Her First Day...

The morning routine of the Maheshwari household is quite different. The servants of the house wake up every single member of the house with their morning tea, coffee, and juice. Around 7 am, the ladies of the house gather in the garden to discuss daily chores that they have to do while youngsters move towards the in-built gym. Ram and Durga Prasad start their morning routine with yoga and walking in the nearby park.

After brushing her teeth and doing her daily business, Sitara asked Uttara where will be Annapurna and Sujata? Uttara informed her that they will be in the garden at this moment, and with the help of a servant, she was able to locate them.

For Sitara, this Mansion is nothing but a maze, and she felt even the Harry Potter map was easy to follow than where the staircases of this house lead to. She entered the garden and saw her both mothers-in-law enjoying their morning drink discussing something.