The Mystery of Sidhanth...

Revathi came out of the lawn, not able to take the happiness erupting inside the Maheshwari Mansion. All of her hard work went into the gutter due to Sonali's change of heart.

"Whoever kidnapped this Sitara, if at all I find him or her, I will kill them with my bare hands,"

"Oh, really?" Revathi turned around, and her eyes wide opened, seeing Sidhanth. Standing in front of her with his hands folded in front of his chest.

"You are not mad? I mean, you are acting like a mad?"

"Bingo, Ms. Vasthav. Well, I smelt a tinge of jealousy and anger in you. That's why I followed you here. So, you do not like your sister much."

"Sister? Bullshit. She is a mistake done by my Appa. If at all I could have a way to go back to the past, I will definitely stop Sonali Maa and Appa from making this mistake. Do you have any idea what and all I lost just because my Dadi compared me to Sitara?