Abilities Sheet For Felix, Updated at Ch 1348 Spoilers!)

Bloodline Integration System:

Felix Maxwell (Poison Elementalist/Lightning Elementalist/Water Elementalist/Gemstone Elementalist/Destruction Elementalist). He is currently at 35% 7th stage of replacement.

1% human bloodline etched ability:

-Size Manipulation (Peak active ability of Jörmungandr.)

-The Truth Eyes (Peak active ability of Lady Sphinx)

-Void Domain (Peak active ability of Lord Khoas)

-Crystallization Beam (Peak active ability of Carbuncle)

-One Soul, Many Lives. (Advanced Ability of Elder Kraken)

-Totality Collapse. (Peak ability of Lord Shiva)

Elemental Manipulation System:

He possesses five perfect elemental manipulations. (Poison, Lightning, Gemstone, Water, Destruction.)

All elemental manipulations are at the third stage with the conversion technique mastered.

The Devourer Cultivation System: 

Definition: Based on a race that lurks in the outskirts of the universe as a unite. They search for natural treasures in deserted galaxies and they are considered one of the strongest hidden races in the universe. (They refused to join the SGAlliance)/ (They are not the Symbiotes!).

Depth: Their cultivation system relies on natural treasures heavily. Each newborn devourer has a mark that will define his strength and future social rank in his race.

The Mark: It could be limited to 2k BF or even 10K BF(Felix's mark).

There are 30 stages/Marks in the Devourer cultivation System.

Hence, the higher the limit the mark had, the more strength the devourer would possess when he reaches the peak.

Felix's current devourer's mark: Thirteenth Devourer Mark.

The Dragons Cultivation System:

Definition: Based on the ancient dragons before the punishment from the beings had fell on the later generation of the dragons. Ancient dragons used to feast on elemental minerals to enhance their strength, but the current dragons are incapable of doing the same.

Depth: There is an infinite number of marks that can be achieved, but the difficulty to hit each mark was much more difficult than the devourer's marks.

The Mark: It could be limited from 5k to a max of 20k BF per mark, (Felix's has the limit due to using the ancestral dragon's heart.)

Felix's current dragon's mark:  Ninth Dragon Mark.

PS: Both systems provide fixed enhancement, unaffected by anything.

The Runic Spellcasting System:

Felix has great runic familiarity with space and time. Good runic familiarity with sand, void, fire, poison, lightning, and other elements he uses in his other system.

Sand Spells: has mastered more than a hundred sand spells from all three grades, lesser, greater, and omnipotent.

Space Spells: He has mastered tens of lesser spells, a couple of greater spells, and no omnipotent spell.

Examples of said mastered mentioned spells: Teleportation, Spatial Blade, spatial displacement, dimensional mirror, and Spatial Levitation.

Time Spells: He has mastered only four Time Lesser spells so far.

Examples: Temporal Freeze.