Chapter Seventy-nine

♦September's POV♦

I make my way back to my shared room with Zach, I can't help but be worried about Cyril, he looked so sick.

It's all my fault, if I hadn't messed up and tripped Cameron's mental balance we wouldn't be here right now, in danger and hurt.

"You okay?" Zach asks softly, he's been worried about me because I've been constantly worried over Cyril, I know he's also worried about his friend too. "Is Cyril okay?"

"Yeah." I breathe out, crawling into his arms.

I settle there, warm and comfortable but the prickly feeling at the tip of my fangs starts up again and I bite my lip to distract myself.

"Ready to sleep?" He asks into my hair.

"Mmh hmm." I hum and breathe deeply when we settle into the soft bed, the black satin is a bit weird but I adjust to them.

"Are you okay?" He asks again, when I'm settled into his arms, my head on his chest.

I look up at him, a smile pulling at my lips. "You just asked that." I point out.