Mistress Candace Making a Move.

Although they were vexed that he refused to inform them of his method, they were still smart enough to avoid discussing this subject.

"Old dog Samuel will reject uniting with us even if we wanted." Hamaru replied.

"Oh, the conflict."

Felix recalled that he didn't leave those two sides at peace with each other.

"I will deal with the Commander, just prepare to make missions to send mercenaries." Felix ordered, "Planet Gamora is still salvageable even though it has a gigantic hole."

The Fang and the others looked at each other and nodded their heads in understanding.

'It seems like he isn't concerned about our last conflict.'

'Maybe, he truly wants to help humanity against the void invasion? If not else, why bother try to reclaim other planets.'

'We can't know his motives yet. Just chill and obey him for now.'

The telepathic conversation was ended sharply, not wanting to expose themselves in front of Felix.