Chapter 14

Moon's Pov

After sitting in Ian's and Emily's secret place. It was so much fun we talked and talked for hours we kept laughing till my throat hurts. Ian said he's gonna drive us home, He drives Emily home first, So it's me and him in the car, we sat in a comfortable silence. After minutes he stops the engine

"You're not mad at me right?" I said

"No I'm not and stop asking this question you make me feel bad" He said shaking his head

"I feel bad when you're mad at me" I said smiling slightly at him

"What can I say you love seeing me sad" He pouted then chuckled

"You know I'm not doing it on purpose right?"

"I know" He turned his head to look at me and I smiled at him

"It's getting late...Thanks for the drive" I said getting out of the car walking to the door before opening it I turned around and waved at him he waved back and start driving, I opened the door and get in

"Where were you, young lady?" I heard my mom's voice I turned around and grinned at her

"I hanged out with my friends after school" I shrugged

"And why you didn't tell me?"

"I forgot...sorry" I said feeling bad for making her worry

"Did you have fun?" She said smiling at me. I giggled and nodded

"So much fun"

"You're hungry?" I shake my head then hugged her while whispering a good night. I walked up to my room. Then out of nowhere while changing my clothing into a comfy pjs I remembered Damien and what happened in the morning when I left him for Ian and Emily

I picked up my phone dialing his number and waited for him to answer. He answered after the fourth ring


"Hey Damien It's Moon... Did I wake you up?"

"Oh hey, Moon. And no you didn't"

"I'm sorry for what happened in the morning you know for making all of you sit with me, Ian and Emily and for what Ian said"

"You left us for them"

"They're my friends and sorry for leaving"

"I know they're your friends but that means that you still don't trust me"

"I-I don't know I-I just need time...I have to see if you really changed it's not about words" I heard him sigh

"Okay take all the time you need...but to believe that we changed I'm throwing a party tomorrow at my house you, Emily and Ian are invited...I've never invited them but I want to be at their good side and I hope they come"

"Do your friends know about that?" I said biting my nails nervously

"Of course"

"Okay, I'll try to let them come Thank you, Damien, for understanding and Tell Jessica, Alexander, and Vicky that I'm sorry"

"Okay I'll tell them and If Ian and Emily don't wanna come which I hope not I'll be waiting for you okay?"

"Y-Yea Yea, of course, I'll be there"

"Okay bye"

"bye" I said and hung up

I slept in bed thinking of what I'm gonna tell Emily and Ian will they get angry? Will they accept coming to the party? Will they believe that they changed? Did they really change? Can I trust them? I kept tossing around in bed trying to find answers to this questions...I tried to sleep and It felt like forever till I fell asleep


I feel the sunlight hitting my eyes and you know this feeling of it like your eyes are burning. I tried to adjust my eyes to the sun until I could open it. I walked slowly to the bathroom to take a shower. after that, I wore my clothes and walked downstairs saying good morning to my mom and dad

It hit me like thousands of rocks what happened yesterday I have to tell Emily first hoping she would accept and come to help to convince Ian

"Is everything alright Moon?" I heard my dad's voice I snapped out of my thought looking around me seeing that I'm standing in the middle of the kitchen I turned my gaze to him, they were setting in the kitchen table and looking at me with furrowed eyebrows and confusion written on their faces

"Huh?... Um No no I just remembered something I have to do it" I walked quickly to my room panicking, than i thought sending a text first will be good

"Can I come to your house today I mean like right now😅" I waited for like 5 minutes and she replied back

"You're welcome anytime I'm waiting for yah🤟🏻"

"I'm coming in 20" I replied

I walked into the kitchen and tried to ignore my parents look, I ate my breakfast quickly and then washed my dish

"I'm going to one of my friend's house" I wore my converse and left with my dad's car keys I hopped in and start driving.

After minutes I stopped in front of Emily's house, stopped the car, ran to Emily's door and knocked on the door waiting for her to open. The door opened and it wasn't Emily instead it was her mother

"Hello, Mrs.Roberts" I smiled

"Moon Hey darling How are you? Come on in" I stepped inside the house

"I'm fine Mrs.Roberts What about you?"

"I'm alright and please just call me Rose" She smiled at me and I nodded looking at her bright blue eyes

"Moon" I turned around looking at Emily running downstairs and she throws her hands around me hugging me tight I took the chance and whispered in her ear

"I want to tell you something" She pulled back and nodded

"Excuse us, Mama" She took my hand and pulled me upstairs to her room

"What's wrong?" She asked with furrowed eyebrows

I cleared my throat "I called Damien yesterday" She rolled her eyes and sat in the middle of her bed

"And what I'm supposed to do with that?" She huffed

"Look he really wants to be on your good side they changed, to believe me, he's throwing a party you and Ian are invited" I looked at her hopefully

"He never did that" She said in confusion

"I know and he said that Jessica, Alexander, and Vicky want you both to come" She turned her gaze to me

"But what about Ian? he would be mad"

"We can convince him, Come on Em we will have so much fun"

"No T-They're lying" she shakes her head. I hold her hand

"Just give them a chance maybe they did change...Please Emily a second chance" We sat in silence for a second

She huffed "Okay I'll go I want to party you know" She giggled

"YAAAY" I clapped my hands and make a small dance move

"Come on change your clothes we have a mission"


I stopped in front of Ian's house, I and Emily didn't make any move we're just staring at the house

"I'm nervous and You?" Em asked still staring at the house

"Nervous too But we will give it a try," I said taking a breath and got out of the car walking to the door and Emily is following me. I knocked and with each knock, I feel my heart pumping faster. Ian opened the door

"Oh Hey...Why do you both look like you've seen a ghost? Is everything alright?" He waited for our answer but neither I or Em opened our mouths with a word, Ian looked at us " Just Come on in you weirdos " We entered the house Emily standing beside me looking at the floor. I elbowed her lightly

"Say something please" I whispered to her. She nodded then Ian stood in front of us

"I-I-Ian" She stuttered

"Y-Y-Yea?" Ian mocked her and chuckled

"Uhh...Moon wants to tell you something" I gasped and glared at her "What the heck Em?" Ian looked at us and walked into the living room I took Emily's hand and we followed him

"Ian we want to tell you something" I sat beside Ian and Emily is on his other side so Ian is between us

"We're invited into a party?" Emily said I nodded mouthing a good job

"Oh, really who's party?" I widened The moment of truth I looked at Emily and nodded

"Damien's" We said at the same time. I looked at him and his smile was gone, His jaw tensed and he clenched his fists Oh God

"Moon seriously" He hissed

"It will be fun believe me" I whispered

"We haven't gone to any party in so long Ian and it's our last year in high school we must have fun" Emily said. Ian turned his gaze to Emily so slowly, If looks can kill Emily would be buried right now.

"Emily, you're going to the party?" He hissed

"Damien invited all of us, Ian, They want to be on your good side. Him, Jessica, Vicky, and Alexander is waiting for us they want us their" I said

"And we haven't partied for years, We will have so much fun" Emily continued for me. I smiled at her gratefully

"Never in a million years" He got up and walked upstairs, We followed him, He entered his room before us and shut the door on our face and I gasped

"Oh God, He's so mad" Emily said, I knocked on his door

"Go away" He yelled

"Ian just hear me out. They changed believe me and they want to be on your good side, That's why he invited you, and you can ignore them but just think we will have so much fun just the three of us. We will go there and we gonna just thank them and then leave to dance, drink and have fun just the three of us...And if you didn't go, Emily won't go and I don't wanna go alone I want my best friends with me it won't be fun if you aren't there. Like what Em said it our last year in high school we have to enjoy every second of it...Please, Ian" I said and I mean every word I said, It's very weird that I feel very strong and confident when they're with me. If one of them is missing I feel so weak. We just stand and stick for each other, In just a small amount of time, they became a part of my family.

Ian opened the door "Wow that's a beautiful speech you always surprise me" I giggled and looked at Emily she has her mouth wide open and her eyes too

"You'll catch flies girl" Ian said closing her mouth

"Did I convince you?" I said hopefully

"Ohhhohoo Yeah you did...I'll go but under one condition" He said and I jumped happily

"What is it?" I said

"No alcohol" He said leaning on the wall putting his hands in his sweatpants pockets

"What?" Emily yelled
