
 Maheswari Family...

A prestigious Marwari Family who resides in Kolkata for the past two generations. Mr. Kaliyug Prasad Maheswari came to Kolkata as a diamond merchant. Started as a small Gold and Diamond Shop, soon the Maheswari and Sons became famous around the area. Maheswari and Sons' name reached the nook and corner of the country because of Mr. Kaliyug Prasad Maheshwari's grandson Durga Prasad Maheshwari and Ram Prasad Maheshwari.

Durga Prasad is a righteous and honest man who has a strong belief in traditional values. For him, caste and community are like two eyes. After his father, Durga Prasad became the head of the family, also president of the Marwari Community, formed by the Marwari people living in Kolkata.

Ram Prasad never questioned his brother twice in any of the decisions taken by him. For him, Durga Prasad's words are Gospel, and Ram always followed his footsteps.

Durga Prasad married Annapurna, a Marwari girl who was brought up with all the values a girl needs after marriage. She is a silent woman who likes to speak when there is a need, but her words are made of steel. Sometimes, Durga Prasad can't deny her orders.

Sujata got welcomed into the Maheshwari Family after 5 years of Durga Prasad and Annapurna's marriage. Sujata was just 19 when she got married to Ram, and she was afraid of looking at the magnificence of the Maheshwari's, but Ram stood by her like, a true-partner. It was an arranged marriage. Sujata was from a middle-class family. Her father had a small jewelry shop, and Balveer Maheshwari once saw her in the shop helping her father, and that's how she got married to Ram. She thought Ram will also be like Durga Prasad, but he is different. Ram always lets her do whatever she wanted, but sometimes they can't do a few things with the family's permission. He even enrolled Sujata in a college so that she can finish her graduation. Soon the Maheshwari Mansion echoed with the joyful cries of two baby boys. Aditya Prasad Maheshwari was born to Durga Prasad and Annapurna after 8 years of their marriage, and Sidhanth Prasad Maheshwari was born to Ram and Sujata after 3 years of their marriage. Aditya is 5 months older than Sidhanth. Durga Prasad and Annapurna had a soft corner for Sidhanth because, from the time of his birth, Sidhanth has always been close to them more than his parents. After a few years, Annapurna got pregnant again, and Lakshman Prasad Maheshwari entered Sidhanth and Aditya's life when they 6 years old.

The boys were inseparable. They always think about each other before they wanted to demand something from their parents, but they felt a void of having a sister in their life. When the brothers got to know Sujata is pregnant, they prayed every day for a sister, and as they wished, Uttara Prasad Maheshwari came into their life as a bundle of joy. The brother's pampered her like anything. Even a small drop of tears from her eyes will make the trio mad in anger. Including their parents, no one can scold her or raise their voice against her.

  Sidhanth Maheshwari…

Scratch the Maheshwari. From the time he started to understand the dynamics of his household, he always rebelled against the rules implicated by his grand-father Balveer Prasad Maheshwari. Sidhanth never liked to take advantage of his surname. For him, it's like a parasite. But what can he do? You can't decide your birth or your death. So, Sidhanth decided that after graduation, he will choose a career by which people will talk to him for his name, not for his surname.

Ram and Sujata had to face embarrassment so many times because of Sidhanth's cut-throat speech. When someone comes to talk to him just because he is a Maheshwari, they receive nothing but a cold stare. During one of the business parties, a business associate casually mentioned that Sidhanth will be taking over the Maheshwari Merchandise, but what he replied stunned everyone except Durga Prasad.

"Sorry to say Uncle, but I want to stand on my own feet. I don't like to be recognized as Sidhanth Maheshwari, CEO of Maheshwari Merchandise. I like to be recognized for my name, for my own works, not for my surname, and I hate trying to live under my parents' money. Sidhanth… That's my name. Here onwards, call me Sidhanth. Just Sidhanth." Sidhanth walks away from them, making everyone tongue-tied by his attitude.

"I must say Durga, Sidhanth is an exact replica of you. Mark my words, one day he is going to make you guys proud" Ram and Durga Prasad's heart swelled in pride.

But it lasted only for a few years. Sidhanth walked out of the house because he fell in love with a Bengali girl named Aashna Chatterjee. Durga Prasad was his love because, for him, his prestige and pride are the most important things. Durga Prasad gave Sidhanth an ultimatum. It's either the family or the girl. Sidhanth chose his love over his family.

Sujata and Annapurna cried, seeing their child walking out on them for a mere girl. That's the start for Sujata to hate other caste girls. Somewhere the family lived with the thought that Sidhanth is living happily, but one news snatched the smile and happiness from Sujata's life. After 5 years, the Maheshwari family received a phone call from Aashna, stating that Sidhanth died in a plane crash while he was flying back from London.

That was the end of Sujata.

The chirpy lady who can't stop talking even for a minute became silent and built a wall around herself. Sidhanth made her a complete woman. Her firstborn. He gave her the identity of being a woman. When for the first time, he called her Mom, she felt like she won over the whole world. But today, he is not in this world.

Lakshman and Aditya try to keep the family happy by their presence, but the void of Sidhanth could never be filled by them.

Sidhanth, the light of the Maheshwari Family, but now it is only filled with darkness. For the world, they are content with the fame and power they have in Kolkata, but inside they only know how broken they are.

Without their Sidhanth.