Towards a New Ending...

Working on his Mac Book, Sidhanth typed out the intricate details of his mission plan to rescue his senior agent Janaki. He has so many questions running to all corners of his head. He understands that Janaki Mam attempted to solve the biggest case of the Intelligence Agency – Catching of Shariff Ashutosh and she tasted defeat already. That doesn't mean she will poke her nose in his business. He doesn't like people other than his subordinates he assigned to enter his den and now because of Janaki's stupidity, he has to put a halt to his real mission. But fortunately or unfortunately, Sitara's murder attempt and recovery period gave him an ample amount of time to structure this rescue mission. Sidhanth moved his eyes from his Mac book when he saw Nithya entering his room with his phone blaring in her hand.

"Chachu, someone named Smith is calling you for a very long time."