Chapter Twenty-six

♦September's POV♦

"But I can unlock yours." He looks at her with glowing blue eyes.

She turned to look at him with wide eyes. "I lost mine too?"

"What's going on?" I interrupt, completely lost.

Selena lowers her head, anger emanating from her vibrating body.

"Selena?" I reach for her, flaming hands forgotten, I look down and see that they are normal again. I don't have the time to celebrate though because my twin's fists are so tightly closed I'm scared she'll break a couple fingers.

"You bastard!" She rushes at him, landing a punch square on his jaw.

The impact pushes Cyril a couple feet away.

I get up out of the shallow water, my limbs numb and try to stop her before she goes over to our brother to complete what she started but Neruda latches on to me.

"Get off." I glare at him, struggling as I watch Cyril stagger to his feet only to get a high kick from Selena to his side, he barely blocks it before she's going in for a low punch to his stomach.

"You're just going to get yourself hurt." He says quietly, not letting me go.

I'm beyond frustrated now, struggling helplessly. "So it's fine for them to get hurt right?" I asked sarcastically, watching in horror as Cyril and Selena get into a full out fight.

"I will burn you to a crisp." I threaten him darkly, glaring at him.

He releases me with a gasp and rubs his eyes. "Shit! I hate my life."

I don't give him a thought, running flat out to my siblings that are trying pretty hard to murder each other.

"Raphael! Reina! Stop this right now!" I scream at them.

They stop but don't look at me, tears are pouring down Selena's face and I unconsciously sit down on the ground in shock. Selena never cries.

"Fuck you Rapha!" She rages at him, pulling at her tangled hair. "Just fuck you!" She paces around a bit then turned to him, her shoulders shaking. "She didn't ruin our lives." She spits, a look of pure disgust on her face. "You did." She crumples to the ground now, hands on her face are she sobs bitterly.

"I couldn't remember anything and I thought it simply didn't happen." She looks up at him with glassy eyes. "You took my entire childhood away from me!"

"W-What?" I stutter blankly, just lost. Come to think of it, it has always been this way, I've always been lost.

"Give it back." Selena says brokenly, crawling over to me.

Cyril has tears running down his face too and he closes his eyes, concentrating for a while. "I'm sorry Selena." He whispers, taking off into the night.

Selena and I crawl to each other, I'm falling apart. Nothing is what it seems anymore.

My siblings are the perfect ones, my mom is just a little strict and my dad is too nice.

That's the summary of the life I knew, the life I know.

"Nothing is right anymore." I whisper to Selena as we hug each other on the wet beach sand.

"Shh, It's okay." She comforts me like she always did when we we're younger but then she had just stopped. "Cyril and I just had a little argument." She says softly, petting my wet hair.

"Why did you go away?" I ask brokenly, sobbing heavily now. "Why did you stop?" I break a little more. "Why did you leave me? Was I a bad sister? I thought you didn't want me anymore."

♦Selena's POV♦

My heart crumbles a little more as I listen September's wretched whispers.

It's all coming to me now, I can't stand most people but September is one half of me.

I'd lost all my childhood memories with her but I can't tell her that or she might lose her mind.

It's like dreaming while awake, of something that you know of and yet had no idea of at the same time.

I remember us prancing around in the woods our parents specifically warned us not to go to.

September the ever pure one hadn't wanted to disobey but she never says no to me, maybe I took advantage of that.

"I'm so sorry Aleha," I apologize, pain visible in my voice. I'd missed this. I'd missed us.

"I missed you." She whispers again.

I don't have the words to say to make it all better so I just keep quiet and hug her, being there for her for the first time since she fell off the cliff.

My eyes darken at the thought, I know the truth now and I would protect my little sister with my life from now on.

   Alehandra doesn't stop crying and I let her, knowing she needs it. She sobs herself to sleep, still hugging me.

Neruda walks up just as I plan to carry her to her bed.

"What?" I bite out at him, my voice filled with venom.

He takes a couple hasty steps back - wise choice - hands out in surrender. "I mean no harm."

I ignore him looking out to the dark, roiling water. "What do you want then? You want to interview me about my fucked up family?" I growl, adjusting September in my arms so that she's more comfortable.

Neruda just shakes his head, sitting on the ground a little distant from us. "You don't have to lash out at everyone as a defense mechanism." He says quietly.

I turn my head to him and he recoils. "What did you want?" I repeat emotionlessly.

"Fine." He sighs, spiking up his hair.

"It's your sister." He inclines his head at September, red irises glowing.

"She's the Imperial."