Chapter Seventy-two

♦Lucinda's POV♦

The hairpin easily gets whipped out of Arianna's hair and it gets thrown across the floor to me, it takes some maneuvering to get the delicate pin from where it sits in front of me to my hands behind my back but I manage it.

As soon as I slip the pin in, the cell door jingles and I immediately go rigid.

Two Elf guards saunter in and slowly walk around, giving us intimidating stares, the bigger one walks up to me and drives his sword into the wall beside my head.

I'm not sure which is better to keep eye contact or not so I just keep my head down and pray hard that he doesn't decide to check my hands.

"These are the guys that kidnapped the prince huh?" The first guard says, leaning against the metal of the cell.

"Yeah, they're going to be executed by sundown." The guard leaning over me snickers and I feel my heart plop down to the cold dungeon floor.