Chapter Ninety-five

♦Selena's POV♦

"It's been nearly an hour, what the fuck is that psycho packing?" I complain unhappily.

"Calm down, Selena." Arianna cautions nervously, throughout our time here she has been spinning between lottery won level excitement and acute nervous worry. "We don't want to rush him, it was rude of us to expect him to follow immediately."

"I'm going to tell her." I threaten the others, pacing.

"Please don't." Dane stops me.

"Well, somebody better do before I break an entire wall down."

"I'll do it." Dane volunteers quickly, moving over to his best friend go take her hands in his. "Ignore Selena, Ari she's just nervous…" he starts to say sympathetically.

"Try ignoring me when I'm waving an axe around and banish that thought from your head, I never get nervous." I cut him off.

"You've been pacing nonstop." Neruda points out.