Chapter Fifty-two

♦September's POV♦

"Did you just call Cameron rogue?" Arianna asks my question for me and I stare unblinking at Hazel.

"First things first." She replies, gently placing Cameron's limp body on the bench, Hailee sits beside him to support him from sliding off the bench. "Cyril, could you please help me wipe out the memories of the students?" She asks a subdued Cyril who nods sagely and gets to work. 

"And could a magic-user please use glamour on the table?" For an Alpha, she is really polite.

Zach quickly does this and we all gravitate to the lunch table, Lucinda still looks shellshocked and I feel a little bad for the human.

"Now will you answer the question?" Arianna asks impatiently, dividing her attention between glaring at Hazel and eyeing Hailee suspiciously.

I'm just confused, one moment I'm tripping and the next Cameron is going… rogue?

It didn't make any logical sense.