We stand there in our spots weapons drawn and our eyes locked on the door for any signs of pressure on the boarded wooden frame of it. All of dead silent and the noise of even just our breathing felt like sharp snaps of dried branches. The growls of the undead still emancipating from the floor underneath us, the creaks of the wooden floor getting stronger.

The creaks and the growls shifted now instead from under us they started to come from our left, moving slowly and steadily up the stairs. they were moving with slow steps which meant that that they had not yet caught on to our scent trail yet. The only good thing to have happened in a long time. There was then a loud throaty screech and the door next to ours broke down, they had found the corpse next door and many were probably feasting on it too.

Our room went even quieter the four of us all holding our breaths from the tension, we saw a pair of feet from the crack under our bedroom door joined by more and more until there was barely any light coming, they sniffed out loud, turned towards the door and there was a loud crash. the door gave way. We saw ugly, grotesque, burnt and blood covered face with slowing red eyes outside our room. It looked at me dead in the eyes and let out a huge scream to which I replied by sticking it with a spear in its brain.

The other zeds just attacked us after that, even with all four of us slashing and cutting at them(Carly and gran shooting them) we were getting pushed back, they just kept coming one of them turned and I stabbed it in the back at which it collapsed still it was not dead it still tried to bite me on the ground shimmying towards me i stabbed it in the eye letting a zed fly towards me an inch from my face I gave up any hope of surviving the attack when a knife came whizzing my way stabbing the zed in the side of the face after which it's head fell in my lap I sat there for a moment before getting up and resuming my fight. We got pushed up against the wall, nowhere to run now, I got my knife out now and slashed away with a knife in one hand and a spear in the other. all of us slashed away madly at the crowd of angry red eyes. That is when it all went to hell, gran slipped and fell down, Carly had her knife slapped out of her hand and then got tackled by a third zed. All hope lost Albus and I still kept fighting. Then there was the sound of rifles and guns the zeds outside the door turning towards the hallways and getting shot in their brains.

The crowd had been finished, the wooden floorboard red with blood and dismantled corpses of the zeds. Albus sunk to his knees, I slashed the last zed strangling Carly and I collapsed. The last thing I saw was Carly jumping towards a strange man in camo clothes, a missed heartbeat and everything went dark.