Chapter Nineteen

♦September's POV♦

"Oh please, leave all the stressful brain work in the hole with them crazy things, think about food!" Cameron wailed after turning back, his clothes magically appearing on his body.

"Aww. Poor thing." Arianna sympathized, whipping up a stack of pizzas from nowhere.

"Now I can think of a lot of times that can come in handy." Lucy admires.

"I love you so much." Cameron told Ari, hugging her from behind. "I'd give you my heart but it isn't mine anymore." He adds solemnly, diving heartily into the pizza."

"Well that was... Wow!" Lucy comments. "I mean, you guys are awesome." She breathes  out hugging Travon tighter.

"So you don't find us weird?" He asks hopefully.

"No, not at all." She assures him. "Just a little angry that you didn't tell me though." She said honestly. "Can you guys please tell me what you are, I'm not a huge paranormal fan but I'm sure I can keep up."

"Umm...well sure." Travon said looking at the others for their assent.

"I'm an elf and well..."

"Cool, so you have like pointy ears or what?" She interrupts him eagerly, touching the tips of his ears.

"Yeah but only when I transform."

"I'm a banshee." Nadia tells her softly, a huge difference to the way she was screaming earlier.

"Witches." Zach says, indicating himself and his sister.

"Vampires." Cyril speaks for us.

"Werewolf." Cameron says through a mouthful of pizza.

"Fallen angel." Ciaran mumbles from Nadia's lap, they seem to have gotten it together.

"That's impossible." Lucinda objects, her eyes wide as saucers.

"So your boyfriend has pointy ears and pulls weapons out of thin air but I'm impossible." He scoffs.

"Well..." She shrugs, still having a hard time believing him.

"I've got to go to the restroom." I say quickly before she can start to argue her point, getting up to be off.

♦Lavina's POV♦

"Welcome to our humble abode." I greet Neruda after servants had taken away his luggage.

The smile plastered on my face is genuine  and not because Neruda is in my home but because William has his arm around my waist, granted it may simply be appearances for present company but it doesn't stop me from leaning into him. I feel him tense up momentarily, not expecting my actions but then he relaxes and tucks me closer.

"I'm highly honoured." The young Hellhound replies, the red flints in his eyes dimming.

I keep quiet then nudge William imperceptibly if he's surprised, he doesn't show it.

"The council informed us that you are to go to school." William takes the reins.

Normally I'd shove him to the side and...but now I'm just so tired.

"Yes." Neruda says curtly, obviously not pleased with the idea.

"Very well." William inclines his head. "The children should be back any moment from now." He concludes, looking at me.

I calmly take over. "I trust you want to freshen up, a servant will be by to announce dinner." I say, dismissing him.

   He takes the hint and bows smoothly, proof that he lived in the Olde Country, following a uniformed maid up the stairs.

I ignore Williams questioning look and escape into balcony.


♦Zachary's POV♦

As I watch September walk away, I tape the picture of the ocean in my head, knowing Cyril, he'd start to eavesdrop on my thoughts.

    I lean back with a soda in my hand, noting how almost everyone watched her go.

I sigh heavily, placing a hand on my face even as I feel five pairs of eyes on me.

  "What?" I snap at them, my face still covered.

Sounds of shrugging and mumbles of 'nothings' float back to me. I ignore them and go back to my thinking, I'm really worried about September, it must strain her physically, emotionally and mentally to be a Blank Vampire...

  Five pairs of eyes bore into me again, "Okay. I've had enough of this." I sit up, glaring at them but they just continue to stare not even having the decency to feel ashamed. Just as I had guessed, there's Cyril, Selena, Cameron, Arianna and Dane.

I sigh tiredly, scrubbing my face. "Alright, spit it out. All of you." I say firmly, nailing each of them a look.

'You have a crush on my sister.' Cyril accuses in my head.

"So?" I fire back at him out loud.

  His eyes widen but he quickly hides his reaction. "You're shielding me from your mind." He notes, looking away and rubbing the back of his neck.

At the last moment he adds quietly. "I didn't expect you to admit so quickly."

He's right, I'd already thought of a hundred excuses to give.

"I didn't plan on that either." I tell him, tousling my hair. "I didn't plan for any of this." I say honestly, leaning back again with my hand over my eyes.

   "I really don't care." Cameron snorts coldly. "Just stay away from her."

"You don't own her Cameron." Arianna tells him gently but firmly. "She's not Savannah."

"Now she has my back." I mutter, eye-rolling. What was Cameron's deal anyway and who the hell is Savannah?

"Back off Ari!" He growls to her, his eyes flashing. "This is between Zach and I." He turns to me. "I've got one advice for you. Stay the fuck away from September."

"Dumbest piece of advice I ever heard." I snarl, sitting up. "You don't call the shots Wolfe." I say coldly getting into his personal space.

As expected, he doesn't back down even with the amount of magical resonance swirling around me. Instead he closes the distance and glares right into my face.

"Last I checked, neither do you." He taunted, releasing his fangs.

They don't phase me either and we stand there snarling and glaring at each other.

"Umm, aren't you guys going to stop them." Lucinda asks worriedly.

Nice, seems like we've caught their attention too.

"I have a feeling none of us can do that." Selena says tightly.

She's right though even if a meteor crashes into the room we wouldn't budge.

The only person that can knock us from our contest of wills is September.