The Queen is Out...

Lakshman started to curse his fate and God for bringing him into this chaotic family. Sitara's and his family rivalry goes way back, Sidhanth and Sitara have this weird connection when they were in school, with a villain born in that period who after a few years became Sidhanth's friend and the biggest rival. If he divulges into each of the relations, he will only find more questions than answers.

Now when he looks at the structure of his family it looks like a spiral. A never-ending spiral. 

"Jiji, how can Sidhanth say like this? How can she decide just like that? That too to abort the kid? It's our blood." Sujata blabbered.

"Excuse me, she is the mother of the kid. Only Sitara has the right to decide whether she wants it or not." Shariff lashed back at Sujata. Lakshman's eyes fell on the two men who were the main culprits of this whole fiasco, silently standing at a distance as if nothing bothered them.