Chapter Thirteen

♦Selena's POV♦

"September!" I lean out of the car to yell, she wasn't even down for breakfast.

"September!" I yell again, "What are you doing in there, brain surgery?" I ask sarcastically as she runs out the front door of the house, her wild hair in a tight pony tail - definitely what delayed her.

"What's with the college girl look?" I ask her as I take in her short pleated skirt, knee high socks and heels. A scarf on her neck.

"Like you're any different." She tells me.

    She's probably right though, I'm wearing an off - shoulder, classy top, mini - denim skirt, sandaled heels and puffy socks.

Cyril pulls up to school, parks his car and gets out, school bag on one shoulder. Black silk shirt over white slacks.

"Have fun." He tells us, taking off, in the distance, I see Zack and Ciaran waving him over.

"Shall we?" I invite, hitching my satchel higher. I wait for September to slip her arms into her school bag and we walk off.

"Hey September," Cameron says politely, falling into step with us as we enter our school. "Sup Selena."

"Sup to you too." I tell him alongside my twin who mumbles out a greeting. I look around for Dane.

"He's at your locker waiting for you." Cameron informs me, traces of laughter in his voice.

I look up to see him leaning against my locker, ignoring the saucy looks star struck girls tossed his way, as they stumbled by. In his customary black, he looked hot.

"Alright." I walk to him, enjoying the way his eyes lit up when he sighted me.

"Hey babe." He greets, kissing me full on the mouth.

I kiss him back then break off, I can sense he's still worried. "Don't worry." I assure him. "She's better now and I bet she'd apologize to Cameron."

"If you say so." He agrees reluctantly, watching September laugh happily at something Cameron says.

♦Cameron's POV♦

I warily search September's face and find no trace of what happened the day before.

"Are you acting doggy today?" I ask her, happy with the light in her huge eyes.

"W-What?" She splutters, opening her locker.

"You look like a French poodle with that scarf." I tease, expecting her to scrunch up her face but instead she bursts into peals of laughter.

"I do, don't I? And you're my doggy date. What, with your doggy chain." She counters.

"I'll escort you to your class." I offer reflexively, already leading the way.

"Um, Cameron?" She calls hesitantly, looking down when I turn to her.

"Yeah?" I ask, not knowing what to expect.

"I don't know how to... I mean, I-I I'm so sorry for how I acted, it was uncalled for." She stammers, scraping her stilettoes on the ground. She raises her head to look at me when I go mute.

My brain goes blank with her staring at me like that and I say the first thing that pops into my head. "September! Your eyes are huge."

Shocked at my response, her eyes grow impossibly bigger. "I'm serious Cameron."

"I know, and I'm not mad at you, come on let's get to class before we're late." I tell her already jogging up the stairs.

"So I'm forgiven?" She calls after me, her heels clicking behind me.

"Hell yeah." I reply.

"Cameron hold up." She says suddenly. "You are so not escorting me to History class." She sharply tells me and I struggle not to laugh.

"Why?" I ask innocently.

"I rather not cross Axel if I can help it." She replies, hurrying up to her class.

♦September's POV♦

I sigh heavily, sitting on the same chair I sat in the class, the day before, I put my school bag beside my desk and plop open my book on it, waiting patiently for the class to fill up. I'm alone today.

    "Today," Axel begins striking a 'sexy' pose, leaning against his desk. "We are going to be talking about how the monarchy of England moved from the Kings to Queens." He paused, nailing every unfortunate girl in his class an evil glare.

"King Henry the seventh had three children, name them Warfield." He orders, staring pointedly at the blonde beside me.

"Well Karissa, don't keep the class waiting." He drawls, probably expecting her to fail the question - though I'm not surprised he feels that way.

   Karissa is your typical cheerleader. Blonde and blue eyed, short skirt and sassy, high heels and an attitude to match.

"Easy peezy." She mutters to me, like I care.

"Show off." Another girl mutters by my other side and I turn to study her. She looked like a cute nerd, with huge black rimmed glasses, intelligent black eyes and a ponytail.

"Mary, Elizabeth and Edward." Karissa answers haughtily, flouncing on her seat with flair.

  Mr Brooks continued smoothly like his plans to embarrass Karissa were not just destroyed. "Mary or should I say Mary Tudor ruled mercilessly. Lacrosse," he calls me, walking towards my table.

     'His head looks lemurish•••'

I think drowsily.

"Could you tell us why?" He asks, peering down at me.

I stand up so he'd be forced to move his sleek head out of my way and struggle not to scoff, my introverted childhood was spent devouring my parents vast library. "She had a sort of authority complex, restoring pupal authority but extremely suspicious of just about everything. She ended up murdering her court." I reply smartly getting a thumbs up from the chick in glasses beside me.

"Right." Axel agrees reluctantly, going back up the platform to continue his teaching.

"Hi, I'm Karissa, Karissa Warfield." Blonde introduces, flitting her hot pink nails in front of my face. "You probably know my dad." She says snottily. "He's like the richest guy in Brenton. And you are?" She finally asks when she figures I'm not interested in her rich father.

"I don't know your dad, probably because I just moved here. " I say nicely. "I'm September Laccrosse."

"Yeah, I heard Mr Brooks just call you that. Might you be mistakenly related to Cyril Laccrosse, he's my friend, a senior." She boasts smugly.

"He's my elder brother but he hasn't mentioned your name." I internally eye roll when she bends to study her 'Prada' bag - or more like gets me to notice her 'Prada' bag.

"Yet." She adds to my sentence, "He probably will, scratch that, he definitely will." She says, giggling.

Her phone jangles. "Oh that's my P. A, probably wants to set up an appointment or something. Oh the stressful life of the rich." She moons, picking the call.

"What I want to know is who the hell asked you?" Glass chick muttered drily.

"I guess there's no love lost between you two." I tell Glass chick.

"You guessed right, you look interesting. I'm Lucinda books but you can call me Lucy, I'd shake you if Axel wasn't such an ass.

You got that bit right Glass chick. "I'm September Laccrosse, though I'm sure you already know that by now."

"September?" Lucy calls me, her dark eyes wide beneath her glasses. "Did you just call me Glass chick?"

"Oops! I'm sorry, I have a terrible habit of nick - naming people." I explain, apologizing.

  "Why?" Glass - sorry, Lucy asks curiously. "And why do I feel like you're still calling me Glass chick in your head."

"Maybe, but I'll stop now."

"Okay, whatever, you didn't still answer my question."

"Why? I dunno, it's nothing special really. I just don't know a person's name yet so I try to fill in the blanks with something that catches me." I explain.

"Period over." She informs me and I turn to see everybody packing up or leaving, Karissa still engrossed yelling at yelling at P. A.

"Oh, I hadn't noticed." I tell her, realizing that I really didn't notice. It's really nice having someone to talk to that doesn't know you're a total failure and pities you. Cameron will probably start to do that now.

"Me too,  what's your next class?" She packs up.

"That'll be drama." I crosscheck my schedule.

"Yay!" Lucy exclaims, genuinely happy. "Me too, let's go." She says, pulling me.

   I catch Karissa looking at me like a bug under her feet and Lucy sees it too because she's telling me...

"That's because you spoke to me, do you regret it?"

"Not one bit." I shake my head firmly.

Walking down the hall, Everybody seems to know Lucy, a wave here and some high fives there.

"You're quite popular than I thought." I blurt out without thinking.

"Probably because of my nerdy appearance." She nods, not even taking offense at my question.

I look up to find Karissa and her cronies in front of us, she in the middle, angling her body so that Lucy and I get a clear view of her 'designer' drenched body.

"I can smell money, are you rich?" Lucy asks out of the blue.

"Excessively so I'm afraid." I reply, apologetically.

"That makes two." She shrugs.

"You too?" I repeat, bewildered.


"Then why do you let her walk all over you?" I jab at Karissa.

"Revenge is best served cold." She intones, her black eyes twinkling.

"Lucy! Lucy!!" Some one calls to us and I hear footfalls hurrying to meet us.

"Hey Travon." She greets the person, a guy with white hair and weird eyes - definitely a supernatural. Did she know?

"Hey babe." White locks greets Lucy, kissing her cheek.

        'OOOH!' - I mentally add, 'definitely her boyfriend.

"Hi Selena." He greets me - strange.

"You know her?" Lucy asks him, ignoring Karissa's death glare as she stalked off.

"Nah," I answer for him. "I'm September, her twin." I introduce, watching his beautiful eyes widen.

"Yeah, she told me about you, that she was gonna bring you." He frowns at this point trailing off.

"You up for drama." Lucy asks him.

"Yeah," he takes her books and backpack. "Let's go."

As we walk to drama class, I see the easy friendship between them and envy it. When he trips while staring at her, tears spring into my eyes.

"We are here," Lucy sing songs, pushing open the double doors.

The class is bigger than I imagined, almost a hall. I see Ariana call us from the back and we walk over there.

"Hey Ari," I wave. "Hi Dane."

"Hi September." Arianna greets, patting the seat in between her and Dane.

"Sup Ember." Dane replies, an arm around a gum chewing Selena.

We greet all around and everyone seemed to know each other, even Lucy.

"Hello class." A sweet voice called from the stage in front of the class.

"Good morning." The whole class responded cheerfully.

Looks like everyone likes this class. Either that or it's the surreal looking creature teaching it.

"Looks like we have new students." Miss beautiful says, picking up a pieces of paper. "Preston, Laccrosse, Roland, Finn and Monté." She says to no one in particular in that same sweet voice.

"Is she always this happy?" I can't help asking Ari who was listening intently.

"Are you even listening?" Arianna asks, nudging me.

"Of course I am." I narrow my eyes.

Arianna simply rolls her eyes, "If you were listening, you would have heard me telling you to ask Travon, she's his Aunt.

"Seriously?" I ask, wanting some sort of explanation even though I hardly knew him.

"Seriously." She repeats drily, clearly not interested in me. "I want to pay attention to this class and you should too." She says before giving the teacher her full attention again.

"Whatever." I mumble unhappily.

I turn to look at Travon who was also paying attention, everyone was including Selena. They looked at the enchanting teacher like she was the best thing to ever happen.

"Selena?" I whisper, not wanting to disrupt the silence, I probably did though. "Am I missing something?"

"Hmm, no?" She just says without sparing me a glance.

Finally I try to pay attention to the teacher, it's not like I have anything against her or I don't like drama. Though I fancy French directors, why do they wear black and white?

"... honey? You with us?"

I look up to meet a smiling face and now I can see the resemblance between Travon and the teacher - both having mysterious, upturned violet eyes with swirls of gold.

"Yes Miss... I was listening." I stutter. I kind of like her, I'd rather her to Mr Brooks any day.

Laughing, she waved her hand, dismissing the topic of my absent-mindedness

"Mrs. Avonlea Winstill is my name and I was talking about acting out Great Expectations by Charles Dickens - turning it to a play. Some people agreed to it but others suggested Macbeth, and the famous Romeo and Juliet both by Shakespeare.

    "I think Great Expectations is for fifth graders." A boy with thinning, light brown hair said.

"Macbeth is all war, betrayal and politics." A swankier looking girl than Karissa said, making a pink bubble with her gum.

   "Romeo and Juliet is lame."

  "Not as lame as Great Expectations."

"Alright, it's enough but you all have to make up your mind before the next class." Mrs. Winstill says quieting the class, she went behind her desk, got a box with a thin opening in the middle and placed it on her table. "We'll vote here by next class so we can get started on the roles. If you have any suggestion for more plays, come to me."

"I hate Romeo and Juliet." Arianna tells me, finally turning to me.

"Oh do you?" I ask with no small amount of sarcasm.

"Yeah. Hold on, don't tell me you're mad." She says in surprise.

     What?!? I've been practically ignored by everybody.

"Apart from the fact that you all ignored me, I'm just fine." I mutter.

"And I thought I was the drama queen." I hear Arianna say, her voiced laced with laughter. "Oh! I'm sorry, you know I'll never desert you."

"Yeah whatever." I say, closing my books and shoving them into my backpack.

Selena and the rest approaches us, their books and bags in hand.

"So how did you like the class?" Travon asks, looking at Selena and I.

"Um it was nice, although I didn't really get anything until the argument on the play." I say.

"Her class was good. She's such an interesting personality. She's very pretty." Selena adds, not looking up from her phone.

   We all leave the class to lunch. I turn to catch a glimpse of Cameron, I've not spoken to him since I left him escortless to History class. He waves at me and smiles, continuing his discussion with Dane.