Ceeret and her father stood just outside the house belonging to the Woods family. The whole building was bustling and the police had long since been called. The police were pulling yellow tape over the area to prevent people from going into the house.

Ceeret slumped her body on the wall, laying all her weight on the soles of her feet, as she looked at the wall that was opposite her blankly.

She had remained blank since she entered the house that belonged to Lexine and her mother. The only reason she had opened the door was because she had been given a house key by Adrianna. This was because the woman was too lazy to open the door for her when she decided to visit early in the morning.

Her mind was brought back to the present when a stretcher was carried out of the house. Although it had been covered by a large white sheet, she still saw the decapitated head and hand that belonged to Adrianna.