."

"Sir, I know this competition will open doors to all of the opportunities, but more than me, someone else needs it badly. Thank you so much for your concern Sir, but I am not going to change my mind. I have faith in my talent." Principal Sarvesh walked out of the practice hall in defeat. In front of Sitara's stubbornness, no one can win.