Chapter One-hundred & Twenty-seven

♦Cyril's POV ♦

If they were aware you were in their heads, that meant that they could try to fight back mentally or just physically attack you while you were partially distracted, very messy for the Telepath involved.

He takes a step back when the Vampire walks forward, pulling out his swords, he should remember to buy the Elf some fancy hair accessories as a way to appreciate him for this.

The other Vampire pulls a giant ass sword out of thin air. "I'm Addrien, you look familiar." He hums, tracking me.

I keep my eyes on him, following his movements. "And you're awfully chatty for a zombie." I quip.

The guy... Addrien pauses momentarily and bursts out laughing. "You're hilarious, maybe I'll ask Alexandre if I can keep you as a pet."

I frown "Alexandre?"

Addrien rolls his eyes, red eyes flashing in irritation. "It would add up that you all wouldn't care to learn of the Beast's name, that's unnecessary."