Lexine looked around her room with a sigh as she packed her belongings. Although there was still a day left before she had to go back home, she did not want to stay in the academy any longer.

She felt as if someone would come jumping out of nowhere to kidnap her once again. There was no way that her heart would manage to take that another time.

She plucked her phone from the bag she had been given by Arkien, and stared at the dark screen. It had been a month since she had been home. Despite the fact that she had lived with the housemates for the whole month, she did not feel very much attached to them. They had been nice, on the count of they did not want to anger the headmaster. But, just maybe, she could consider them her friends?

She picked out her pouch and removed one of her biro pens from the inside.

'I guess since the only thing I can do right now is to write them a letter telling them that I've gone home.'