Back in her room, Lexine slumped into the bed. Since she hadn't slept well the whole night, she felt herself drift in and out of darkness. After a few seconds, she smacked her cheeks using her palms and sat up. She still had to make something for her aunt and uncle before she left. At least, it would help them remember her. Even though her uncle was going with her to the academy.

She looked at the mark that indicated Kivuli's presence and poured her energy signature into the mark as she knew how to.

A shadow seemed to split out from her own shadow, as he manifested. His body was next, as it grew from the shadow that had split from Lexine's own shadow.

Once he was fully manifested, he jumped onto Lexine. "Master!" Within a few seconds, he had soaked Lexine's shoulder with his tears. "You completely forgot about me, didn't you master?" he sobbed, rubbing his head on her shoulder, "you even put up a wall in our mental communication. Do you know how bored I was?"