He came here for SITARA...

Lakshman and Aditya came out of the home gym talking about their schedules and meetings in the office. They are in a serious crisis now after the entry of Sidhanth's company in the Kolkata market and they know Sidhanth being Sidhanth won't compromise for anything on his end. So, they have to revamp their strategies and that's when they saw Sujata coming down the stairs, visibly worried and scared as if she is going to faint anytime soon. 

"Chachi, what happened? Is everything alright?" Aditya enquired and but Sujata just walked past him ignoring his question. Aditya frowned at her behavior, but he went from there shrugging it off thinking it's not his problem but Lakshman got suspicious of her behavior and followed her from a distance. He watched her going towards the in-house temple and calling someone from her phone.