Chapter One-hundred & Thirty-seven

♦ September's POV ♦

I wake up to sunrays pouring in through the windows of the room I had decided to sleep in, my bag and boots were still on the ground beside the bed where I had left them the night before.

It's morning but I don't feel better, my feelings are now stale, like the dregs in an empty bucket.

I robotically go through the motions of cleaning up, pulling on Zach's shirt that I had swiped and a pair of his pants which were loose on me, naturally.

Afterwards, I decided to go on a walk, being in the cottage suffocated me, I needed some air.

It was ironic how seeking solitude did nothing to make me feel better, if anything, I now had ample time to dwell on my depressive thoughts.

I take a slow stroll through the meadows, nothing but bright sunlight and the sounds of the forest to keep me company.

There was a small pond and I walked to it, staring at the sun reflecting off the clear body of water.

What did I plan to do now?