Chapter Ninety-seven

♦Cyril's POV♦

I had dropped my bag during the storm, it would only prevent me from getting away, I try to keep my eyes on Maelstrom, the Lower Five, getting everyone safely out of this is going to be tricky.

Maelstrom is standing on guard beside Ciaran and Nadia even though her presence isn't necessary, Ai alone could have handled all three of us.

I step backwards with each step Ai takes forward, this is my chance to dematerialize out of here so I can make my escape but I don't even have to read Ai's mind to know that he had predicted my actions.

The moment I try to leave, Ciaran and Nadia would end up dead.

He steps even closer and my back makes contact with the wall but he doesn't back down, black turtle neck high on his neck.

"Well, I'm not going anywhere with you, so you might as well get the fuck out of my room."