Double Agent...

Sidhanth leisurely sat in front of the T.V placed in his room and surfed through the channels, but he couldn't find anything interesting. At last, he settled on a news channel, showing the current market state. He could hear Sitara's cries which stirred something inside him. That very same heart-tugging feeling he used to feel whenever he sees his MINI in misery. Her tears always bring out the animalistic side of him which he knows she fears yet he couldn't control himself when it comes to his Mini. At times he used to wonder how could he feel some sort of pull towards a 10-year-old when girls of his age couldn't do it? 

Sidhanth often sees a lot of similarities between Sitara and Mini. Both of them have those identical unadulterated black orbs which used to invite him to drown in them. He couldn't stop thinking that maybe is he missing something? Is something that is right in front of him and he is denying to see it?