Shariff in Action...

In London, after disconnecting the call, Shariff looked at Abdulla with a question mark on his face.

"You knew this? About the murder attempt, that Sidhanth guy marrying Shonu?"

"Chief, Bhabhi kept on assuring me that everything is fine. On top of that, you asked me to remove every security from Shonu baby's way."

"Do you work for me or for her?" Shariff screamed at Abdulla while he just stood there silently casting his eyes on the floor. Shariff drank the water placed on his table trying to control his rage. This is not the time to be hyper.

"Abdulla ask our pilot to get the plane ready. I need to know everything happened in Sitara's life, even the smallest of the thing that you thought is a waste of my time. Call MI6 and ask them to send the detailed analyzes on this Sidhanth damn Maheshwari. Sonali said he is an agent. Ask Jeffery to call up a meeting with his higher official within the next hour."