Demon against Devil...

Sidhanth saw himself in his school playground where he usually met Sitara for 15 minutes after school. This playground holds lots and lots of memories. He saw her sitting on the stone bench, their favorite spot. She was wearing the yellow cotton dress which she wore on the day of her drop-off. He stepped towards her and called out her name,

"Sitara" when she looked up, he felt as if all the air has been knocked out of his lungs. She has a black eye, her lips are cracked with dry blood marks, her cheeks have fingerprints. More than her bruises her eyes which are shooting an accusatory glare at him are twisting his heart painfully. 

"You broke your promise, Dev. Years before also I called out for you, you didn't come to rescue me. Today also you did the same. I hate you, Dev. I HATE YOU" Sitara yelled on his face which stunned him.