Chapter 24

Moon's Pov

"ALEXANDER !!" I tried to shout again hoping at least someone comes in and help but my shout turned out again as a whisper. What are they gonna do with me?

"What are you doing...get away from me" I tried to push him but I'm getting more and more paralyzed

He didn't answer me and he's getting more blurred

Suddenly he pressed his lips to mine and started to deepen the kiss but I hardened mine trying to push his chest away but he's way stronger than me

He started moving forward leading me to the bed, My shin hit the edge of the bed and i was about to fall but he slides his hands to the back of my thighs putting my legs around his waist I tried to push or scream but I just couldn't my eyes started to close but I force them open I can't control a muscle in my body.He throws me in the bed and puts his body between my knees and still making out with me

He's gonna rape me..

He slides his hands to my top ripping it off I closed my eyes tightly and opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out instead of it just tears streaming down my face. He starts exploring my body with his filthy hand. God please help me. I start closing my eyes giving up but before I fainted I heard a very familiar feminine voice

"That's enough Alex. I got some good amount of photos." That's all I heard before getting in a very deep sleep


I woke up sweating and gasping for air. I looked down and saw myself half naked with only my undergarments on. My eyes feel heavy and swollen. I want to cry but my tears are all dried up. I remember what Alexander has done to me but not all of it.I got up from the bed with a massive headache.I tried to find something to put it on and found a black shirt one the floor and I don't care who it belongs to I won't get out of this room half naked. I ran downstairs searching for my things there's no one in this house it's dead silence. I put my hair behind my ear searching for my bag and I finally found it on a table.

I got my phone out of my purse dialing Damien's number four times but he didn't f**king answer. I can't believe he left without me. I got out of the house with bare feet and didn't found his car. He did leave I sobbed. How I'm gonna leave this house now. I looked at the time in my phone and it was four in the morning I start panicking turning around don't know what to do, If I called my dad he's gonna kill me. God what should I do?

Ian, Ian would hep me right? he won't leave me in this situation...with a very shaky hand I dialed him after the Fifth ring he picked up

"Hello?" He said with a very raspy voice.

"Ian its Moon" I tried to not sound crying and I think I did it pretty well because after seconds he hang up on me

I tried again and again and he would decline it every time until I build up the courage and dialed his Nan's number which she answered after the third ring

"Who is calling at four in the morning?" At her gentle sweet voice I broke down in uncontrollable tears

"Who's it?"

"M-Moon Nan" I tried to stop crying but I just couldn't

"Moon honey why are you crying? Is everything alright?" I shake my head knowing that She can't see me but I just can't talk

I sniffed " Can y-you give m-me I-I-Ian please p-please"

"Okay okay honey just calm down okay" I heard foot steps and some voice talking

"What do you want?" He snaps

"Ian" I let out a relieved breath

"Moon, why are you crying? Are you hurt? Where are you?" I heard him shuffling around

"Can you p-pick me u-up? I-I was at A-Alexander's party t-that was on his h-house" I start crying more because I don't know the address of his house

"Why are you crying more now?" He said

"I-I-I don't know t-the address..C-Can you p-pick me u-up? I'm so so so sorry I-Ian"

"Don't worry Moon I know the address. Stay in your place don't move I'll come pick you up" He said then hang up

I let out a relieved breath while hugging myself because I'm so cold. I sat down the pavement waiting for him to come

After minutes a car stopped in front of me I stand up and found Ian getting out of the car and his eyes widened from my appearance. I ran and wrapped my arms around his neck, balling my eyes out

"What happened to you?" He whispered putting his hand at the back of my head but I didn't answer, I don't what to say, I'm ashamed of myself

"Let's get you home okay?" He whispered, wiping my tears. I nodded and entered the car, He starts driving. I slept in the middle of the drive trying not to think, I hope I woke up from this nightmare.


"Moon wake up you're home" I opened my eyes and my heart drops

"No Ian what I'm gonna tell them, My dad is gonna kill me. They're-" Ian cut me off

"Don't worry They called me and I lied to them saying that you stayed at mine for extra hours so they can kinda relax and go to're fine" He assures me

"Okay...Thank you, Ian. I really appreciate it " I got out of the car and walked to my home. I really wanted him to stay with me but I'm sure he's gonna say 'It doesn't work that way' or say 'no' I know he's still mad at me from the way he looks at me

I walked to my room straight to my bed, curling into a ball and balling my eyes out.


Ian's Pov

I was driving to school still thinking about Moon since I dropped her in front of her home door I've been thinking about it all day all night I was dying inside from curiosity when i saw her in that appearance yesterday i'm dying to know what happened to her but what held my tongue that I promised myself not to get myself in anything about her anymore since she already chose.

I pulled over in front of the school, stopping the car engine, start walking to the school and straight to my locker getting ready to my Maths class I got the books I closed my locker and turned around to see Moon walking through the school doors looking so dull, nervous and scared why scared? She was walking while hugging herself

What in the hell happened to her? She took small steps towards me and Immediately my hands start to get sweaty and my heart starts to pump so fast

"Hey Ian" She said nervously

"Hi, Moon...Are you alright?" Her eyes start tearing up but she nodded anyway

"I just wanted to thank you for helping me out" She smiled a little I narrowed my eyes at her

"Don't mind me but What happened that night?" Well, I was really curious to know what happened to her but to my bad luck the bell rang. Moon looked at me then left to her class

I huffed and walked to my class, but something really weird happened I found everyone literally everyone opening their phones looking at it some was laughing, some was looking at their phone in disgust and the others were confused. What the f**k is going on?

My phone vibrated in my pocket I opened my phone and found that it was a text message from an unknown person

I opened the text and when my sight landed on the text my eyes widened automatically, I found photos of Moon and Alexander kissing and underneath the photo is written the word slut and another photo of Moon wrapping her legs around Alexander's waist while making out and underneath it the word whore and the last photo was Moon on the bed and Alexander on the top of her still lips attached to each other and what seem like Alexander was ripping Moon's top and underneath the photo is written the word cheater, No this can't be real... this shouldn't be real, They planned  this of course they did 

"F**k" I growled and punched the wall.


Moon's Pov

My first class finally ended and as always I didn't concentrate I walked out of the class and found everyone staring at me in disgust and also during the class people were whispering sh*t about me the whole time

I found some people looking at their phones then look at me and some look at their phones and point at me. While I was walking to my locker some girl was walking beside me and she spits at my shoes.

That's it, I need to know what's happening, I walked to a random boy and snatched his phone looking at that text message and found three different photos of me when Alexander was kissing me I felt my heart drops. I gasped and put my hand on my mouth in disbelief, And Each photo there was a word underneath it

Slut. Whore. Cheater.

In the eyes of every student in this school I was the slut. I was the whore. I was the cheater but in fact I was drugged I'm innocent I tried to push him off of me but I was weak I was paralyzed but If I tried to tell them that, they will never believe me never in a million years.

I limped quickly to the bathroom and lock myself in an empty one and sat on the covered toilet and immediately my eyes brimmed with tears and I started crying hard I can't even go home on my own my legs is throbbing from pain since yesterday

I can't believe I've been fooled this bad by them how could they do this to me...not only me Damien too he'll think I'm a cheater but the important question now where is Damien since yesterday? I don't see any one of them around

While my pathetic crying was getting worse couple girls entered the bathroom

One of them laughed " I can't believe she did this with Alex while dating Damien"

"I don't know how she thinks, If I we're dating Damien I'd never ever cheat on him I won't be a slut you know" The other one said in a serious way

"Well I guess now after this drama he'll be single show your abilities "

"Moon did me a favor for being a whore" They laughed then left.


I stayed the past two classes in the bathroom, I wouldn't bear go outside to their gazes and dirty comments again, My phone is out of service here and I need to call anyone to come and get me out of school I can't continue this day...I need to get out before the bell of the lunchtime rings

I hopped out and headed to nearest place that has service and I was just pressing my Dad's number but the bell rang and the doors flew open and I froze in my place stepping back till my back hit the lockers, I'm searching with my eye for a way to go but I realized a group of guys sauntering towards me full of malice

"Hey cookie"One of them commented pulling me forward then they surrounded me like a circle, I opted to push one of them to walk away but I couldn't he resisted me by pushing me back to the circle

"Leave me alone" I squealed

"No, we wanna have fun like Alexander" One said while moving closer

"And Damien" Another one followed him

"It seems like you give fun for free" They sniggered and I'm just pushing them away putting an effort in the push but nothing happens to their bodies

"BACK OFF YOU F**ING MORONS" Out of heaven Ian came and pushed one of them he was about to push the rest but out of hell Emily snatched his arm and said,

"No, you back off" I closed my eyes hoping to faint right here right now I'm sick of this

"What is going on here?"We all turned our gazes to Mrs. Jenny thank God

"All of you to the principal office immediately, Ian make sure they go" She said and Ian nodded

"Moon come with me" She said and start walking to one of the empty classes I followed her quietly

She entered an empty class and I was behind her, she closed the door and sat on the teachers table signaling me to sit in front of her

"I saw it" Mrs.Jenny said

"What?" I breathed. I hope it's not what I think it is

"The photos" She said leaning back while crossing her arms

"Mrs.Jenny believe me it's not what it looks like I swear to God"

"What happened?" She said furrowing her eyebrows

I told her. I told her everything every single detail I remember from last night. I just need one person to be by my side one person to believe. So I told her from the moment I entered Alexander's mansion to when Ian dropped me home

"That's what happened" I looked at her hopefully

"I believe you Moon" The look on Mrs.Jenny's eyes says that she's telling the truth

"Really?" I whispered with a tear rolling down my cheek

"We have to tell the principal" I widened my eyes and shake my head

"No Mrs. please he's gonna for sure tell my parents and if my parents knew I'm gonna leave the school and move back to Canada and I don't wanna that. The principle is gonna think so bad of me please Mrs.Jenny please don't tell him or my parents please" I begged while sobbing.

"Okay, darling relax I won't tell them just stop crying Okay it's going to be alright?" She assured me. I wiped my tears and nodded

"I'll solve it okay? Go back to your class and it's going to be solved at the end of the day" I stand up and went to hug her

I left the class and walked into the silent corridor. I wiped my tears and put my hair behind my ears. I opened my locker, got my books and walked to my Chemistry class

I opened the class door and Immediately all the eyes were on me I looked down the floor and sat on an empty chair beside no one

In the middle of the very boring class the light of the speaker was turned on and I was surprised it's Mrs. Jenny's Voice while it should be the principal

"Hello, students I'm Mrs.Jenny Marcel I just want to address something if anyone is planning to do something awful or hurt Moon is gonna be expelled from the school and all of you forget what happened today and this photos better be deleted or you're gonna face consequences. Thank you" The light of the speaker turned off and The bell rang I ran out of the class straight to principle office I knocked and opened the door. I saw Mrs. Jenny and Ian I ran and hugged her mumbling Thank you a couple of times

She pulled away from the hug and smiled saying it's nothing then she looked back at Ian

"Ian please no fights again in this school it's not allowed, okay?" She said and Ian nodded

"Sorry Mrs.Jenny and Mr.Adam," He said and left the room Immediately I followed him. I got a grip of his arm making him turn around looking at me

"Are you alright?" I said

"I'm fine"

"Ian I'm sorry" I said admitting that I apologized to Ian since I met him more than I said good morning to him

"Sorry? Really Moon?"

"I know you're mad at me and I know you saw the photos but Believe me it's not what it looks like I was kinda forced into that and I know you're gonna say I told you so, I warned you but please you're the only person that I can truly trust right now" I begged him in verge of tears

"Okay I'll drive you home after school and you can explain to me what happened" I smiled and nodded my head while thanking him


It's the end of the school day I rushed out of the school to Ian's car waiting for him patiently I found him walking in my way with unwanted company

"What are you doing here?" Em said crossing her arms

"I just wanted to talk to Ian"

"And why would Ian talk with-" She stopped and looked from the top of my hair to my feet in disgust and continued her sentence "Someone like you"

"Emily please just le-" Ian interrupted me while walking toward us

"Leave her alone Em. She have had enough" He said opening the door and signaling me to get in the car I looked at Emily and mumbled a small sorry to her. I got in the car and He started the engine but Em didn't get in with us I don't why maybe she's going with someone else

"Can I explain now?"

"Mhm" He nodded

I told him everything as I did with Mrs. Jenny when I told him about getting drugged and about Alexander kissing me He clenched his jaw and he tighten his grip around the wheel until his hands turned white. When I finished explaining we stayed in complete silence an uncomfortable silence at least for me cause I really need him to answer but no he didn't say anything until he stopped in front of my home

"I won't say I told you so or I warned you, you're not an angel you're human you make mistakes we all do I know you've been through a lot this last few days. I believe you cause you can't lie and your eyes are saying that you're telling the truth and I know that you're not this person" He was looking at the wheel with an unreadable reaction

"So best friends again?" I looked at him smiling for the first time on this day, but he shocked me when he shook his head

"No, I can't after you chose Damien over me I can't after you broke me over and over it's not that easy to become the same, but I promise you that I will be there when you need my help I'm here to stand by your side if you need help I'm here when you need to tell me something that bothers you. I'm here for you" He said still looking at the car wheel

"Oh" Tears were rolling down my face

"Thank you so much, Ian and I'm so so sorry for what I did to you"

"It's absolutely fine. Now wipe your tears" He smirked a little. We stayed silent for seconds until a question popped into my head

"Can I ask you a question but don't get me wrong and believe me I'm curious to know" He nodded his head

"Why didn't they come?" I asked and Ian furrowed his brows


"Damien, Vicky, Jessica and the last one I don't want to say his name" He chuckled at my reply

"Uh yes after every party they have for the weekend they don't come to school on Monday because of the hangover, headaches and this stuff you know"

"But this is not what you're curious're curious about how could Damien leave you till now, Am i wrong?" He said actually saying the words that are killing me to say, I didn't answer cause honestly I don't know what to say

He hardened his expression then stretched his arm towards my door and opened it for me

"Bye, Moon"
