Night Out

Amelie is currently lying on her bed in her underwear. Deciding what to wear for her outing with Myra and her friends. Her face buried in her pillow when she hears a soft knock at the door.

"Yo, Amelie. You going to use the bathroom soon? Im gonna be using it for a while."

In a panic Amelie quickly rolls off the side of her bed and fastens her bra on. The sound of her hitting the ground can be heard from outside. Her roommate rushes in to see Amelie face down on the ground. She barely managed to get her bra on before he entered.

"I'm fine. Next time ask before coming in Greg."

"Gezz, whats the fuss. Thought you like fell unconscious or something."

Amelie got up and put a robe on to cover herself up. She walks up to Greg and roughly shoves him out of the room.

"I get it, I get it, ask next time. Well I'm using the bathroom. You better hurry if you want to go to that thing you had, its already like 6:50."

Amelie closed the door behind Greg. she put her back against door as she slumped to the bottom, her knees near her face.

'That was close, that could have been much worse.'

"Oh, by the way my girlfriend and me are going to my family's for a couple of weeks. We already have the next 2 weeks rent aside. You got this place to yourself for a bit. Don't mess with my stuff while I'm gone."

'Back to what I was doing, picking a dress… wait 6:50, I'm going to be late.'

Amelie races to her closet and takes the first dress she finds and quickly puts it on. She gets on a pair of socks and white shoes. She rushes out the door and makes her way to the pub.


"I don't think she's coming man. It's already 7:30. Let's just call it a night." States Daniel.

"Im sorry Myra."

"Hey guys its fine. Im glad you came out for me. You guys can go home, I'm going to stay and have a few drinks.

Sera and Daniel head back down the street to Daniel's car as both Daniel and Sera carpooled together. Sera gives a slight wave to Myra as they turn the street corner. Myra looks at the pub they were all supposed to meet. She quickly heads inside past the bouncer. Looking for a good spot to sit, Myra sits down at a booth instead of her normal spot at the bar.


'I'm so late, so very late. I should have paid more attention to the time. I hope they aren't too mad.'

Amelie is racing down the sidewalk to the pub she was supposed to be at over a half hour ago. She lost track of time and to make matters worse her taxi got stuck behind an accident that spanned across the entire street. She paid the driver the money and decided to go the rest on foot.

'I'm glad I decided to wear the flat shoes. This would be way worse if I was falling every 10 ft.'

Its 7:50 as the pub comes into view a huge smile stretches across Amelie's face. She reaches for the door to the pub when a large muscular arm reaches infront before she could enter. She stops and looks to see a large imposing figure dressed in a black shirt and pants.

"Im going need to see your ID ma'am."

"Um, I'm 22."

"Im sure you are, but I need to see your ID." 

"I have some friends waiting for me."

"That great, you can head on inside once you show me your ID."

'I can't show him it. I should have thought of this ahead of time.'

"Listen, kid. I can't just be letting minors in. Its bad for business now-"

As Amelie and the bouncer are speaking the door to the pub creaks open. Out pops Myra's head from behind the door.

"Oh, Miss Banks. Leaving already?"

"No, I was actually waiting for my friend, who you seem to be harassing. Would you mind letting her in."

"I'm sorry Miss Banks, company policy demands they need an ID."

Myra now completely steps outside. And looks up at the bouncer who is at least a good 7cm taller than her.

"Come on Brutus, you didn't ask for ID. Can't you trust that I'm not bringing underage girls to the pub."

"Oh all right. But next time I'm going to need to see her ID. No expectations."

"Thanks Brutus."

Myra reaches out to Amelie. She swifty grasps her wrist and pulls her inside. As Myra leads them to their table Amelie asks,

"Thanks for the help, and I'm sorry I was late."

Don't mention it. But next time make sure to bring your ID. Brutus was in a pretty good mood today."

The two make it to the booth Myra picked out and take their seats across from each other.

"Its not that I don't have an ID, its…"

"Are you actually a minor?"

"No, its… um"

"Its fine if you don't want to tell me that's fine, but promise me you won't have me lie for you."

"I-I promise."


Amelie looks at the table expecting to see the friends Myra said would be here instead it just her and Myra.

"Um, Myra."


"Where are your friends?"

"Oh them, they thought you weren't coming so they went home."

"But you stayed?"

"Yeah, well I just had a feeling you were the scatter brain type. So I decided to stay a bit longer"

Myra slides Amelie a beer as she takes a sip of her own. Amelie take the beer with 2 hands and anxiously looks at it.

"So you have never drank before."

"Shut up, I have. Once."

"Well then it must have been traumatic for you to not want to do it again."

"I just can't remember the rest of the night and the next day I couldn't get out of bed."

"So either your a lightweight or you drank way too much. Well let's not drink too much then."


Myra raises her glass up to Amelie. She does the same. A clink is heard as the glasses hit. Myra takes a bit gulp of her glass while Amelie takes just a sip.

"So Amelie, what do you do when you're not at the library?"

"Well I read and I do my school work."

"High-school work?"

"No, I-Im in college!"

Amelie takes a swig of her beer and hits the table with the palm of her hand.

'She's cute when she gets angry. I should stop though.'

"Well then how come I never see you on campus?"

"I do it all online so I don't have to go outside."

'That sounded much less pathetic in my head.'

Myra gives a slight grin and takes another big gulp from her glass. At this point the glass is already half gone.

"So you're a neat? Well you must have done something in high-school. Did you like, do any sports or clubs?"

"Well I was part tennis team… for a bit."

'I bet she looked super cute in her tennis uniform… no no, stop it. Stay focused, work on being friends.'

"I bet you looked good in your uniform. Did you do win any awards or-"

"What did you do in high-school, any cool sports."

'Why did she change the topic off her? Maybe she doesn't like to take about herself.'

"Oh me? Well I did track and field. Not to brag but I was-"

"Myra, is that you? It's been too long."

Myra and Amelie look to see where the voice came from. At the bar is young man in a raggedy button up shirt with beer stains on it. He had clearly had a few beers too many. He stumbles off the barstool to Myra and Amelie's table. He leans on the booth closest to Myra.

"Aw don't ignore me Myra. We talk for like a week and now you pretend you don't know me."

"Go away Randy. I said I was done, now buzz off."

Randy looks to Amelie sitting across from Myra. She is clutching her glass of beer trying to avoid eye contact.

"So I wasn't good enough. I guess I didn't have the look you were after."

"Were just friends sharing a beer. Now go away."

"Oh really want me to believe that horseshit?"

Randy looks directly at Amelie who is now taking a large sip of beer in the hopes of acting normal.

"Hey you girl. She will get bored of you too. She's just a sl-"

"Is there a problem here?"

Brutus stands behind Randy with his arms crossed. Randy turns around and stares up at the hulking bouncer. His lip starts to quiver.

"N-no problems here. Just hanging out with a couple of friends."

I've been getting complaints about you all night. This is it for you."

Brutus immediately picks up Randy by his collar and starts dragging him to the front entrance. Randy's feet start to drag as he has a hard time standing while being dragged. When Brutus makes it to the door he kicks it open and grabs the belt around Randy's pants. With that he tosses him out onto the street. He then returns to Myra's table.

"My apologies about not stepping in sooner."

Amelie continues to sip at her drink which at this point is almost gone. Myra looks to Brutus, her hand grasped tightly around her glass.

"I was hoping you were going to let him stay. So I could kick his ass."

"I can't be having a fight inside, but if he shows up again I'll let you beat him up outside."

"Thanks, I'll keep you up on that offer."

A quiet thud could be heard from the opposite side of the table. Myra looks across the table to see Amelie face down on the table, her glass completely empty.

"I didn't know she was drinking so much. I guess the nights over."

Butus gives Myra a polite nod and heads back to work.